BOD Meeting of October 7, 2019
PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Terry VanDenBoom, Randy Scott, Harley Shepherd
ABSENT: Todd Hendrey
⦁ Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
⦁ Minutes of September 9, 2019 – Accepted as presented 5-0
⦁ Treasurers Report:
⦁ Accepted as read, attached by reference.
⦁ 2019 Projects:
⦁ Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
⦁ With current annual expenditures already in 2019 it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year. This project will move to 2020.
⦁ A new project was recommended by Pistol Range Safety officers to move handgun pistol range safety lights to a more visible location. Scheduling work is in progress.
⦁ Notices:
Due to new Promatic Skeet machines the electrical wiring will need to be adjusted. Action Tom Platt.
Stairs to the high skeet houses need to be supported on fields 2 and 3. Action Owen Anderson and Larry Odha.
The board is considering additional safety protection around the skeet machine arm.
Annual Land Fill Luncheon, a lunch provided by RSC for the Landfill employees, was completed and deemed successful by the Landfill crew.
T shirts with club logo will be available within the next couple of weeks.
The hand gun league wrapped up with Caleb Davis the winner.
- Events
⦁ Annual meeting 3/30 – complete
⦁ Spring Clean-up 5/4 – complete
⦁ Silver Dollar Shoot – complete
⦁ Landfill Lunch – 9/20 – complete
⦁ Bragging Rights shoot – 10/12 - New Business:
Board recognized the need for additional help in mowing operations in the future and will begin exploring alternatives. Open action
The board recommended the procurement of a new Gun Blue Book for use at the club and the procurement of additional kitchen spices for use at the club. - Special Notice of Board Personnel changes:
Larry Ohda, after 20 plus years of service on the Board, has decided to resign from the RSC Board of Directors.
⦁ In conjunction with RSC Bylaws, a new Vice President was recommended by the President and approved by the Board 5-0. The new Vice President is Al Perry.
As Al Perry transitions to the Vice President position