President’s Message – August 2018

President’s Message

(July 2018)

The club’s annual Silver Dollar Register Skeet Shoot was held on July 14 and 15. Due to the weather, we had some last minute cancellations. The club however made $433. I want to thank Dave and Beth Schroeder and crew for hosting this event and also thanks to Rich Tomasewski for manning the kitchen and preparing the food.

We have a handgun shoot schedule for this Saturday August 11 starting at 10 am. It is a Good Guy/ Bad Guy Shoot. The rules are as follows.

  • There will be 6 paper targets and 5 steel targets. 17 shots required. 2 runs, total of 34 shells if you don’t miss.
  • There will be good guys, don’t shoot them, 1 second penalty if you do. Paper targets require 2 shots, steel 1. Small steel plate will stop the clock.
  • Magazines loaded with 8 rounds plus 1 in the chamber 9 total. Spare mag with 8 rounds. If you don’t miss that will be enough shots to complete the course. Extra 1911 magazines will be available if a shooter needs a 3rd mag.
  • Fastest time for 2 runs wins.

The Board of Directors has authorized the purchase of two sets of wireless Canterbury Voice Calls for the trap fields. The old ones are starting to present some problems. The new calls have been ordered and should be received early next week.

The BOD also authorized the installation of a sidewalk on skeet field 3 from station 4 to station 8. Also walkways will be installed from the skeet semi-circle to the high house stairs on all three skeet fields. If anyone has any other ideas regarding walkways, please let me know. Work will be done this fall.

Due to a scheduling conflict and past poor attendance, the Old Geezer Shoot scheduled for August 18 has been cancelled. We may or may not decide to bring it back next year.

We have some new hats for sale at $20.00 each. They are located in the book case on the back wall of the club house. If you buy a hat, please put the money in an envelope that is on the log book desk and put the envelope, duly marked, in the deposit drawer.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection, and a $25.00 annual fee.

2018 Club Projects

  • Purchase trap voice call systems – approved and on order
  • Skeet fields cement walkways – approved

2018 Club Events

  • Handgun shoot – 8/11/18
  • Old Geezer Shoot – cancelled
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/21/18
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/6/18
  • Turkey Shoot – cancelled

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – August 2018

BOD Meeting of August 6, 2018 PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Randy Scott, Terry VanDenboom, Todd Hendrey

Meeting called to order at 5: 30 by President Sam Valenza

Minutes of July 2, 2018 – Accepted as presented 6-0

Treasurers Report: Accepted as read, attached by reference.

All projects completed
New project added to complete concrete work on field 1 and add sidewalks on fields from shooting circle to high house stair pad. In process.

Decision was made to purge club house of unused kitchen appliances and tableware. Complete
Monthly cleaning service will be provided ongoing. No change

2018 Events –Completed dates
Annual meeting – Complete
Spring Clean-up – Complete
Hand Gun shoot – Pistol competition – August 11. Pistol events are being coordinated by George Ketter.
Vintage Shoot/other Gun shoot – June 23. Complete
Registered Shoot – July 14 and 15 Complete
Geezer Shoot – August 18 cancelled
Landfill Lunch – September 14 – Moved to September 21.
Braggin Rights Shoot – October 6
Turkey’s Shoot – November 10, 2018. Cancelled
Thursday night 5 stand shoots have started. Five stand will be open at 5:00ish for during the week shooting. Weekend shooting is being scheduled. No change

New Business
The Board will set up meeting with NIRPC to discuss status of land deal with S&T. In process
Motion was made and passed to acquire new voice calls for Trap fields.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30.
Next Board meeting is Tuesday September 4th @ 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message

President’s Message

(July 2018)

This year’s Vintage/other gun shoot winners are as follows.

  • Vintage guns
    • 1st Owen Anderson
    • 2nd Mike Mammoser
    • 3rd Todd Hendrey
  • Other guns
    • 1st George Ketter
    • 2nd Brian Wynn and Lance Vidlak tied
    • 3rd Mike Brost

Congratulation guys and thanks to Todd and crew for coordinating this shoot.

Our next handgun shoot is this Saturday July 7 and the rules are as follows.

  • Course of fire ” El Presidente”
    • 3 targets at 11 yards. At whistle shooter will fire 2 shots on each target, reload and shoot two more shots on each target. Shooter will start with 6 rounds in the gun and reload with 6 rounds. You can shoot left to right or right to left either way the last target shot with first 6 rounds will be first target shot after reload. This will be repeated 3 times, 36 round total.
    • 22 rim fire shooters will shoot for free and not compete for prize money.
    • $5 entry fee, money back to shooters minus .50 cent of entry fee per shooter for targets, etc.
    • This is a timed event, fastest time wins. Any shot out of the scoring area will be a one second penalty. Example, after 3 rounds your time is 24 seconds but there were 3 shots out of scoring area the score would be 24 +3 = 27 seconds.
    • Only one shooter at a time but since there is no scoring, x, 10, 9, etc. just replacing center of target it should take less than 5 minutes per shooter.


The club’s annual Silver Dollar Register Skeet Shoot is July 14 and 15. This is a 30 shooter event. The cost is $48.00 a gun with all fees included. For registration, please email with your rotation preferences and shooting squad. The skeet fields are reserved for the registered shooters on these two days and will not be available to other shooters during this event. Trap, 5- stand, and the handgun range will remain open to all shooters.

The club has hired a cleaning service that will clean the club house once a month. This does not mean that we do not have to pick up after ourselves, vacuum when needed, and empty the garbage cans when full. In other words, we all need to help keep the place clean.

We have some new hats for sale at $20.00 each. They are located in the book case on the back wall of the club house. If you buy a hat, please put the money in an envelope that is on the log book desk and put the envelope, duly marked, in the deposit drawer.

Please note that trap field 2 is down and will be repaired as soon as possible.

2018 Club Projects

  • Skeet Fields Landscaping – completed

2018 Club Events

  • Handgun shoot – 7/7/18
  • Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot – 7/14 & 7/15
  • Old Geezer Shoot – 8/8/18
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/14/18
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/6/18
  • Turkey Shoot – cancelled

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

President’s Message – June 2018

President’s Message

(June 2018)

The three skeet fields have been landscaped with additional dirt and seeding. Please avoid as much as possible from walking on the infields. We will attempt to keep it watered to facilitate rapid grass growth.

The Thursday evening 5 stand shoots have begun and will continue into the fall, weather permitting. These are fun shoots and all members and guests are welcome.

This year’s Vintage/other gun shoot is Saturday June 16 at 9:00am. Vintage guns are defined as shotguns made prior to World War II. Other guns are pumps, autos, side by sides, and over and unders made after WW II. Lunch is included. Todd Hendrey and crew will be hosting this event.

Rules for the vintage and modern gun shoot.

  • If you start with a vintage gun, you must finish with one
  • If you start with a modern gun, you must finish with one
  • There will be two different shoots – one vintage and one modern
  • The shoot will consist of a round of trap at 16 yds., a round of skeet, and ending with 25 bird at 5 stand
  • There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies for both classes
  • The entry fee is $5 plus the cost of 3 rounds. Please do not forget to log your three rounds on your log sheet.

We held our second hand gun shoot on June 2. The winners are: 1st Bill, Shold, 2nd Dan Retzer, and 3rd Milt Schwanke. Congratulations gentlemen. Another handgun shoot is schedule for Saturday July 7 at 10 am. The rules for this shoot are as follows. By the way these shoots are a lot of fun. Come on out and give it a try.

Course of fire ” El Presidente”

  • 3 targets at 11 yards. At whistle shooter will fire 2 shots on each target, reload and shoot two more shots on each target. Shooter will start with 6 rounds in the gun and reload with 6 rounds. You can shoot left to right or right to left either way the last target shot with first 6 rounds will be first target shot after reload. This will be repeated 3 times, 36 round total.
  • 22 rim fire shooters will shoot for free and not compete for prize money.
  • $5 entry fee, money back to shooters minus .50 cent of entry fee per shooter for targets, etc.
  • This is a timed event, fastest time wins. Any shot out of the scoring area will be a one second penalty. Example, after 3 rounds your time is 24 seconds but there were 3 shots out of scoring area the score would be 24 +3 = 27 seconds.
  • Only one shooter at a time but since there is no scoring, x, 10, 9, etc. just replacing center of target it should take less than 5 minutes per shooter.

If you have not noticed, we have a new club sign on the side of the storage barn. We replaced the old sign that hung on the fence as it was in very bad shape.

2018 Club Projects

  • Skeet Fields Landscaping – completed

2018 Club Events

  • Vintage/other gun shoot – 6/16/18
  • Handgun shoot – 7/7/18
  • Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot – 7/14 & 7/15
  • Old Geezer Shoot – 8/8/18
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/14/18
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/6/18
  • Turkey Shoot – 11/10/18

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.


BOD Meeting Minutes – June 2018

BOD Meeting of June 4, 2018

PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Randy Scott, Terry VanDenboom,

ABSENT: Todd Hendrey.

Meeting called to order at 5: 15 by President Sam Valenza

Minutes of May 7, 2018 – Accepted as presented 5-0

Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.

Skeet field landscaping to complete the concrete work on skeet fields will be about $2,000. Complete. Board voted to buy sprinkler to water fields.
Skeet field pads 1, 7, 8 will be painted on all three fields.

Carpet cleaning is scheduled for May 8. Complete.

Club will procure a new outdoor aluminum sign to replace the banner which has been wind damaged. Sign was mounted on garage exterior facing Lindenwood road. Complete.

Decision was made to purge club house of unused kitchen appliances and tableware

2018 Events –Completed dates
Annual meeting – Complete
Spring Clean-up – Complete
Hand Gun shoot – Pistol competition – June 2 event completed
Follow on pistol events are being coordinated by George Ketter
Vintage Shoot/other Gun shoot – June 23
Registered Shoot – July 14 and 15
Geezer Shoot – August 18
Landfill Lunch – September 14
Braggin Rights Shoot – October 6
Turkey’s Shoot – November 10 (Board reviewing event viability)

Thursday night 5 stand shoots have started. Five stand will be open at 5:00ish for during the week shooting. Weekend shooting is being scheduled.

New Business
Skeet and Trap target prices have increased about $1.25 per case. The Board decided not to increase member shooting price of $3.50 per round at this time.

A relook at card reader system occurred. While some of the systems issues had been solved, further review is needed. It is anticipated that a due diligence team will visit other shooting venues to validate viability of system. Northbrook is a likely candidate.
Card reader system is currently on hold and tabled for the time being.

The board discussed the idea of hiring club house cleaning service. The frequency and service requirements will be part of quote process.

Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Next Board meeting is Monday, July 2, 2018 @ 5:00 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message – May 2018

President’s Message

(May 2018)

A small fire was discovered by two of our members that were performing maintenance on the low house 2 skeet machine. The fire was in the mulch under the stair case next to the fence on skeet field 3 and was extinguished immediately. The fire burned a small patch of mulch and the bottom tip of two fence boards. After some investigating, it was determined that it was not an electrical fire as the nearest power lines are about four feet away. Spontaneous combustion of the mulch was also ruled out. Therefore it is surmised that smoking material was thrown into the mulch and that it simmered for several hours before catching fire. Assuming that this assumption is correct, I caution all smokers to completely extinguish any smoking material and dispose of it in a proper manner. We dodge a bullet as the fire could have been much worse if it had not been discovered as early as it was.

In the near future the three skeet fields will be landscaped with additional dirt and seeding. The skeet fields will be closed when work begins and should only take a day or two to complete. I will let you know in advance when work starts.

The March 2018 election results were revealed at the annual meeting in March. I was reelected President, Al Perry was reelected Secretary, and Harley Shepherd, Terry VanDenBoom and Todd Hendrey were reelected Directors.

The annual spring cleanup on Saturday May 5 went well. I want to thank all of the members that gave of their time and effort to spruce up the club. Great job to all. Oh yeah, thanks to Larry Ohda for doing the cooking.

We will be organizing 5 stand shoots/events starting this spring. I will send an email detailing the dates and times for the events in the near future. The plan includes resuming shooting on Thursday evenings. If you haven’t tried this venue, I encourage you to come out and give it a try. It is a lot of fun and who knows you may get hooked.

We held our first hand gun shoot on April 28. The winners were: 1st Dan Retzer, 2nd Bill Shold, 3rd Caleb Davis. Congratulations gentlemen. Another handgun shoot is schedule for Saturday June 2 at 10 am. The rules for this shoot are as follows.

  • Course of fire will be a modified PPC (practical pistol competition). Three stages of fire.
  • First stage: At 7 yards shooter will fire 6 shots, reload and fire 6 more shots. Time is 25 seconds.
  • Second stage: At 15 yards shooter will fire 6 shots, reload and fire 6 more shots. Time is 25 seconds.
  • Third stage. At 25 yards shooter will fire 6 shots in 12 seconds.
  • 30 total shots. Shooters will need 2 magazines or if a revolver is used a speed loader is required.
  • This event is geared more towards concealed carry license holders so no 22 caliber handguns will be allowed to shoot for prize money. If someone wants to try this course with a 22 pistol for fun there is no charge.
  • Shooters will use 2 hands and start with handgun on the bench.
  • There is a 5 dollar entry fee and all money goes back to the shooters. 50% for first place, 30% for second place and 20% for third place.

The club has purchased a new gas grill and it is available for use by all members. Just be sure to keep it clean.

2018 Club Projects

  • Skeet Fields Landscaping in process

2018 Club Events

  • Vintage/other gun shoot – 6/23/18
  • Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot – 7/14 & 7/15
  • Old Geezer Shoot – 8/8/18
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/14/18
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/6/18
  • Turkey Shoot – 11/10/18

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – May 2018

BOD Meeting of May 7, 2018

PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey.
ABSENT: Terry VanDenboom,

Meeting called to order at 5:10 by President Sam Valenza

Minutes of March 5, 2018 – Accepted as presented 5-0

Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.

Skeet field landscaping to complete the concrete work on skeet fields will be about $2,000. Will be scheduled in advance and club will be closed while effort in progress.
Fresh mulch was applied May 2.

New Gas grill was purchased
Carpet cleaning is scheduled for May 8
Club will procure a new outdoor aluminum sign to replace the banner which has been wind damaged. Passed 5-0
A donation to Boy Scout shoot, typically approved, was not approved for this year’s event.

2018 Events
Annual meeting – Complete
Spring Clean-up – Complete
Hand Gun shoot – Pistol competition – June 2 (recently added)
Vintage Shoot/other Gun shoot – June 23
Registered Shoot – July 14 and 15
Geezer Shoot – August 18
Landfill Lunch – September 14
Braggin Rights Shoot – October 6
Turkey’s Shoot – November 10 (Board reviewing event viability)

New Business
The Board continues to look for ways to increase 5-stand participation and notice of Thursday night or weekend shoots will be on club whiteboard and President email. During these events the venue will be opened and ready for shooters.

A relook at card reader system occurred. While some of the systems issues had been solved, further review is needed. It is anticipated that a due diligence team will visit other shooting venues to validate viability of system. Northbrook is a likely candidate..

Meeting adjourned at 5:50 PM.
Next Board meeting is Monday, June 4, 2018 @ 5:00 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

BOD Meeting Minutes – March 2018

BOD Meeting of March 5, 2018

PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Randy Scott, Terry VanDenboom, Todd Hendrey.

Meeting called to order at 5:15 by President Sam Valenza

Minutes of February 12, 2018 – Accepted as presented 6-0

Treasurers Report: Accepted as read, attached by reference.
Year-end financials posted on Club bulletin board

Skeet field landscaping to complete the concrete work on skeet fields will be about $2,000. Moved to Spring 2018

Elections are coming up if folks want to run contact Gino with nominations: Nominations are closed. No change. Voting in process.
Three annual directors
Election ballots have been sent. Voting will be closed by March 23 in order to present results at Annual Meeting 3-31. No Change

Lawnmower maintenance to be performed on zero turn mower starting 2-21. Complete
Snow blower repair was also completed.
S & T board meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2018 at RSC club house.

2018 Events –Completed dates
Annual meeting – March 31
Spring Clean-up – May 5
Vintage Shoot/other Gun shoot – June 23
Registered Shoot – July 14 and 15
Geezer Shoot – August 18
Landfill Lunch – September 14
Braggin Rights Shoot – October 6
Turkey’s Shoot – November 10

New Business
Board approved repair quote for 5 Stand lift repairs of $1,200 6-0.
Discussed adding reclaimed black top for road to five-stand. Further information and quote being reviewed by Todd H.
Grill repair or replacement research under way.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.
Next Board meeting is Monday, April 2, 2018 @ 5:00 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message – March 2018

President’s Message

(March 2018)

The ballots for the 2018 open Board of Director positions have been sent out. Voting closes on March 24th for the electronic ballots. The mailed ballots that were sent to those that do not have an email address can be mailed back or submitted at the annual meeting. Just to be clear, I am running for president as there seems to be some confusion as to the position that I am seeking.

Our annual meeting is on Saturday March 31, 2018 at 9am at the club. The BOD will be addressing club finances, shooting metrics, events and projects, election results, and taking questions from the attendees.

The 2017 end of the year financial reports have been posted in the club house. We had another strong year financially and also had another membership record year at 278.

We will be organizing 5 stand shoots/events starting this spring. When plans have become firm, I will send an email detailing the dates and times for the events. If you haven’t tried this venue, I encourage you to come out and give it a try. It is a lot of fun and who knows you may get hooked.

Our big snow blower has been repaired and is available of use. Thanks to Doyle Smith and Gary Nesemeier for coordinating the repair. Hopefully we won’t have to use it much more this year.


Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. Two snow blowers are available for use and are located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields. As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection, and a $25.00 annual fee.

2018 Club Projects

  • Skeet Fields Landscaping

2018 Club Events

  • Annual Meeting – 3/31/18
  • Spring cleanup day – 5/5/18
  • Vintage/other gun shoot – 6/23/18
  • Silver Dollar Registered Skeet Shoot – 7/14 & 7/15
  • Old Geezer Shoot – 8/8/18
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/14/18
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – 10/6/18
  • Turkey Shoot – 11/10/18

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes – February 2018

BOD Meeting of February 12, 2018
PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Randy Scott, Terry VanDenboom, Todd Hendrey.

Meeting called to order at 5:15 by President Sam Valenza

Minutes of January 8, 2018 – Accepted as presented 6-0

Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.

Skeet field landscaping to complete the concrete work on skeet fields will be about $2,000. Moved to Spring 2018
RSC is pursuing adding a card reader to all clay bird shooting venues

EZ pull systems are being evaluated. RSC will no longer pursue due to un-answered challenges on card charging.

Elections are coming up if folks want to run contact Gino with nominations. Open seats are: Nominations are closed
Three annual directors
Election ballots will be sent shortly and voting will be closed by March 23 in order to present results at Annual Meeting 3-31.

Lawnmower maintenance to be performed on zero turn mower starting 2-21.
\S & T board meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2018 at RSC club house.

2018 Events –Completed dates
Annual meeting – March 31
Spring Clean-up – May 5
Vintage Shoot/other Gun shoot – June 23
Registered Shoot – July 14 and 15
Geezer Shoot – August 18
Landfill Lunch – September 14
Braggin Rights Shoot – October 6
Turkey’s Shoot – November 10

New Business
Efforts to get more members shooting five stand were discussed.
Resume Thursday night informal group shooting
Designated weekend availability for member shooting
Review open/guest shooting at venue for or during various events.

Decision was made to move the RSC Board meeting start time from 5:30 to 5:00PM. Complete

Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM.
Next Board meeting is Monday, March 5, 2018 @ 5:00 PM

Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary