President’s Message – August 2019

President’s Message

(August 2019)

The new Promatic skeet machines for field 3 have been installed with new remote

Controls and are available for use. Some rewiring is required but the current configuration does not affect the operation of the machines.

The trap fun day shoot that was cancelled due to extremely hot temperatures is now scheduled for Saturday Sept. 4 from 9 am to 12 noon. Shoot as many rounds as you want of wobble or regular trap. Everyone is invited and lunch will be provided free of charge. Just pay for your rounds. This is not a competition so come on out and have some fun.

For all of those trap league shooters that would like to attend, the club is having a cookout Saturday morning August 17th with food served at 12 noon. Following feeding our faces, trophies for the trap league top winning team and High Gun will be awarded. Thanks to everyone for participating as it was a success and we will be doing more in the future. Burgers and dogs are on the menu. There will be trap shooting prior to lunch being served.

The stairs on the skeet high houses are leaning to the right and are becoming unsightly. In the coming weeks they will be jacked up and leveled.

If anyone is interest in shooting 5 stand and wants some company, you can text Todd Hendrey at 815-739-6979 and he can tell you when members will be shooting. The Thursday night 5 stand fun shoots have resumed and will continue through the fall season. Shooting begins between 5:30 at 6 pm.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2019 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Black top the gravel area from the main parking lot to the barn – completed
  • New skeet machines for fields 1, 2 & 3 –  completed

2019 Events

  • Trap Day including lunch – 8/17/19
  • Trap Fun day shoot 9/4/19
  • Landfill lunch – 9/20/19
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/12/19

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes July 2019

BOD Meeting of July 1, 2019
PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Terry VanDenboom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey, Harley Shepherd
Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
Minutes of June 3, 2019 – Accepted as presented 6-0
Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.
2019 Projects:
Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
With current expenditures identified below it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year. Currently on hold
Two new skeet machines were purchased for use on field 3. Promatic will help with installation in August. The old machines will be available for use on five-stand field.
No new notices

  1. Events Annual meeting 3/30 – complete Spring Clean-up 5/4 –(Moved to May 11) complete Silver Dollar Shoot – June dates 22nd and 23rd complete Landfill Lunch – 9/20 Bragging Rights shoot – 10/12 Instead of organized shoots throughout the year several lunches will be provided In support of various shooting venues. 5 Stand – May 18 – Complete Trap General shooting – July 13 – On Schedule
    1. New Business:
      A motion was made to procure a new back pack style leaf blower for the club. Passed 6-0. complete
      A supplemental vote was taken by email to confirm the Board’s approval for procuring the third set of new Promatic skeet machines, remotes and maintenance hardware. The cost would be approximately $10-11K. Motion passed 6-0. complete

Meeting adjourned at 6:10
Next Board meeting is Monday, August 12 @ 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message – July 2019

President’s Message

(July 2019)

The new Promatic skeet machines for fields 1 & 2 have been installed with new remote controls. The machines for field 3 have been delivered with installation scheduled for the first week of August. I want to thank Owen Anderson and Al Perry for building the tables for our new skeet machines. Good job guys. I also should mention that the tables would not have turned out so nice without my help. As least I’d like to think so. I would be remiss for not thanking Tom Platt for rewiring the skeet houses to accommodate the new machines. Good job Tom.

The club hosted our annual Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot in June. It was a great success with 28 shooters participating. I want to express a special thank you to Chuck Jones for organizing and coordinating this event. Also I want to thank Rich Tomasewski and L.K. Roney for preparing the food, our lawn crew for making the grounds look great, and Larry Ohda for filling the houses with targets, and anyone else that I may have missed. Congratulations to club member Bob Zeek for winning the High Overall championship. Bob also donated the shoot hand towels. The other class winners are posted at the club.

Since our club is a shotgun club, I want to remind everyone that the handgun range is a complement/benefit for all members that wish to partake in this venue. As such, we do not accept applications from sportsmen or sportswomen that are strictly handgun shooter. Please keep this in mind when talking to potential members about joining our club.

We will be having a trap fun day shoot on Saturday July 13 from 9 am to 12 noon. Shoot as many rounds as you want of wobble or regular trap. Everyone is invited and lunch will be provided free of charge. Just pay for your rounds. This is not a competition so come on out and have some fun.

One of our steadfast rules is that no member can shoot without another person being present on club property. If there is an accident someone has to make the call. This other person can be another club member, a spouse, significant other, friend or anyone old enough to call for help. This other person can be an observer who does not shoot.

 If anyone is interest in shooting 5 stand and wants some company, you can text Todd Hendrey at 815-739-6979 and he can tell you when members will be shooting. The Thursday night 5 stand fun shoots have resumed and will continue through the fall season. Shooting begins between 5:30 at 6 pm.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2019 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Black top the gravel area from the main parking lot to the barn – completed
  • New skeet machines for fields 1 & 2 –  completed
  • New skeet machines for field 3 – delivered

2019 Events

  • Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot – completed
  • Trap Day including lunch – 7/13/19
  • Landfill lunch – 9/20/19
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/12/19

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – June 2019

BOD Meeting of June 3, 2019
PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Terry VanDenboom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey, Harley Shepherd
Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
Minutes of April 1, 2019 – Accepted as presented 6-0
There was no May BoD meeting
Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.
2019 Projects:
Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
With current expenditures identified below it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year. Currently on hold
Blacktop area from barn entrance to parking lot.
Quotes received and evaluated from William Charles and King Blacktop.
William Charles was out a second time to verify the ground could support blacktop without additional gravel support. Blacktop cost is $9,200 and will not require additional support. The work is being scheduled for May once the asphalt plant can open for season. Complete.
New skeet machines will be installed in May, fields 1 & 2, schedule to be firmed up as supplier will combine our installation with Promatic Northbrook club visit. Complete.
Todd Hendrey and Five Stand team procured and set up new receivers and remotes for the five stand area machines.
Carpet Cleaning complete in club house May 29.

  1. Events Annual meeting 3/30 – complete Spring Clean-up 5/4 –(Moved to May 11) complete Silver Dollar Shoot – June dates 22nd and 23rd Landfill Lunch – 9/20 Bragging Rights shoot – 10/12 Instead of organized shoots throughout the year several lunches will be provided In support of various shooting venues. 5 Stand – May 18 – Complete Trap General shooting – July 13 – On Schedule
    1. New Business:
      A motion was made to procure a new back pack style leaf blower for the club. Passed 6-0.
      A supplemental vote was taken by email to confirm the Board’s approval for procuring the third set of new Promatic skeet machines, remotes and maintenance hardware. The cost would be approximately $10-11K. Motion passed 6-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05
Next Board meeting is Monday, July 1@ 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message – June 2019

President’s Message

(June 2019)

The new Promatic skeet machines for fields 1 & 2 have been installed and are awaiting new remote

controls which should arrive by Thursday or Friday of this week. The installation takes just a few minutes. The fields are closed until that happens. However, skeet field 3 is open. We plan on buying new machines for field 3 later this summer. I will send out an email when fields 1 & 2 are open which should be this weekend. I want to thank the club members that helped with this project. There was a lot of hard work, skill, and effort that was put in to make this a successful project. I won’t name them because I’m sure I’ll miss somebodies name. The old machines were donated to the Boy Scouts.

I also want to thanks all those members that came out on cleanup day to lend a hand. The grounds look terrific.

If you haven’t noticed the parking lot has been extended from the current parking lot to the storage barn. You trap shooter can stop complaining about getting gravel in your cars. LOL.

The new receivers and transmitters for the 5 stand venue been received and installed on all of the machines. I have been told that they are working great and are a much improved system.

If anyone is interest in shooting 5 stand and wants some company, you can text Todd Hendrey at 815-739-6979 and he can tell you when members will be shooting. The Thursday night 5 stand fun shoots will resume starting on June 13 at 6 pm.

The Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot is June 22-23, 2019. To registration please email with your rotation preferences and shooting squads, or preregister on (shoot# 155268).

The club house carpet was cleaned last week. Please help keep it clean by picking up your donut droppings, potato chip crumbs, etc. Also be a help keep the place clean by and vacuum when needed.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2019 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 3 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Black top the gravel area from the main parking lot to the barn – completed
  • New skeet machines for fields 1 & 2 –  in process

2019 Events

  • 5 stand day including lunch – completed
  • Spring Cleanup – completed
  • Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot – June 22 & 23
  • Trap Day including lunch – 7/13/19
  • Landfill lunch – 9/20/19
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/12/19

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

RSC 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes


Meeting was called to order by President Sam Valenza at 9:00am

  • Reading and approval of the 2018 annual meeting minutes
    • Minutes were read by Secretary – Al Perry
  • Treasurer’s report
    • 2018 yearend financial reports – Presented by Treasurer Randy Scott
    • 2019 budget – Presented by Treasurer Randy Scott
      • Both will be posted on club bulletin board
  • 2019 Events:  The following events were reviewed by Sam Valenza.
    • Annual meeting 3/30 –
    • Spring Clean-up 5/4
    • Silver Dollar Shoot  – June 22nd and 23rd
    • Landfill Lunch  –  9/20
    • Bragging Rights shoot  – 10/12
    • Instead of organized shoots throughout the year several lunches will be provided In support of various shooting venues.
      • 5 Stand general shooting – May 18
      • Trap General shooting  – July 13
  • 2019 Club Projects
    • Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
      • With current expenditures identified below it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year. Currently on hold
    • Blacktop area from barn entrance to parking lot.
      • Quotes received and evaluated from William Charles and King Blacktop.
      • William Charles was out to verify the ground could support blacktop without additional gravel support. Blacktop cost is $9,200 and will not require additional support.  The work is being scheduled for May once the asphalt plant can open for season.
    • New skeet machines were purchased and will be installed on fields 1-2 in May schedule to be firmed up as supplier will combine our installation with Northbrook club visit. A third set for use on field 3 was quoted and may be purchased later in this year or early next.  The old machines from 1and 2 will be donated to the Boy Scouts and field 3 for use on 5 stand.
  • New Business –
    • Club members duties and responsibilities
      • As part of his annual speech Sam Valenza reiterated the need for club members to be active in club maintenance and diligent in maintaining a safe shooting environment. Yet again.
      • Trap league to begin 4-17.
      • It was brought up that new electronics were required for five-stand machines.  Caleb Davis and Todd Hendrey were tasked to get a quote for board review.
    • Open discussion
      • Sam Valenza and Al Perry met with Lyle Clem of NIRPC for a status.  The sale is proceeding in conjunction with the terms of the sale agreement.  Lyle emphasized this was a long term effort which may be years in the making. It was agreed that these meetings would continue in the future.
      • It was reiterated that only 8 shot or higher can be used at club.
      • George Ketter presented the idea of a pistol league and would present plan to board for review.
      • Discussion ensued as to whether the pistol range could be used for conceal carry holster pull practice.  The idea was open for further safety review but for now not be allowed except under certain, to be determined conditions.
      • It was suggested that doors be added to pistol range keeping winter weather out.  It will be discussed further with no action at this time.
  • Election Results: Members ran un-opposed.
    • Vice-President: Larry Ohda
    • Treasure: Randy Scott
    • Bod Members at Large:
      • Todd Hendry
      • Harley Shepherd
      • Terry VanDenBoom

No other business was conducted and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 These meeting Minutes were prepared and submitted by Secretary Al Perry

BOD Meeting Minutes – April 2019

BOD Meeting of April 1, 2019
PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Terry VanDenboom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey
ABSENT: Harley Shepherd
Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
Minutes of March 11, 2019 – Accepted as presented 5-0
Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.
2019 Projects:
Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
With current expenditures identified below it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year. Currently on hold
Blacktop area from barn entrance to parking lot.
Quotes received and evaluated from William Charles and King Blacktop.
William Charles was out a second time to verify the ground could support blacktop without additional gravel support. Blacktop cost is $9,200 and will not require additional support. The work is being scheduled for May once the asphalt plant can open for season.
New skeet machines will be installed in May schedule to be firmed up as supplier will combine our installation with Northbrook club visit.
Due to increased cost of targets the cost of rounds for members is being increased to $4.00 effective immediately. The increase will not affect prepaid rounds prior to April 1st. Board approved the increase 4-1.
Board approved a hand gun league to be run by George Ketter. The details will follow. Board approved plan 5-0.
New member orientation form was created and safety officers were briefed prior to annual meeting on Saturday.
Trap league starts 4-17 with 9 teams signed up.

  1. Events Annual meeting 3/30 – complete Spring Clean-up 5/4 Silver Dollar Shoot – June dates 22nd and 23rd (note correction to June) Landfill Lunch – 9/20 Bragging Rights shoot – 10/12 Instead of organized shoots throughout the year several lunches will be provided In support of various shooting venues. 5 Stand – May 18 Trap General shooting – July 13
    1. New Business:
      Motion made to skip May meeting due to board member availability. 5-0
      New member orientation sheet was created and safety officers were briefed prior to annual meeting on Saturday.
      Motion was passed 5-0 to allow Todd Hendrey to spend up to $3,300 on new receivers and misc hardware in support of 5-stand machines.

Meeting adjourned at 6:20.
Next Board meeting is Monday, June 3 @ 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message – April 2019

President’s Message

(April 2019)

The price of targets has increased by $1.60 per case in an 18 month period since September of 2017 to our last delivery in March of this year resulting in a 19 %  increase. Our target prices have held firm since January of 2012. The Board of Directors has decided that to maintain our profit margins, the price of rounds will increase by $.50 to $4.00 a round. This increase is effective starting today April 2, 2019. Any payments deposited in the club draw before April 2 will be credited as $3.50 rounds. All prepaid rounds in the log book will remain at $3.50. All rounds recorded in the log books that have not been paid will be at $4.00. When payment is made for these unpaid rounds, please calculate the payment at $4.00 per round.

The new Promatic skeet machines for fields 1 & 2 have been received and will be installed by the Promatic technicians around the first of May. We will need help from the members to assist in removing the old machines and placing the new machines in the skeet houses. The machines on field 3 will be replaced later this year or in the spring of 2020.

As stated in my March President’s Message the Board also approved extending the parking lot to the barn. The work will be done by William Charles and should be completed sometime during the second half of May of this year. I will send out a notice advising when work will begin.

The board also approved the purchase of new receivers and transmitters for the 5 stand venue.

Just to give everyone a perspective on our approved expenditure so far for this year the following is a breakdown.

  • New Skeet Machines – $20,000
  • Parking lot blacktop – $9,000
  • Targets – $18,000
  • 5 stand receivers and transmitters – $3,300

If you are planning on shooting in our spring trap league you will need to sign up by April 10 if you haven’t done so already. The league starts on April 17. Nonmembers are welcome to participate so ask your friends to join you.  CONTACT Jeff Celletti to sign up and for questions contact Jeff at or 815-713-6322.

George Ketter is starting a pistol league if there is enough interest. It will be held twice a month consisting of 10 to 12 shoots. Each league shoot will consist of a 60 round course of fire with up to 8 shooters on the firing line at a time. Cost would be $5 per shoot. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the league. To be eligible for prizes you must complete all the shoots. There will be make up shoots and pre shoots if a shooter  misses or cannot attend a future shoot. A shooter can shoot 2 matches in 1 day with no more than 2 shoots on a given day. Shoots for April will be on the 13 & 27 with a 9 a.m. start time. The shoot is open to members and guests. Guests will have to pay the $5.00 shoot fee plus the $5.00 guest fee each time he/she shoots. Contact George to sign up and for questions at 815-631-9366 or email to

Our annual meeting was held on Saturday March 30, 2019 at 9am at the club. The BOD addressed club finances, events and projects, election results, and took questions from the attendees.

Our annual spring cleanup date is at 8:30 am on Saturday May 4. Bring out your shovels, rakes, and trimmers. No shooting will be allowed until all of the work is done. I hope to see you there. Lunch will be provided.

The 2019 Board of Directors election results are as follows.

  • Vice President – Larry Ohda
  • Treasurer – Randy Scott
  • Directors – Terry VanDenBoom, Harley Shepherd, Todd Hendrey

The Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot is June 22-23, 2019. Please register early, this is a 30 shooter event. $48 a gun fees included. Payouts are 1-5 = 100%, 6-13 = 65/35%, 14+=50/30/20%. $8/ stays in Class $2/ Gun Champ. All Shoot offs will held at the end of each day. For registration please email with your rotation preferences and shooting squads, or preregister on (shoot# 155268)

Rotations           Sat 6/22         Sun 6/23

                         12ga   20ga     28ga    410ga

1                       9:30    1:00     11:00   2:30

2                      11:00  2:30     9:30     1:00

Lunch will be served and is included for registered shooters. Any questions please call Chuck Jones 815-275-0090. General Info: This mandatory purse skeet shoot with a set of rotation of events, times and fields. All current NSSA rules will apply and shoot is restricted to NSSA members. It is the SHOOTER’S responsibility to have their average card in order. Shoot management reserves the right to refuse entry of anyone that may interfere with the harmony of a shoot and reserves the right to change or cancel any portion of the program it deems warranted. No refunds of paid entries will be made unless circumstances warrant it. Emails will confirm your squad registration.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2019 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 3 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Black top the gravel area from the main parking lot to the barn – approved
  • New skeet machines for fields 1 & 2 –  approved

2019 Events

  • 5 stand day including lunch – 4/27/19
  • Spring Cleanup – 5/4/19
  • Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot – June 22 & 23
  • Trap Day including lunch – 7/13/19
  • Landfill lunch – 9/20/19
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/12/19

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – March 2019

BOD Meeting of March 11, 2019

PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Terry VanDenboom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey
Meeting called to order at 5: 25 by President Sam Valenza
Minutes of February 4 , 2019 – Accepted as presented 6-0
Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.
2019 Projects:
Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
With current expenditures identified below it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year.
Blacktop area from barn entrance to parking lot.
Quotes received and evaluated from William Charles and King Blacktop.
Board approved motion for Sam Valenza to authorize and contract with William Charles to complete work which includes full blacktop of the area between current blacktop parking lot and the garage entrance. Blacktop cost is $9,200 with additional cost of $5,300 if base depth enhancement is required. Motion passed 6-0.
A motion was made to authorize the procurement of new skeet throwing machines for all three fields at the president’s discretion. The motion passed 6-0 and the club purchased machines for fields 1 and 2, including installation, this year with a third set priced for procurement and installation next year. Machines will be installed later this spring on fields 1 and 2. The new machines were procured at a price of $10,035 per set/field with additional cost of approx. $600 each for installation. The old machines are being donated to the Boy Scouts.
The President and Secretary met with a member of NIRPC for a status of their plans for developing the gravel pit and property adjacent to the RSC property. The status is that the plans were going forward on a long term basis consistent with original plans. We asked if we could formally expand the 5-stand overshoot with documented agreement. He would bring up our request at their next meeting.

2019 Events

Annual meeting 3/30
Spring Clean-up 5/4
Silver Dollar Shoot – July dates 22nd and 23rd
Landfill Lunch – 9/20
Bragging Rights shoot – 10/12
Instead of organized shoots throughout the year several lunches will be provided In support of various shooting venues.
5 Stand – April 27
Trap General shooting – July 13

New Business:
The Board will set up meeting with NIRPC to discuss status of land deal with S&T. Meeting tentatively scheduled for February 2019. Complete see above note.
To improve and provide consistent safety briefings to new and current members, a review of current documentation and development of an implementation plan is being undertaken. Action: Randy Scott. Complete and new Safety Orientation briefing form established for new members.
A review of the club policies and procedures is being conducted for relevancy. Action Al Perry. Complete and updated book in clubhouse
Meeting adjourned at 6:40.
Next Board meeting is Monday, April 2 @ 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message March 2019

President’s Message

(March 2019)

The Board of Directors has approved the purchase of two new sets of Promatic skeet machines for fields 1 & 2. The machines on field 3 will be replaced later this year or in the spring of 2020. Delivery of the machines will be in the next couple of week. The Board also approved extending the parking lot to the barn. The work will be done by William Charles and should be completed sometime in May of this year.

If you are planning on shooting in our spring trap league you will need to sign up by April 1 if you haven’t done so already. The league starts on April 17. Non members are welcome to participate so ask your friends to join you.  CONTACT: Jeff Celletti to signup or if you have any questions at or 815-713-6322.

Our annual meeting is on Saturday March 30, 2019 at 9am at the club. The BOD will be addressing club finances, events and projects, election results, and taking questions from the attendees.

The electronic ballots and the paper ballots, for those that do not have email, for the 2019 board of director’s election have been sent out to the membership.

A meeting/discussion was held with the Northern Illinois Pistol and Rifle Club regarding plans for the quarry. The following are some of the topics discussed.

  • The NIRPC is continuing to pay off the Harrison Av. Property where the club currently shoots and has approximately two years left to complete sale and deed transfer.
  • In addition, NIRPC is paying the earnest money to S & T Land Corporation for the RSC property. Approximately two years of earnest payments are left before having to secure loan for completion of sale
  • NIRPC stated they have not secured a loan for the balance of procurement of RSC land but don’t feel that this will be a problem as they have secured an MOA with RSC for continuing rent payments which will generate income for consideration by a loaning institution.
  • Some discussion ensued as to how the quarry will be developed. NIRPC may look at providing year round facilities with electricity and water but these plans are not final.  First course of retrofit will be to fill the pond then provide some berms for shooting purposes.  None of this is final and plans for overall development appear at least several years off.
  • RSC asked if the club could get an agreement for increased scope of overshoot for 5-Stand. NIRPC agreed to consider and would bring up at their next monthly meeting.
  • To end the meeting NIRPC and RSC members agreed to continue to meet and work on facilitating discussions for future operations of both clubs.

The Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot is June 22-23, 2019. Please register early. This is a 30 shooter event. $48 a gun fees included. Payouts are 1-5 = 100%, 6-13 = 65/35%, 14+=50/30/20%. $8/ stays in Class $2/ Gun Champ. All Shoot offs will held at the end of each day. For registration please email with your rotation preferences and shooting squads, or preregister on (shoot# 155268)

Rotations           Sat 6/22         Sun 6/23

                         12ga   20ga     28ga    410ga

1                       9:30    1:00     11:00   2:30

2                      11:00  2:30     9:30     1:00

Lunch will be served and is included for registered shooter. Any questions please call Chuck Jones 815-275-0090. General Info: This mandatory purse skeet shoot with a set of rotation of events, times and fields. All current NSSA rules will apply and shoot is restricted to NSSA members. It is the SHOOTER’S responsibility to have their average card in order. Shoot management reserves the right to refuse entry of anyone that may interfere with the harmony of a shoot and reserves the right to change or cancel any portion of the program it deems warranted. No refunds of paid entries will be made unless circumstances warrant it. Emails will confirm your squad registration.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2019 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 3 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Black top the gravel area from the main parking lot to the barn – approved
  • New skeet machines for fields 1 & 2 –  approved

2019 Events

  • Annual Meeting – 3/30/19
  • 5 stand day including lunch – 4/27/19
  • Spring Cleanup – 5/4/19
  • Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot – June 22 & 23
  • Trap Day including lunch – 7/13/19
  • Landfill lunch – 9/20/19
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/12/19

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.