President’s Message – Oct. 2014

President’s Message

(October 2014)

The handgun range berms have been completed and will be seeded in the near future. The cement pad has been poured and construction of the shooting stations/shelter has started. We still are in need of volunteers to help Owen Anderson build the shooting stations. If you can help, please call him at 815-494-6830. The more help we can get, the sooner we can start shooting. Absolutely no one will be able to shoot until they have completed the safety training for the handgun range. I will keep you all informed as to when the training will begin. Also the BOD has approved a $25.00 yearly handgun range usage fee. The fee is due upon completion of the safety training.

The annual Braggin Rights Shoot is this Saturday October 11, 2014. I hope to see you all there. You get a free lunch even if you don’t win.

  • Date – Saturday, Oct 11
  • Time – Must sign in by 0900
  • $5 plus your rounds
  • 25 each skeet, trap, 5 stand, you keep your own score
  • Entry money returned at 50% for 1st, 30% for 2nd and 20% for 3rd
  • Any gauge can be used at any field
  • Best total score
  • Members only can partake, but guests or those not willing to participate can shoot as space is available
  • Free lunch at noon

Club Member Frank Halsey is hosting a Geezer Shoot at the club on Nov. 1, 2014 with a rain date of Nov. 8. The shoot will start at 10 am and finish when done. The shoot consists of one round of skeet and one round of sporting clays. There will be three winners in each class (1st, 2nd, 3rd). The classes will be 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75 and over. A free lunch will be provided. The cost includes a $5.00 entry fee, plus the cost of the two rounds (which are to be posted on the members log sheet).

The family members policy has been revised and is as follows. This revised policy will be posted on our web site and in our policy/procedures book located in the club house. The revision includes grandchildren which were omitted in the basic policy.

A Membership shall include the principal member and the immediate family – husband, wife, children, custodial children, and grandchildren under the age of twenty-five (25). The principal member will be allowed full access to the Club, voting rights, and the opportunity to serve as a Club officer. Family members under the age of twenty-five (25) will be allowed access to the Club only under the direct supervision of the principal member or other adult Club members.

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved and on hold
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration

2014 Club Events

  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14
  • Geezer Shoot – Nov. 1, 2014

Best Regards

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

President’s Message – Sept. 2014

President’s Message

(September 2014)

Thanks to LK Roney for donating a brand new gas grill. That was very generous of you LK. Members are free to use it at any time. If at any time the gas runs low, let me or any BOD member know so that it can be refilled.

The skeet field 1 remote has been repaired and is being returned this week. I also ordered a spare one to have on hand when we have any failure.

The night skeet light bulb that was burnt out on field 2 has been replaced. Thanks to Larry Ohda for renting the bucket lift and going up in it to replace the bulb.

We have resumed the construction of the handgun range. The berms will be completed this week and the grass will be seeded on the berms early next week. Shortly after that the cement pad will be poured. The plan is to start construction of the shooting stations/shelter by the end of September. No one will be able to shoot until they have completed the safety training for the handgun range. I will keep you all informed as to when the training will begin. Thanks to Bob Lichty over at the Landfill for building the range.

We held our annual steak lunch on September 9, 2014 for the good folks over at the Landfill. This was a small token of our appreciation for all that they do for us. . Thanks to Jeff Theien, John Lichty, Bob Lichty, and crew for being such great neighbors.

Mark you calendars as the annual Braggin Rights Shoot is Saturday October 11, 2014. I hope to see you all there. You get a free lunch even if you don’t win.

  • Date – Saturday, Oct 11
  • Time – Must sign in by 0900
  • $5 plus your rounds
  • 25 each skeet, trap, 5 stand, you keep your own score
  • entry money returned at 50% for 1st, 30% for 2nd and 20% for 3rd
  • Any gauge can be used at any field
  • best total score
  • Members only can partake, but guests or those not willing to participate can shoot as space is available
  • free lunch at noon

The following is a new policy regarding family members and minor children. The policy will be posted on our web site and in our policy/procedures book located in the club house.

A Membership shall include the principal member applicant and the immediate family who resides within the same domicile – husband, wife, and children or custodial children under the age of twenty-five (25). The principal member will be allowed full access to the Club, voting rights, and the opportunity to serve as a Club officer. Family members under the age of twenty-five (25) will be allowed access to the Club only under the direct supervision of the principal member or other adult Club members.

Our guest procedure has not been followed by some of our members so the following is a reminder as to the proper process when hosting guests at the club

1.  All quests are required to complete and sign the guest log.

2.  Guests are required to wear a guest badge (located on the bulletin board) while on club    property.

3.  A fee of $5.00 per guest should be deposited in the payment drawer located at the north end of the long counter running the length of the east wall, e.g. same drawer in which round payments are deposited.

4.  All rounds shot by guest(s) and sponsoring member are to be recorded and deducted from the sponsoring members round log sheet.

** If members wish to immediately pay and offset guest rounds then the value of the rounds shot should be included in the same payment envelope with the $5.00 guest fee.  Make sure you completely fill out the envelope to include clearly identifying the sponsoring members name.  Terry will credit the members round balance the next time he collects payments from the payment drawer.

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration

2014 Club Events

  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14
  • Geezer and side by side shoot – TBD

Best Regards

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – Sept. 2014

BOD Minutes of 8 September 2014

PRESENT:  Sam Valena, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDerBoom


  1.  Approval of minutes of 4 August 2014 – Approved 6-0
  2. Treasurers report – accepted, attached by reference
  3. 2014 Club projects
  4. Handgun range

i.      Motion to approve up to $6000 in expenses – App 6-0

ii.      Bids for cement work  (10×42)

  1. Paul Larson concrete – $3500
  2. Henning Construction – $3150 – App 6-0

iii.      Landscaping – will be begun soon

  1.  Construction of 5 stand deck – 2 designs – under study
  2. Electrical power for 5 stand and handgun range – tabled
  3. Cameras for 5 stand and handgun range – tabled
  4.  2014 Events
  5. Land fill lunch – will be held tomorrow, 9 September
  6. Braggin Rights shoot – Saturday, 11 October – info to follow
  7.  Geezer and side by side shoot – tabled, probably spring event
  8. Special Committee Report – none
  9. Pumping septic system – completed, $295
  10. Family members using principal members membership
  11. Proposed Policy – “Membership shall include the principal member applicant and the immediate family who resides within the same domicile – husband, wife, and children or custodial children under the age of twenty five (25).  The principal member will be allowed full access to the Club, voting rights, and the opportunity to serve as a Club officer.  Family members under the age of twenty five (25) will be allowed access to the Club only under the direct supervision of the principal member or other adult club member(s).
  12. Move to accept and make part of club policy – Approved 6-0
  13.  New Business
  14. Pallets – disposed of
  15. New Grill donation – Thanks to L.K. Rooney
  16.  Business of members – motion to buy a spare pickle for a spare.  Cost is $350 .  Approved 6-0



Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

BOD Meetin Minutes – Aug. 4, 2014

BOD Minutes of 4 August 2014

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDerBoom


Approval of minutes of 7/7/14 meeting – Approved 6-0

  1. Treasurers report – accepted, attached by reference
  2. 2014 Club projects
  3. Hand gun range – Still on hold
  4. 5 stand deck – 2nd proposal submitted, referred to 5-stand committee, project  still on hold
  5. Electric power and security cameras for 5 stand – on hold
  6. 2014 upcoming events
  7. Land fill lunch 9 September
  8. Braggin’ Rights shoot – Saturday, 11 October
  9.  Compliance audit – reviewed and accepted
  10. Geezer and side by side shoots – awaiting additional information
  11. Special committee report – accepted
  12. Replacement of skeet light – lift will be rented to save costs, Sam P and Larry will do
  13. Pump Septic System – approved, waiting to be done
  14. New business
  15. Reported that unsupervised minor(s) was/were shooting.  Member will be notified.  Board voted 5-1 to table issue until more study is done.  By-laws require a member to be 18 and our insurance may so specify
  16. Request for permission to purchase 5 new batteries at $45 each for 5-stand.  Approved 6-0
  17. Reviewed no alcohol and/or illegal drug policy – approved 6-0
  18. Boy Scout shoot – approved purchase of “station” at $250, vote 5-1



Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message – August 2014

President’s Message

(August 2014)

Skeet field 3 is down as a result of a broken part on the low house machine. The part is on order and should be delivered in the next few days. In the meantime, please use fields 1 and 2.

One of the night skeet lights bulbs is burnt out on field 2. We will be replacing it in the near future.

Again it has been brought to my attention that some of our members are not loading the machines when done Shooting. This is a requirement for all members, so please load the machines so that the next shooters don’t have to load them because you didn’t. The empty boxes should be broken down and put into the dumpsters.

A policy has been written and approved by the BOD regarding alcohol and drugs on club property.  The policy reads as follows:

Rockford Skeet Club Members or Member’s Guest shall not use or be under the influence of any alcohol or illegal drugs on club property. Club Members, or Member’s Guest shall not use or be under the influence of any stimulants, depressants, tranquilizers or mood altering drugs on Club property. Alcohol and illegal drugs cannot be stored on club property. Members who violate this rule will be brought before the Board of Directors for disciplinary action and are subject to membership termination.

The following Safety Rules have been updated and are posted in the club house. These rules along with the Alcohol and Drug policy are contained in the policy/procedures book located in club house and will soon posted on our web site –

Safety Rules

(July 2014)

  • Muzzle direction: point up, to the ground, down range
  • Breaches are to be open at all times when not shooting
  • Load and unload guns on station only when it is your turn to shoot
  • Absolutely no “Dry Firing/Pointing” of a firearm in the club house. Do not mount or point guns towards the road
  • Eye and ear protection is required while on a shooting field
  • No shooting alone. A minimum of two people are required at all times on club property when shooting
  • No shot larger than 8 is permitted
  • Always unload your gun immediately if there is a hold up and/or malfunction. If you have a misfire or malfunction, keep your gun pointed down range until it can be safely unloaded. Always check for obstructions in the barrel before attempting to fire the gun
  • All handguns are to be concealed at all times on club property.
  • No rifles, handguns (unless licensed to conceal carry), BB guns are to be used/fired on club property
  • Rockford Skeet Club Members or Member’s Guest shall not use or be under the influence of any alcohol or illegal drugs on club property
  • Pick up shell casings when done shooting.
  • Don’t walk in front of trap machines until the arm is released and the power is turned off
  • Shut down the houses and machines when done shooting.
    • Release trap arm
    • Turn off power to the machine and the field
    • Load machines with targets
    • If a cord is used, roll it up and store in the low skeet house or in the storage building if using the trap fields.
    • Lock all house
  • Club shooting hours must be adhered to strictly: 9:00 AM to ½ hour before dusk, except when shooting under the lights. All shooting must stop by 9:00 PM. Our special Use Permit is very clear on this issue. No violations!
  • All guests must be logged into the guest book
  • Remember: Firearms safety is no accident. Safety is every ones job. BE SAFE, KEEP IT OPEN, AND HAVE FUN

The BOD has again agreed to donate $250.00 to the Boy Scout Shoot which will be held at the Upland Gun club on September 13, 2014.

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration

2014 Club Events

  • Landfill lunch – 9/9/14
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14
  • Geezer and side by side shoot – TBD

Best Regards

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

President’s Message – July 2014

President’s Message

(July 2014)

A special committee of club members has been commissioned to study and recommend a go forward plan for the club. Areas to be looked at include preserving the club for future generations, land acquisition to protect our overshoot, and expansion. We are in the very early stages of developing any recommendations and actions. If and when any of this happens, I will let you all know. All recommendation will have to be approved by the Board of Directors.

Skeet field 2 is still down as a result of a couple of broken parts on the high house machine. The parts are on order and should be delivered in the next few days. In the meantime, please use fields 1 and 3.

One of the night skeet lights bulbs is burnt out on field 2. If anyone has access to a bucket truck, please let me know. If not, we will attempt to use the boom lift that is located down in the 5 stand area. The last time a light burned out it cost us about $400 to get a bucket truck out to replace the bulb.

We are thinking about having a “Geezer Shoot” sometime this year. Let Clay Buhler ( or any BOD member know if this is a good idea and if you would be interested in shooting this event. Details are preliminary at this point but it will be for members 55 and older. What does that say about most of our members?

As in the past, I have had to make periodic reminders regarding some of the club rules. No alcohol is allowed on club property. This is a stipulation in our insurance policy. If anyone is caught drinking any alcohol on club property, their membership will be brought before the board of director for review and possible termination. Also, remember to load the houses/machines when done shooting, pickup your hulls, no shot larger than #8 can be used on club property, keep the club house neat and orderly, and be SAFE. That is my spiel for now. Thanks for your cooperation.

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration

2014 Club Events

  • Landfill lunch – 9/9/14
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14

Best Regards

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – July 2014

BOD Minutes of 7 July 2014

PRESENT:  Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDer Boom’

ABSENT:  Sam Valena and Harley Shepherd


Approval of Minutes of 5/24/14 – Approved 4-0

  1. Financial report – accepted, attached by reference
  2. 2014 Club projects
  3. Handgun range – on hold
  4. 5 stand deck – on hold
  5. Electrical hook up for 5 stand – on hold
  6.  2014 Events
  7. Land Fill Lunch – 9 September
  8. Braggin Rights shoot – Saturday 11 October
  9.  New Business
  10. Special Committee Report – Not available yet
  11. Purchase of S&T land – in committee
  12. Replacement of burnt out light for skeet range – in process
  13. Motion to pump septic system – Approved 4-0
  14. Business of Members
  15. Geezer Shoot – more information to follow
  16. Reimbursement level policy

i.      Board members and committee chairs can expend up to $200 without prior approval

ii.      Members cannot expend any funds without prior approval



Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message – May 2014

President’s Message

(May 2014)

The club hosted a registered skeet shoot this past weekend, May 10 & 11. I want to thank Dave Schroeder for putting on a successful shoot. Also thanks to Rich Tomasewski for preparing the delicious food and Pat Patke for registering the shooters.

Construction of the 5-stand deck will be started in the very near future. Some last minute changes to the design are in the process of being implemented.  Frank Halsey is the construction lead for this project. If would like to help out, please give Frank a call at 815-747-4347.

Due to the muddy conditions on the handgun range, completion of the berms have been delayed. Once they area done, the concrete pad will be poured and then construction of the shooting stations will begin. Estimated completion is late July. No one will be allowed to use the range until they have completed the safety course and have been signed off by the range instructor.

Thanks to all of the members for all their hard work on cleanup day. We had a good turnout and the grounds look fantastic.

It has been brought to my attentions that not all of the 5 stand shooters are loading the machines after they are done shooting. Please be sure to load the machines so that the next shooters don’t have to pull double duty.

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration

2014 Club Events

  • Landfill lunch – 9/9/14
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14

Best Regards

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – May 2014

BOD Minutes of 12 May 2014

PRESENT:   Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buhler

ABSENT: Terry VanDeBoom, Sam Parkinson


  1.  Approval of Minutes of 4/7/14 – Approved 4-0
  2. Treasurers report – accepted, attached by reference
  3. 2014 Club Projects
  4. Handgun/.22 rimfire rifle range – Estimated completion late July 2014
  5. Construction of 5 stand deck – Estimated completion June 2014
  6. Electrical power for range and deck – under study
  7. Cameras for range and deck – under study
  8.  2014 Events
  9. Braggin Rights shoot – Saturday, October 11
  10. Landfill lunch – 9 September 2014
  11. New Business
  12. Gander Mountain use of handgun range for concealed carry instruction was defeated 3-1
  13. Feasibility of purchasing the land from the S&T Corp. approved 4-0
  14. Registered Sheet Shoot was successful. Financial results are pending completion of profit and loss statement
  15. The purchase of 12 club hats for sale to the members was approved 4-0
  16. Radar Gun – Brian Anderson donated gun to the club
  17. The purchase of an update first aid kit not to exceed $200 was approved 4-0



Respectfully submitted – Sam Valenza, President

BOD Meeting Minutes – April 2014

BOD Minutes of 7 April 2014

PRESENT:   Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buhler, and Terry VanDeBoom


  1.  Approval of Minutes of 3/3/14 – Approved 6-0
  2. Treasurers report – accepted, attached by reference
  3. 2014 Club Projects
    1. Handgun/.22 rimfire rifle range – in process as weather permits
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck – in process as weather pemits
    3. Electrical power for range and deck – under study
    4. Cameras for range and deck – under study
    5.  2014 Events
      1. Clean up day – Saturday 3 May 2014 0800-1200
      2. Registered skeet shoot – 10 and 11 May, 0900 – 1700
      3. Braggin Rights shoot – Saturday, October 11
      4. Landfill lunch – 9 September 2014
      5. New Business
        1. Safety officers –

i.      Post names of current ones

ii.      Recruit more

iii.      Purchase special recognizable caps – Approved 6 – 0

  1. Machine Maintenance – all machines functioning, on going 1st echelon



Respectfully submitted – Sam Parkinson, Secretary