BOD Meeting Minutes – January 2020

                  BOD Meeting of January 6 th 2020                                                                        PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, , Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Terry VanDenBoom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey , Caleb Davis

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
2.     Minutes of December 2 / 2019 – Accepted as presented 6-0
3.    Treasurers Report: Approved , 6-0
4.    2020 Projects:
a.     Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.- On hold, This project will move to early spring 2020 .
b.     Level the stairs on skeet field 3 high house . Completed
c.    Safety bar for all low house skeet machines – In process
d.     Rewiring of field 3 skeet house – In process
e. Skeet houses maintenance – Next spring , Dates to be determined.
f.      Paint propane tank – Todd Hendrys , Spring 2020
g.    Winter snow removal rules – Posted

  1. 2020 Events.
    a. Annual meeting – 3 / 31/20
    b. Cleanup day – 5 / 2/20
    c. Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21
    d. Landfill lunch – 9 /11
    e. Future club shoots , Will start with Club Fun Day – 5 / 30 Free lunch , and 1 raffle ticket for each round logged.
    f. 2020 annual dues are to be paid by 2/1/2020
  2. New Business:
    a. Private group events – Must have all the information given to the B.O.D. in a timely manner for proper authorization .
    b. Trap League – Approved – Dates to be determined .
    c. 5 Stand Thursday night shoots , To be determined.
    d. Hand Gun League – Approved , Dates to be determined.
    e. New shooter and youth – Handgun Fun Day. Dates to be determined.
  3. B.O.D. Elections , Sam Valenza , Caleb Davis , and 3 directors .
  4. Marijuana use Prohibited .

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 Next Board meeting is Monday March 2nd @ 5:30 PM Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary

President’s Message – January 2020

President’s Message

(January 2020)

The invoices for the annual dues have been mailed to all members. Payment is due by February 1, 2020. Payment received after February 1, 2020 will not be accepted. In order to be reinstated, a new membership application will be required with a check for $175.00. If you did not receive an invoice please contact me at 815-721-1417.

Now that Marijuana is legal in Illinois the Board of Directors has updated the club policy on alcohol and drug use on club property. The policy reads as follows:

Alcohol and Drug Policy

(Rev. Jan 2020)

Rockford Skeet Club Members and/or Member’s Guest shall not use or be under the influence of any alcohol, marijuana/cannabis or illegal drugs on club property. Club Members, or Member’s Guest shall not use or be under the influence of any stimulants, depressants, tranquilizers or mood altering drugs that are not prescribed by a medical doctor on club property. Alcohol and illegal drugs cannot be stored on club property. Members who violate this rule will be brought before the Board of Directors for disciplinary action and are subject to membership termination.

The lawn crew is looking for a couple of members that would be willing to be backups to the existing crew. If you are interest in being a backup to assist in mowing the grounds, please contact me at 815-721-1417 or email me at

Thanks to Rich Tomasewski and Bob Raley for leveling the stairs on all of the skeet field high houses.

If any member would like to run or nominate someone for the Board of Directors positions of president, secretary, and the three directors for 2020, please contacts Gino Nizzi at Nominations are due by February 1, 2020.

The club will again be having a 10 week trap league and a 10 week handgun league and possibly a 5 stand league this coming spring. I will provide details as they become available.

Now that winter is upon us the following winter shooting rule are in effect.

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2020 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Rewiring of skeet field 3 as a result of the installation of the new machines
  • Skeet House maintenance
  • Paint propane tank
  • Safety bars on all low house skeet machines
  • Clean out Barn

2020 Events

  • Annual Meeting – 3/31/20
  • Cleanup Day – 5/2/20
  • Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21/200
  • Club Fun Day – 5/30/20
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/11/20

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

President’s Message – Dec. 2019

President’s Message

(December 2019)

It has been another busy and eventful year at the Rockford Skeet Club. The following are the projects and events that were done during the year. The club purchased new skeet machines for all three fields, purchased new receivers and transmitters for the 5 stand venue, new knock down targets for the handgun range, extended the parking lot to the barn. We also held several events including the Silver Dollar Skeet Shoot, a trap and pistol league, trap and 5 stand fun days, Braggin Rights Shoot, and provided lunch for our neighbors at the landfill. I’d say that is was a very good year.

The invoices for the annual dues will be sent out around December 15 and payment is due by February 1, 2020. Payment received after February 1, 2020 will not be accepted. In order to be reinstated, a new membership application will be required with a check for $175.00.

I want to remind everyone of our guest procedure which is as follows.


  • Guest(s) and their host member shall print their names and date in the guest log book on every visit to the club.
  • The Guest will shoot at member’s round fee. The member may log all rounds (member and guest) on his/her page in the log book to pay for Guest rounds shot. Or, the Guest may pay for their own rounds by placing payment in a payment envelope and clearly marking envelope “payment of guest rounds” including the Guests name.
  • The Guest will also be required to pay a $5.00 user fee for each day that he/she shoots. The $5.00 user fee will be deposited in the envelopes provided and will be placed in the club depository located in the clubhouse.  
  • The member’s spouse, children, and grandchildren (under the age of 25) may shoot under the member’s membership.
  • For safety concerns,  when members bring more than four guests to shoot at a specific venue (Skeet, Trap etc.) a Board of Directors member or Safety Officer must be present at the venue during shooting.

A safety office or member is required for every 4 guests. If there are eight guests, one member and one safety officer is required, if there are 12 guests, one member and two safety offices are required.

If you are planning on having a large group of guests, please notify me or a board member in advance so the proper arrangements can be made. We want to make sure that everyone is safe and has a good experience.

The lawn crew is looking for a couple of members that would be willing to be backups to the existing crew. If you are interest in being a backup to assist in mowing the grounds, please contact me at 815-721-1417 or email me at  

We are also looking for a few more safety officers. If you would like to be a safety officer, please contact me and we will get you trained.

Now that winter is upon us the following winter shooting rule are in effect.

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

We are selling club T-shirts for $15.00 each and they are located on the back counter of the club house. We have medium, large, extra-large, and 2X large. To buy a shirt, please put your cash or check in a club envelope dully marked and put the envelope in the deposit drawer.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2020 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Level the stairs on the skeet field high houses
  • Rewiring of skeet field 3 as a result of the installation of the new machines
  • Skeet House maintenance
  • Paint propane tank
  • Safety bars on all low house skeet machines
  • Clean out Barn

2020 Events

  • Annual Meeting – 3/31/20
  • Cleanup Day – 5/2/20
  • Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21/200
  • Club Fun Day – 5/30/20
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/11/20

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – Dec. 2019

                  BOD Meeting of Decmber  2, 2019                                                                                             PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, , Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Terry VanDenBoom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey , Caleb Davis

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
2.     Minutes of November 4 , 2019 – Accepted as presented 6-0
3.    Treasurers Report: Approved , 6-0
4.    2019 Projects:
a.     Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.- On hold, This project will move to early spring 2020 .
b.     Level the stairs on skeet field 3 high house – Early spring 2020                      
c.    Safety bar for all low house skeet machines – In process
d.     Rewiring of field 3 skeet house – In process
e. Skeet houses maintenance – Next spring , Dates to be determined.
f.      Paint propane tank – Todd Hendrys
g.    Winter snow removal rules – Posted

  1. 2020 Events.
    a. Annual meeting – 3 / 21
    b. Cleanup day – 5 / 2
    c. Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21
    d. Landfill lunch – 9 /11
    e. Future club shoots , Will start with Club Fun Day – 5 / 30 Free lunch , and 1 raffle ticket for each round logged. More to be discussed .
    f. 2020 annual dues should be mailed out by 12 /15/ 19
  2. New Business:
    a. Private group events – Must have all the information given to the B.O.D. in a timely manner for proper authorization .
    b. B.O.D. Elections , Sam Valenza , Caleb Davis , and 3 directors .
    Meeting adjourned at 6:30 Next Board meeting is Monday January 6 @ 5:30 PM Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary

BOD Meeting Minutes – November 2019

                 BOD Meeting of November 4, 2019                                                                                             PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd,

ABSENT:  Terry VanDenBoom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey
1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
2.     Minutes of November 4 , 2019 – Accepted as presented 3-0
3.    Treasurers Report:
a.     Accepted as read, attached by reference.
4.    2019 Projects:
a.     Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.- On hold
 b.     With current annual expenditures already in 2019 it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year.  This project will move to 2020.

  1. Events
    a.     Level the stairs on skeet field 3 high house – In process
    b.    Safety bar for all low house skeet machines – In process
    c.     Rewiring of field 3 skeet house – In process
    d.    Relocate handgun range flashing lights from ceiling to front wall and add 2 new strobe lights – Completed
    e.     Skeet remote returned to Promatic for repair – Completed
    f.      Purchase kitchen spices and Gun Blue Book – Completed
    g.     New and replacement BOD positions effective at end of meeting – Completed
    h.    Winter snow removal rules – Posted
  2. New Business:
    a. Bragging Rights Shoot – Changed for special venue shoots  – To be discussed
    b. Future club shoots – To be discussed at next BOD 
    c. 2020 annual dues should be mailed out by mid December Meeting adjourned at 6:00 Next Board meeting is Monday December 2nd @ 5:30 PM Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary

President’s Message – November 2019

President’s Message

(November 2019)

As of November 4, 2019 Larry Oda has resigned as Vice President of our club. Al Perry has taken Larry’s vice president position and Caleb Davis has taken over Al’s Secretary position. Again I would like to thank Larry for all of his years of service to the club.

The annual Braggin Rights Shoot was held on Saturday October 12. George Ketter won first place, Greg Baylander was second and Rob Tholin was third. Congratulations gentlemen. I was disappointed in the turnout for this shoot and previous shoots that were held this year. Ten members participated in the Braggin Rights shoot and the other shoots were not well attended either. This is a pattern with our shoots and I don’t know why. The board will be discussing the fate of future shoots. If you have any ideas as to how we can get more participation, please let me or any board member know of your ideas.

The flashing lights in the pistol range have been relocated from the ceiling to above the shooting stations so that they are more visible when turned on. Thanks to Bob Liphart for moving them.

Now that winter is upon us the following winter shooting rule are in effect.

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

We are selling club T-shirts for $15.00 each and they are located on the back counter of the club house. We have medium, large, extra-large, and 2X large. To buy a shirt, please put your cash or check in a club envelope dully marked and put the envelope in the deposit drawer.

The invoices for the 2020 membership dues will be sent during the first week of December. Payment has to be received by February 1, 2020 in order to continue your membership. Payment received after February 1, 2019 will not be accepted. In order to be reinstated, a new membership application will be required with a check for $175.00.

The board will be establishing our 2020 events and projects. If have any ideas regarding events and projects, please let me or any board member know what you are thinking.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2019 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Level the stairs on the skeet field high houses
  • Rewiring of skeet field 3 as a result of the installation of the new machines

2019 Events

  • All events are completed

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – Oct. 2019

BOD Meeting of October 7, 2019
PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Terry VanDenBoom, Randy Scott, Harley Shepherd
ABSENT: Todd Hendrey
⦁ Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
⦁ Minutes of September 9, 2019 – Accepted as presented 5-0
⦁ Treasurers Report:
⦁ Accepted as read, attached by reference.
⦁ 2019 Projects:
⦁ Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
⦁ With current annual expenditures already in 2019 it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year. This project will move to 2020.
⦁ A new project was recommended by Pistol Range Safety officers to move handgun pistol range safety lights to a more visible location. Scheduling work is in progress.
⦁ Notices:
Due to new Promatic Skeet machines the electrical wiring will need to be adjusted. Action Tom Platt.
Stairs to the high skeet houses need to be supported on fields 2 and 3. Action Owen Anderson and Larry Odha.
The board is considering additional safety protection around the skeet machine arm.
Annual Land Fill Luncheon, a lunch provided by RSC for the Landfill employees, was completed and deemed successful by the Landfill crew.
T shirts with club logo will be available within the next couple of weeks.
The hand gun league wrapped up with Caleb Davis the winner.

  1. Events
    ⦁ Annual meeting 3/30 – complete
    ⦁ Spring Clean-up 5/4 – complete
    ⦁ Silver Dollar Shoot – complete
    ⦁ Landfill Lunch – 9/20 – complete
    ⦁ Bragging Rights shoot – 10/12
  2. New Business:
    Board recognized the need for additional help in mowing operations in the future and will begin exploring alternatives. Open action
    The board recommended the procurement of a new Gun Blue Book for use at the club and the procurement of additional kitchen spices for use at the club.
  3. Special Notice of Board Personnel changes:
    Larry Ohda, after 20 plus years of service on the Board, has decided to resign from the RSC Board of Directors.
    ⦁ In conjunction with RSC Bylaws, a new Vice President was recommended by the President and approved by the Board 5-0. The new Vice President is Al Perry.
    As Al Perry transitions to the Vice President position

President’s Message – Oct. 2019

President’s Message

(October 2019)

I am sad to announce that Larry Oda will be stepping down as Vice President of our club. He has served us for many years doing such tasks as keeping the club house stocked with kitchen and toiletry supplies, cooking for various events, coordinating with the landfill to unload the targets off of the semi, loading the skeet houses, and many other jobs that are too numerous to name. Larry, your dedication and hard work is and always has been appreciated. Thanks you Sir. A cake will be at the club this Saturday in recognition of Larry so stop on out and say Hi.

Our current Secretary, Al Perry, will be taking over Larry’s position as vice president for the remainder of Larry’s term which expires in March of 2021. The Board of Directors has appointed Caleb Davis to fill Al’s position as Secretary for the remainder of Al’s term which expires in March of 2020. This change is effective at our next Board of Directors meeting on November 4.

The annual Braggin Rights Shoot is this Saturday October 12. This is a fun shoot for all club members. Twenty five each of trap, skeet, and 5-stand will be shot. Prizes will be awarded to the top three shooters.  It is a fun day and I encourage all levels of shooter to come on out and have some fun. Lunch is included. The following rules apply.

  • Cost is $5.00 plus three rounds. One round of trap, skeet, and 5 stand
  • Total of all three scores will determine the winners. Ties will be determined by a shoot off.
  • All entry money is returned at:
    • 1st place – 50%
    • 2nd place – 30%
    • 3rd place – 20%
  • Any gauge at any field can be used
  • Shooting between 9:00 AM and 12 noon
  • If you do not wish to shoot in the event, you can shoot at any open field or spot
  • Members only may shoot in this event but the club is open to guests
  • If you don’t shoot and want lunch it will cost $5.00

2019 Illinois Skeet Championships

Rockford members:

Bob Zeek won HOA state title with 392×400 and also the 12ga state title with a 100×100

Joe Vancura won the 28ga state title 100×100

Rockford Skeet and Trap won IL 5-man club championship with the team of

Jeff Moecher

Jeff Albertson

Jim Dial

Bob Zeek

Joe Vancura

Congratulations gentlemen for a job well done

It has been brought to my attention that some members are driving their cars along the east side of the skeet fields to get to the handgun range and/or 5 stand venue. Ruts are being left in the grass which makes it difficult to mow. Please refrain from doing this and use the gate to the south of our main gate to access the venues.

The club will be selling T-shirts with the club logo starting this coming weekend. All shirt sizes are $15.00 each. We will be selling medium, large, extra-large, and 2X large. To buy a shirt, please put your cash or check in a club envelope dully marked and put the envelope in the deposit drawer.

The club served the folks at the landfill a T-bone steak lunch in appreciations of all that they do for us throughout the year which includes snow plowing, garbage collection, loading targets into the skeet house, and assisting in other projects that come about during the year. All seemed to have a good time eating some delicious food. Thanks landfill guys and girls for all that you do for us.

The hand gun league has been completed with Caleb Davis winning the championship. Congratulations Caleb. I want to thank George and Sue Ketter for running the league. They did a fantastic job. We are hoping to have another league in the spring. 

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

2019 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Level the stairs on the skeet field high houses
  • Rewiring of skeet field 3 as a result of the installation of the new machines

2019 Events

  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/12/19

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now

President’s Message – Sept. 2019

President’s Message

(September 2019)

Our trap fun day was held this past Saturday. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Thanks to Larry Ohda for putting together a great lunch of pulled pork poor boys.

The club will be selling T-shirts with the club logo sometime later this month or early October. Pricing still need to be determined. We will be selling medium, large, extra-large, and 2X large sizes.

The club will be providing the folks at the landfill with a steak lunch in appreciations of all that they do for us throughout the year which includes snow plowing, garbage collection, loading targets into the skeet house, and assisting in other projects that come about during the year.  This annual event will take place on Friday September 20 from 11 am to about 1:30 pm. If you plan on being at the club that day just keep in mind that the club house will be used for the lunch during these hours. You will have to hangout outside. Thanks for you cooperation.

The club purchased steel knock down targets and a dueling tree rack for the handgun range. The knock down targets are on a rope cable that is on one of the shooting stations. Just pull on the rope and the targets are set upright. No need to go down range.

If anyone is interest in shooting 5 stand and wants some company, you can text Todd Hendrey at 815-739-6979 and he can tell you when members will be shooting. The Thursday night 5 stand fun shoots have resumed and will continue through the fall season. Shooting begins between 5:30 at 6 pm.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

2019 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Black top the gravel area from the main parking lot to the barn – completed
  • New skeet machines for fields 1, 2 & 3 –  completed

2019 Events

  • Landfill lunch – 9/20/19
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/12/19

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – Sept. 2019

BOD Meeting of September 9, 2019
PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Terry VanDenBoom, Randy Scott, Harley Shepherd, Todd Hendrey
Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
Minutes of August 12, 2019 – Accepted as presented 6-0
Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.
2019 Projects:
Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
With current annual expenditures already in 2019 it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year. This project will move to 2020.
An email vote by the BoD was held to allow the procurement of new targets for the pistol range. The vote was 5-0 with one no vote in favor.
Due to new Promatic Skeet machines the electrical wiring will need to be adjusted. Action Tom Platt.
Stairs to the high skeet houses need to be supported on fields 2 and 3. Action Owen Anderson and Larry Odha.
The board is considering additional safety protection around the skeet machine arm. Action Owen Anderson/ Caleb Davis.
Trap league awards luncheon is scheduled for Saturday August 18. Complete

  1. Events
    Annual meeting 3/30 – complete
    Spring Clean-up 5/4 – complete
    Silver Dollar Shoot – complete
    Landfill Lunch – 9/20
    Bragging Rights shoot – 10/12
    Instead of organized shoots throughout the year several lunches will be provided In support of various shooting venues. 5 stand and Trap shoots complete for 2019
  2. New Business:
    Bod authorized the procurement of T Shirts for sale by club with club logo. Procurement in process. Approved 6-0.
    Board recognized the need for additional help in mowing operations in the future and will begin exploring alternatives.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00
Next Board meeting is Monday, October 7 @ 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary