President’s Message – March 2016

President’s Message

(March 2016)

Our annual membership meeting is scheduled for Saturday March 19 at 9 am at the club. We will be addressing club finances, shooting metrics, events and projects, election results, and taking questions from attendees.

I have good news. The Northern Illinois Rifle and Pistol Club (NIRPC) has purchased the Eckberg quarry totaling about 50 acres. I have been in discussions with the NIRPC for almost two years. Over the next several months our BOD will be holding meeting with the NIRPC to discuss such issues as purchasing the overshoot land by our club, best position for a 5 stand deck, mutual cooperation between the clubs, access road to the quarry, and anything else that can benefit both clubs. I will keep the membership informed when I have information that can be shared.

Our annual spring cleanup date is at 8:30 am on Saturday May 7. Bring out your shovels, rakes, and trimmers. No shooting will be allowed until all of the work is done. I hope to see you there. Lunch will be provided.

We have had an uptick in new members in the last first two months of this year with ten new members. It looks like we will set another record year for membership. We currently have 256 members and last years record was 268 members. If you have any friends, co-workers, and/or relatives that would be interested in joining the club, bring them out to get acquainted with the club and its members. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS.

The year-end 2015 financial statements and 2016 budget have been posted in the club house for all members to review.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278 for weekend morning classes and Don Lyddon at 815-877-0754 for weekday afternoon classes. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection, and a $25.00 annual fee.

2016 Club Projects

  • Replace bathroom floors- under review
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved and on hold
  • Pulley systems for the handgun range – in process

2016 Club Events

  • Annual meeting – March 19, 2016
  • Spring cleanup – May 7, 2016
  • Registered Skeet Shoot – Aug. 13 & 14, 2016
  • Landfill lunch – Sept. 16, 2016
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – Oct. 15, 2016
  • Geezer Shoot – June 18, 2016
  • Vintage Shoot – Sept. 17, 2016
  • Turkey Shoot – Nov. 5, 2016

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza, President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – Feb. 2016

BOD Meeting of 1 Feb 2016:

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Randy Scott, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDerBoom

ABSENT:   None


  1. Minutes of December 7, 2015 – Accepted as presented 6-0
  2. Treasurers Report:
    1. Accepted as read, attached by reference Accepted 6-0.
    2. Review of 2016 Budget plan was completed. Final budget approved 6-0 will be posted on club bulletin board.
    3. Meeting was held with accounting firm January 29 finalizing financial plan and tax planning.
  1. 2015/2016 Projects
    1. Hand gun range pulley system – in process – working through pulley system design (still). No change.
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck – 2 designs under review – construction on hold pending over shoot rights resolution. No change
  1. Notices:
    1. 2016 Club board elections: Offices of President, Secretary, and at large BoD Directors (3) will be on the ballet. Elections are scheduled for February. No change.
    2. Shirts and t-shirts are available for order. No change
  2. 2016 Events – Dates finalized
    1. Annual membership meeting: March 19, 2016
    2. Spring Cleanup – May – 7.
    3. Vintage shoot – June -18.
    4. Registered Skeet Shoot – August 13-14.
    5. Landfill Lunch – September 16.
    6. Old Geezer Shoot – September 17.
    7. Braggin Rights shoot – October 15.
    8. Turkey Shoot – November 5.
  1. New Business
    1. RSC club board members continue to meet with S & T Land Corp board members to improve relations and develop comprehensive plans for club growth. The teams met again on January 25th and will continue to meet the last Monday of each month.
      1. Club Mission Statement was presented to S&T.
      2. Discussions ensued on extending the lease for long term viability of the club on current property.
    2. Current club membership for 2016 is 234 paid members. Several memberships were yet to be counted.
    3. Shooting metrics were created from member log pages to better understand make up of club shooting trends. These will be posted when graphics complete.
  1. No other member business.

Next Board meeting is Monday, 7 March 2016 @ 1730

Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

BOD Meeting Minutes Jan. 2016

BOD Meeting of 4 January 2016

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Randy Scott, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDerBoom

ABSENT:   None


  1. Minutes of December 7, 2015 – Accepted as presented 6-0
  2. Treasurers Report:
    1. Accepted as read, attached by reference
    2. Review of 2016 Budget plan was completed. Final budget will be completed in February 2016. Final budget will be posted upon completion.
    3. Financial reporting for 2015 calendar year will be completed in January prior to meeting with accountants. No change.
  1. 2015/2016 Projects
    1. Hand gun range pulley system – in process – working through pulley system design. No change.
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck – 2 designs under review – construction on hold pending over shoot rights resolution. No change
    3. Cameras for 5 stand and pistol range – Complete.
    4. Club will order video surveillance signs – Complete.
    5. New heater was purchased for the handgun range.
    6. Skeet field three repairs completed.
  1. Notices:
    1. 2016 Club board elections: Offices of President, Secretary, and at large BoD Directors (3) will be on the ballet. Elections are scheduled for February. No change.
    2. Club Dues invoices were sent to all members and responses can be made to payment drawer or Terry VanDerBoom. Payments continue to come in.
    3. Shirts and t-shirts are available for order.
  2. 2016 Events –
    1. Annual membership meeting: March 19, 2016
    2. Spring Cleanup – May 7, 2016
    3. Vintage shoot – TBD.
    4. Registered Skeet Shoot – TBD.
    5. Old Geezer Shoot – TBD.
    6. Landfill Lunch – September 16, 2016.
    7. Braggin Rights shoot – October 15, 2016.
    8. Turkey Shoot – TBD.
  1. New Business
    1. RSC club board members continue to meet with S & T Land Corp board members improve relations and develop comprehensive plans for club growth. The teams met on November 30, 2015 and will continue the meetings in January 2016 .
    2. A club mission statement was presented and passed. (posted in procedure book)

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship.  It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

  1. No other member business.

Next Board meeting is Monday, 1 February  2016 @ 1730

Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship.  It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

President’s Message – Jan. 2016

President’s Message

(January 2016)

It has been another good year for our club. As I do every year, the following are the events and projects that were completed during the year. Events: Silver Dollar registered skeet shoot, bragging rights shoot, geezer shoot, vintage shoot, turkey shoot, landfill lunch, spring cleanup day. Projects: purchased zero turn mower, installed cameras on the handgun and 5 stand fields.

We also set a new record of 267 members as of Dec. 31, 2015. However with the 2016 membership renewals in process, we normally can expect 8 to 10% of our members not renew their memberships due to various reasons such as illness, death, and relocation.

Just a reminder, the 2016 annual club dues deadline is February 1, 2016. If dues are not paid by that date, a new application for membership will be required to rejoin the club along with $175 payment.

If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors for the positions of president, secretary, and three directors or want to make a nomination, please contact Gino Nizzi at 815-572-5625 or e-mail him at Nominations are due by February 1, 2016 and elections will be held in March 2016.

Thanks to the generous donation of one of our club members, who wishes to remain anonymous, we have installed high tec HD cameras on the handgun and sporting clays fields. Randy Scott, Al Perry, and I installed the cameras a couple of weeks ago. Actually, Randy installed the cameras and Al and I were his goffers. Thanks to Al and Randy for their help.

The club is taking orders for denim shirts and tee shirts with the club logo on them. The denim shirts are $38 for M thru XL and $40 for XXL. The tee shirts are $18. Shirts can be ordered by filling out the provided envelope located on the back counter and enclosing payment and depositing it in the club house deposit drawer. The orders will be placed January 25 with delivery around the first week of February. Samples of the shirts are hanging in the club house and are not for sale. We also have hats in stock located in the display case. Hats are $20 and the money is to put in an envelope and deposited in the drawer.

The Board of Directors has approved a mission statement and it reads as follows:

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278 for weekend morning classes and Don Lyddon at 815-877-0754 for weekday afternoon classes. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection, and a $25.00 annual fee.

2016 Club Projects

  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved and on hold
  • Pulley systems for the handgun range – in process

2016 Club Events

  • Annual meeting – March 19, 2016
  • Spring cleanup – May 7, 2016
  • Registered Skeet Shoot – TBD
  • Landfill lunch – Sept. 16, 2016
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – Oct. 15, 2016
  • Geezer Shoot – TBD
  • Vintage Shoot – TBD
  • Turkey Shoot – TBD

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza, President, Rockford Skeet Club

President’s Message – Dec. 2015

President’s Message

(December 2015)

The 2016 dues invoices were mailed to all of the members and should have already been received or will be received in the next couple of days. Any member that joined the club after September 30, 2015 will not receive an invoice as their dues are paid up through 2016. Payment is due by February 1, 2016. Let me know if you did not get an invoice.

The handgun range pulley system to be used for paper targets is in the construction phase and completion has been delayed for a few week as some material has not been received yet.

The club held the first annual Turkey Shoot in November. It was a lot of fun. We had a number of winner whose names were posted in the club house. Thanks to Frank Halsey and his crew for coordinating this shoot. Oh Yea, the food was excellent.

The club has ordered hats and shirts with the club logo and will be for sales in the next couple of weeks. Samples of the shirts will be hung in the club house along with a signup sheet. Prepayment for the shirts is required prior to the order being submitted to the vendor. As in the past, the hats will be stocked in the club house.

Skeet field 3 is still not operational. The repair parts have been received and will be installed in the near future weather permitting.

For the first time in club history, we have received our third semi-truck of targets this year. Our storage barn is full so come on out and help us shoot em up.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278 for weekend morning classes and Don Lyddon at 815-877-0754 for weekday afternoon classes. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection, and a $25.00 annual fee.

2015 Club Projects

  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved and on hold
  • Cameras for 5 stand and the handgun range – in process
  • Pulley systems for the handgun range – in process

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,

Sam Valenza, President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – Dec. 2015

BOD Meeting of 7 December 2015

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Randy Scott, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDerBoom

ABSENT:   None


  1. Minutes of November 2, 2015 – Accepted as presented 6-0
  2. Treasurers Report:
    1. Accepted as read, attached by reference
    2. Review of 2016 Budget plan was completed. Final budget will be completed in January 2016 and will include any revision as result of December activities and any new projects/needs identified for inclusion. Final budget will be posted upon completion.
    3. Financial reporting for 2015 calendar year will be completed in January prior to meeting with accountants
  3. 2015 Projects
    1. Hand gun range pulley system – in process – working through pulley system design.
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck – 2 designs under review – construction on hold pending over shoot rights resolution. No change
    3. Cameras for 5 stand and pistol range – Equipment donated installation needs to be scheduled. No change.
    4. Club will order video surveillance signs – Five signs were purchased and will be mounted strategically on club land. Larry Ohda to install.
    5. A surge suppressor was added to the trap field.
    6. New shipment of clay targets was received December 7, 2015.
    7. Additional pull cords for the trap machine exist but would not solve issues surrounding power outages.
  4. Notices:
    1. Additional liability insurance to cover board members was purchased by the club.
    2. 2016 Club board elections: Offices of President, Secretary, and at large BoD Directors (3) will be on the ballet. Elections are scheduled for February.
    3. Club Dues invoices were sent to all members and responses can be made to payment drawer or Terry VanDerBoom.
    4. Skeet field three repairs will completed within next couple of weeks
  5. 2015 Events – All events complete.  Financial reports were completed for all events
    1. Vintage shoot – 20 June 2015.
    2. Registered Skeet Shoot – August 15 and 16, 2015.
    3. Old Geezer Shoot – 5 September 2015.
    4. Landfill Lunch – 8 September 2015.
    5. Braggin Rights shoot – 17 October 2015.
    6. Turkey Shoot – 7 November 2015
  6. New Business
    1. RSC club board members continue to meet with S & T Land Corp board members improve relations and develop comprehensive plans for club growth. The teams met on November 30, 2015 and will continue the meetings in January 2016 .
  7. No other member business.


Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

BOD Meeting Minutes – Nov. 2015

BOD Meeting of 2 November 2015:

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Randy Scott, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDerBoom

ABSENT:   None


  1. Minutes of 9/8/15 and & 9/26/15 – Accepted as presented 6-0
  2. Treasurers Report – Accepted as read, attached by reference
  3. 2015 Projects
    1. Hand gun range pulley system – in process – posts installed pulley system in process.
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck – 2 designs under review – construction on hold pending over shoot rights resolution
    3. Cameras for 5 stand and pistol range – Equipment donated installation needs to be scheduled.
    4. Club will order video surveillance signs – Sam to order
  4. 2015 Events
    1. Vintage shoot – 20 June 2015 – Complete
    2. Registered skeet shoot – August 15 and 16, 2015 – Complete
    3. Old Geezer shoot – 5 September – Complete
    4. Landfill Lunch – 8 September 2015 – Complete
    5. Braggin Rights shoot – 17 October 2015 – Complete
    6. Turkey Shoot – 7 November 2015 – information on club bb
  5. New Business
    1. Club offer to S&T to purchase on 5 May 2015 – No formal response from S and T Land Corp

Club team Will continue to pursue meetings between Land Corp and Club team to facilitate discussions. Initial meeting was held but no response to formal offer was received. S&T Corp. indicated the property was not for sale to the club.

  1. Pull cord for Trap Machine: A request was made to have pull cords, separate from the voice activated system, available. Larry Ohda will review club inventory as it was thought we already have some. If inventory does not exist, a vote will be taken at next BoD meeting.
  2. Motion made to add a surge suppressor to the trap machines. Motion passed 6-0
  3. Quarterly board member meeting with Accountants – Tuesday November 3. Sam and Randy to attend
  4. Clay targets will be ordered to arrive early December
  5. Conducted review of Geezer and Braggin Rights shoot summaries – no issues
  6. 2016 Club board elections: Offices of President, Secretary, and at large BoD Directors (3) will be on the ballet. Elections are scheduled for February.
  7. The board reviewed the idea of additional BoD liability insurance for BoD members. Randy Scott will pursue formal quotes and policy.
  1. No other member business.


Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message – Nov. 2015

President’s Message

(November 2015)

Due to the age and condition of our lawn tractor, the club has purchased a new zero turn Toro mower with a 60 inch deck. It even has a suspension seat for a more comfortable ride. This was very much appreciated by our lawn crew. The new machine has reduced the time mowing time substantially. We are going to keep the old tractor for various odd jobs.

The only approved targets on the pistol range are the club steel targets and paper targets. It has been discovered that golf balls were use as targets. They are not permissible along with cans, bottles, shot shells, plastic bottles, etc. Anyone caught using other than the above approved targets will lose their shooting privileges.

The handgun range pulley system to be used for paper targets is in the construction phase. The plan is to have it operational in the next two weeks.

Turkey Shoot – This shoot is for a $15.00 gift certificate for a turkey at Walmart. Participants will shoot 2 birds from each station on the trap field for a total of 10 birds. The high score from each five person squad will win a certificate. For skeet, 2 birds will be shot from stations 1,2,4,6,7 for a total of 10 birds. The high score from each five person squad will win a certificate. For 5 Stand, 2 birds will be shot from each station for a total of 10 birds. Again, the high score from each 5 person squad will win a certificate. The cost is $5.00 each time an event is shot. Lunch is included.

The remotes for the 5 stand are to be logged out. It appears that they are not always logged out. Also as a reminder, no personal remotes are to be use on the 5 stand venue. The reason for this is that if the club remotes are not used, we cannot determine how many rounds are shoot. This is an important metric for determining 5 stand usage.

The second annual Geezer Shoot was held on Saturday September 19. We had around 30 participants. The winners of each age group are posted at the club. The food was excellent. Thanks to Frank Halsey and his crew for put on this shoot. Well done guys.

The club’s annual Braggin Rights Shoot was held on Saturday October 17 and was also a success. First place winner was Bob Zeek, second place was Joe Vancura, and the third place winner was Greg Baylander. Thanks to Al Perry and his crew for running this shoot. Oh yeah, the food was also very good.

The club will be offering hats and shirts with the club logo for sales in the near future. Samples of the shirts will be hung in the club house along with a signup sheet. Prepayment for the shirts is required prior to the order being submitted to the vendor. As in the past, the hats will be stocked in the club house.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278 for weekend morning classes and Don Lyddon at 815-877-0754 for weekday afternoon classes. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection, and a $25.00 annual fee.

2015 Club Projects

  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved and on hold
  • Cameras for 5 stand and the handgun range – in process
  • Pulley systems for the handgun range – in process

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza, President, Rockford Skeet Club

Turkey Shoot – Nov. 7, 2015

This shoot is for a $15.00 gift certificate for a turkey at Walmart. Participants will shoot 2 birds from each station on the trap field for a total of 10 birds. The high score from each five person squad will win a certificate. For skeet, 2 birds will be shot from stations 1,2,4,6,7 for a total of 10 birds. The high score from each five person squad will win a certificate. For 5 Stand, 2 birds will be shot from each station for a total of 10 birds. Again, the high score from each 5 person squad will win a certificate. The cost is $5.00 each time an event is shot. Lunch is included.

Best Regards,                                                                                                               Sam Valenza, President, Rockford Skeet Club



Special BOD Meeting Minutes – Sept. 26, 2015

Special BOD Meeting September 26, 2015:

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda (Proxy vote to Same Valenza), Randy Scott, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDerBoom

ABSENT:   None


This meeting was called to order to vote on the purchase of new 0 turn mower.  The meeting was prompted by the Lawn Crew (formerly known as Sycamore crew) who does the mowing, requesting a larger capacity mower for the property and the down time of the old mower due to maintenance issues.  Quotes on several mowers were received and evaluated. Input on mower type was received from the Lawn crew.  The board voted 6-0 to purchase Toro mower from Lincoln Rent All and Services.

  1. It was also agreed to fix the old mower for backup and smaller mowing use.
  2. In additional business, it was agreed to remove the Small Pepper Popper from use at the pistol range pending further safety review
  3. It was also agreed to move the date of the Braggin Rights shoot to 10-17 as most board members were unable to support 10-10 date.
  4. It was agreed to cancel the October 5 board meeting due to availability of board members and in lieu of the this meeting
  5. No other member business.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 am

Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary