2014 Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting of 2014

Meeting called to order at 0900  by President Sam Valenza

  1.  Minutes of Annual Meeting of 2013 read and approved
  2. Treasurer’s report –
    1. 2013 – Year end shows club in solid financial  condition – report posted
    2. 2014 Budget  –  posted
    3. Quarterly report is posted at end of each quarter
    4.  2014 Projects
      1. Handgun/.22 rifle range – in process now
      2. 5 stand deck – will begin as soon as weather permits
      3. Electrical power/security cameras for both – being researched now
      4. 2014 Events
        1. Clean up day is Saturday, 3 May, 0900-1200
        2. Registered skeet shoot – Saturday, 10 May and Sunday 11 May

i.      Hours 0900- 1700 Skeet fields closed

ii.      Trap and 5 stand will be open to members

  1. Landfill lunch – September 9
  2. Braggin’ rights shoot – 11 October
  3. Open house – tabled for this year
  4.  New Business
    1. General housekeeping requirements – everyone responsible
    2. Rumors – if you hear one, ask somebody
    3. Election results – 183 of 240 returned
      1. President – 2 year term – Sam Valenza – 153 votes
      2. Secretary – 2 year term – Sam Parkinson – 178 votes
      3. Director – 1 year term

i.      Harley Shepherd – 163 votes

ii.      Clay Buhler – 80  votes

iii.      Terry VanDenBoom – 76 votes

  1. .  Membership
    1. 2013 ending – 262
    2. 2014 to date – 242


Respectfuly submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message – April 2014

President’s Message

(April 2014)

I want to welcome Terry VanDenBoom and Clay Buhler to the BOD and I look forward to working with them. I also want to thank Greg Bayland and Jim DeMaria for their dedication and hard work while serving on the BOD for the past several years.

Construction of the 5-stand deck will be start in the very near future. The construction materials have been purchased and are in the storage barn. Frank Halsey is the lead for this project. If would like to help out, please give Frank a call at 815-747-4347.

Maintenance will be done on the skeet machines over the next couple of weeks. As a result, certain fields will not be available for shooting. Please be respectful and accommodating to the maintenance crew while work is being done.

The machine on trap field 1 has been repaired. The only thing remaining to do is to insure that all of the voice calls are calibrated and performing properly. This will be done this coming Saturday morning.

The berms on the handgun range are nearly complete. Once they area done, the concrete pad will be poured and then construction of the shooting stations will begin. Estimated completion is late June. No one will be allowed to use the range until they have completed the safety course and have been signed off by the range instructor.

Our annual spring cleanup date is at 8:30 am on Saturday May 5. Bring out your shovels, rakes, and trimmers. No shooting will be allowed until all of the work is done. I hope to see you there. Lunch will be provided.

The club will be hosting a registered skeet shoot on May 10 & 11. This event will be chaired by Dave Schroeder who will be looking for volunteers to work this shoot.  It is a four gun shoot at $48 per gun. If you have any interest in helping out or shooting in this event, you can contact Dave at 815-988-7552 or email him at dschroe356@aol.com.

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2014 Club Events

  • Cleanup day – 5/3/14
  • Registered Skeet shoot – May 10 & 10
  • Landfill lunch – 9/9/14
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14

Best Regards

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – March 2014

BOD Minutes of 3 March 2014

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd and Gregg Beylander.

ABSENT:  Jim DeMaria


GUEST:  Dave Schoeder

Dave Schroeder presented a proposal to hold a registered 4 gun skeet shoot on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday May 12.  All three fields would be used.  5 stand and trap fields would be open.  The board has previously approved the concept of a registered shoot so Dave can proceed.

  1. Approval of minutes of 3 February 2014 – 5-0
  2. Financial report presented, attached by reference
  3. 2014 Club projects – all on hold pending the end of winter
    1. Hand gun range – areas under study and planning include:  shooting bench and roof, safety rules, safety courses, pulley system, iron targets (procured), range access fence, shooting fees and collection, cement pad, and erosion protection
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck
    3. Electrical power for 5 stand and hand gun range
    4. Cameras (security) for 5 stand and hand gun range
  4. 2014 events
    1. Annual meeting – Saturday, 5 April, 0900 hours
    2. Clean-up day – Saturday, 3 May, 0800-1200
    3. Braggin’ rights shoot – Saturday, 11 October
    4. Landfill Lunch – 9 September 2014
  5. Concealed carry classess – no new ones currently scheduled
  6. Elections – Voting still open until 15 March
  7. 2014 budget – approved
  8. New Business
    1. Annual meeting agenda – presented and approved
    2. Handgun range construction – discussed, more time neede



President’s Message – March 2014

President’s Message

(March 2014)

The electronic ballots and paper ballots (for those that do not have email) have been sent. The last day to vote is March 15. If you haven’t voted, I encourage you to do so.

The annual meeting is at 9 am on Saturday April 5, 2014. Topics to be addressed includes the 2014 financial reports, handgun range status, 2014 club projects and events, introduction of the new BOD, and open discussions with the membership. The new BOD will take over at the conclusion of the meeting.

The club will be hosting a registered skeet shoot on May 10 & 11. This event will be chaired by Dave Schroeder who will be looking for volunteers to work this shoot.  It is a four gun shoot at $48 per gun. If you have any interest in helping out or shooting in this event, you can contact Dave at 815-988-7552 or email him at dschroe356@aol.com.

As a reminder, Terry VanDenBoom will be responsible for all monetary receipts for the Club (rounds and dues payments).  Terry’s address is 7347 Sorghum Ln. Cherry Valley, IL. 61016. He can be reached at 815-312-6476 or via email at terryvdb@t6b.com.

Once the weather breaks, we will start working on the handgun range and start construction of the 5 stand deck. More dirt is needed for the back berm on the handgun range. Once that is done, the drainage system will be installed, and the construction of the shooting stations will begin.

The guide book on gun values is missing from the club. If you have borrowed it, please return it as soon as possible.

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2014 Club Events

  • Annual meeting – 4/5/14
  • Cleanup day – 5/3/14
  • Registered Skeet shoot – May 10 & 10
  • Landfill lunch – 9/9/14
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14

Best Regards

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – Feb. 2014

BOD Minutes of 3 February 2014

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd and Gregg Beylander

ABSENT:  Jim DeMaria


  1. Approval of Minutes of 1/13/2014 –  Approved 5-0
  2. Financial Report – Presented, attached by reference
  3. 2014 Club projects
    1. Hand gun/.22 rifle range – work in process
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck – will begin in spring
    3. Electrical power for 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration
    4. Security cameras for both – under consideration
  4. 2014 Events
    1. Annual meeting – NOTE – NEW DATE, SATURDAY, 5 APRIL
    2. Clean-up date – Saturday, 5 April
    3. Braggin’ rights shoot – Saturday, 11 October
    4. Landfill lunch – 9 September
  5. Conceal Carry policy –  approved 5-0  (Since concealed carry is now lawful in      Illinois, club members who are residences of Illinois (or any Illinois approved state) and have the appropriate licenses, can lawfully carry a handgun in a concealed manner on club property.  ALL HANDGUNS ARE TO BE CONCEALED AT ALL TIMES ON CLUB PROPERY.
  6. Conceal carry classes – several in process, more scheduled to be conducted
  7. Elections
    1. Nominations are now closed
    2. Ballots will be mailed or placed on the website by 15 February
    3. Voting closes on 15 March.  All ballots, electronic, mailed, or hand carried must be received by that date.
  8. 2014 budget – Approved 5-0.  Attached by reference
  9. Aged receivables – less than $200 outstanding
  10. New business
    1. 2014 membership – still being tabulated.
    2. Website renewal – $296 for three (3) years – accepted



Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message Feb. 2014

President’s Message

(February 2014)

2013 was a banner year for the club. Our financial position was the best ever and our membership was at an all time high of 261 members. The end of the year financial reports is posted on the bulletin board in the club house. Below is the Treasure’s report by John Bailey

Treasurer’s Report

2O13 was a great year for the Rockford Skeet and Trap Club. The Board members, President Sam Valenza, Vice President Larry Ohda, Secretary Sam Parkinson, Treasurer John Bailey, Directors Harley Shepherd, Greg Baylander and Jim Demaria are commended on their outstanding fiscal responsibility and 2013 accomplishments.  During the end of the year briefing the Club’s Accounting Firm, Premier Accounting, reported the Club had an outstanding year and a job well done. The Club was seven thousand dollars under budget. When you consider all the 2013 accomplishments, this has been a noteworthy year. There have been so many just to name a few. Upgrade and overhaul of the following has been accomplished: all trap and skeet machines, Club member’s professional skeet and trap machine maintenance training, Skeet house cement walkway, handgun range startup, new skeet remotes, skeet houses second coat of paint, new Pat trap, new skid jack, and establishment of skeet and trap machine spare parts inventory, Those are some, but I’m sure not all of the 2013 accomplishments. Our Treasury is in great shape because of the hard work and dedication put forth by our Members and Board. It has been a pleasure working with a Board which understands the needs of all our shooting disciplines and can allocate funds to these needs and stay within the budget. This year (2014) will be another great year.

John D. Bailey, Treasurer

February 1 was the last date to pay 2014 dues and we had a 92% renewal rate and stand at 240 members. Normally we expect to lose 8 to 10% of our members as a result of moves, deaths, illness, financial, etc. Please note that we will no longer be providing renewal date stickers. You can remove your old 2013 stickers if you would like.

The electronic ballots and paper ballots (for those that do not have email) will be sent Feb. 15 with a closing date of March 15. Results will be announced at our annual meeting on April 5. You might ask why so long between the meeting and the end of the election. Well, I screwed up and not thinking, scheduled a vacation at the end of March. Per the bylaws the meeting has to be held on the last weekend of March or scheduled thereafter to an alternate date.

Harley Shepherd has decided to retire from doing the receivables for the club after accepting this temporary position, eight years ago. Terry VanDenBoom will be taking his place. A transition date has not been set but it will probably be some time after the annual meeting. I will let you all know when the date is set. I and the BOD would like to thank Harley for an outstanding job in keeping our receivables in order which has contributed to our financial success. Also, thanks to Terry for taking on this very important task. I’m confident that we are in good hands.

If you haven’t noticed, the handgun range is really taking shape. The side berms are nearly complete and the back berm should be done soon. Construction of the shooting stations will commence in the spring

Rockford Skeet Club Concealed Carry Policy

Since concealed Carry is now lawful law in Illinois, club members who are residents of Illinois (or any Illinois carry approved state) and have the appropriated license, can lawfully carry a handgun in a concealed manner on club property. All handguns are to be concealed at all times on club property

The following are concealed carry classes offered by Aurelio DeLaRosa. The signup sheets are in the club house on the back counter.

  1. Date: 02/12/2014, Legal 6pm- 10pm, cont. 02/16/2014, Range, 1pm- 5pm = 8hrs. Location: Rockford Skeet and Trap, Rockford, IL. Cost $10
  2. Date: 2/13/2014, 8am– 5pm (8hrs) and cont, Legal on 2/14/2014, 8am- 12pm (4hrs). Location: 3261 Forest View Rd, Rockford, IL, DeLaRosa Submission Wrestling Academy.

Range Qualification 2/14/2014, 1pm-5pm (4hrs). Location: Rockford Skeet and Trap, Rockford, IL.  Cost $200

  1. Date: 2/19/2014, Legal, 12pm- 4pm, cont. 2/21/2014, Range, 12pm- 4pm = 8hrs. Location: Rockford Skeet and Trap, Rockford, IL. Cost $100
  2. Date: 2/22/2014, 8am- 5pm (8hrs) and cont, Legal on 2/23/2014, 8am- 12pm (4hrs). Location: 3261 Forest View Rd, Rockford, IL, DeLaRosa Submission Wrestling Academy.

Range Qualification 2/23/2014, 1pm-5pm (4hrs). Location: Rockford Skeet and Trap, Rockford, IL.  Cost $200

  1. Date: 2/27/2014, Legal, 1pm- 5pm cont. on 2/28/2014, Range, 12pm- 4pm = 8hrs. Location: Rockford Skeet and Trap, Rockford, IL. Cost $100

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2014 Club Events

  • Annual meeting – 4/5/14
  • Cleanup day – 5/3/14
  • Landfill lunch – 9/9/14
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – Jan. 2014

BOD Minutes of 13 January 2014

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Gregg Beylander and Harley Shepherd

ABSENT:  Jim DeMaria


  1. Approval of minutes of meeting of 12/2/13       5-0
  2. Treasurer’s report – attached by reference
  3. Club projects
    1. Hand gun range – in process
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck – spring project
  4. Conceal carry classes
    1. 1/19 8-5, 1/25 1-5, and 1/26 12-4
    2. 1/20 8-12 and 1/21 8-12
    3. 1/28 8-4:30 and 1/29 8-4:30
    4. Regular shooting will not be affected
  5. Election – nomination period still open
    1. President and Secretary 2 year terms
    2. 3 Director positions, 1 year term
  6. New Business
    1. 2014 budget – in process of being developed, ready for next meeting
    2. Aged receivables – very little not collected, notification will be made
    3. 2014 project suggestion

i.  Electrical power for 5 stand and rifle/pistol range

ii. Security cameras for 5 stand and rifle/pistol range

7. 2014 upcoming events

  1. Annual meeting – Saturday, March 29 0900
  2. Clean up day – Saturday, May 3 0800 – 1200
  3. Land fill lunch – Tuesday, September 9 1200
  4. Braggin’ Rights shoot – Saturday, October 11 – 0900
  5. Open House – open, no date established

8. 2014 membership dues – coming in, now over 180

9. Covers for 5 stand machines.  $85 each, total of $425  Approved 5-0

10. Conceal carry club policy – being developed


NEXT MEETING:  MONDAY, 3 February, 1700

Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary


President’s Message – Jan. 2014

President’s Message

(January 2014)

The 2014 dues invoices for $125 have been mailed. Payment is due by February 1, 2014. There is no grace period as in prior years. Dues received after February 1 will not be accepted and reapplication for club membership ($175) will be required.

If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors for the positions of president, secretary, and three directors or want to make a nomination, please contact Gino Nizzi at 815-482-3135 or e-mail him at mxkied2@comcast.net. Nominations are due by February 1, 2014 and elections will be held in March 2014.

Club member Aurelio DeLaRosa has been certified by the State of Illinois as a conceal carry instructor and will be offering the following classes to club members.

8 Hour Class -Weekday Class

Date: 01/20/2014, 8am- 12pm (4hrs) and 01/21/2014, 8am- 12pm (4hrs)

Location: Rockford Skeet and Trap, Rockford, IL. Cost $100

16 Hour Class, Weekday Class

Date: 1/28/2014, 8am- 4:30pm (8hrs) and cont. on 1/29/2014,8am- 4:30pm (8hrs)

Location: Rockford Skeet and Trap, Rockford, IL. Cost $200

16 Hour Class, Weekend Class

PART 1: 1/19/2014, 8am- 5:00pm (8hrs)

Location: 3261 Forest View Rd, Rockford, IL, DeLaRosa Submission Wrestling Academy

PART 2:  Cont. on 1/25/2014, 1pm- 5:00pm (4hrs) and 1/26/2014, 12pm-4pm (4hrs)

Location: Rockford Skeet and Trap, Rockford, IL. Cost $200

*Attention* If you require a 12 hour course please attend the morning session of Part 1 for the Weekend  class

If you have any questions email Aurelio at teamcomani@gmail.com.

2014 Club Projects

  • Handgun range – approved and in process
  • Construction of a 5 stand deck – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration

If anyone has any suggestions for additional projects or comments, please let me know.

2014 Club Events

  • Annual meeting – 3/29/14
  • Cleanup day – 5/3/14
  • Landfill lunch – 9/9/14
  • Bragging Rights Shoot – 10/11/14

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – Dec. 2013

BOD Minutes of 2 December 2013

Present:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd, Gregg Baylander

Absent:  Jim DeMaria


  1. Approval of minutes of 4 November 2013 – Approved 5-0
  2. Treasurers report – accepted, attached by reference
  3. Club Projects
    1. Hand gun range – insurance purchased for $102 per year
    2. Electrical power for 5 stand/hand gun range – laid over
  4. 2013 events – all completed
  5. Conceal carry instruction – use of club and pistol range
    1. First class begins in January, taught by club member
    2. New range, while not completed, can be used for this purpose ONLY
    3. Use of clubhouse for classes will be authorized
  6. Elections for 2014
    1. Office of President, Secretary, and 3 board members seats open
    2. Instructions on how to nominate/run will be published by President
    3. Members interested in running can also check bylaws for more info
  7. New Business
    1. Trap House number 2’s motor is being/has been repaired
    2. 2014 membership letters sent
    3. 5 stand design and cost:  Motion to allocate an amount not to exceed $4000 Motion approved 5-0
  8. Business of members – none


NEXT MEETING:  MONDAY, 6 January, 5:00p.m.

Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message – Dec. 2013

President’s Message (December 2013)

It has been another good year for our club. As I do every year, the following are the events and projects that were completed during the year. Events: held an

Open House, Braggin Rights Shoot, and provided lunch for the guys at the Land fill. Projects: Installed new skeet field remotes, started construction on handgun range, created new badges, painted skeet houses, painted bathrooms and kitchens, joined the Illinois Rifle Association, purchased a new Pat Trap, overhauled all skeet and trap machines, established machine maintenance crew, concealed carry instruction for club members, and increased membership to an all time high of 261.

The handgun range is again receiving dirt for the berms. The side berms are about done and the back berm still needs to go higher. It is anticipated that the berms will be completed by the end of this year or in January at the latest. Construction of the shooting stations will begin in the spring with an estimated completion date of early summer. No shooting will be allowed on the range until it is completely done and individual training has been conducted.

As previously reported, club member Aurelio DeLaRosa has been certified by the State of Illinois as a conceal carry instructor.  In January, he will be posting a signup sheet for club members interested in taking the training. Classes will be conducted in the club house and on our handgun shooting range. The range will only be used for concealed carry training and is not open to any shooting until it has been completed. Please note that anyone caught using the range for other than the concealed carry course will be subject to having their membership terminated.

The following winter shooting rules are affective immediately:

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining.

The 2014 dues invoices for $125 have been mailed. Payment is due by February 1, 2014. There is no grace period as in prior years. Dues received after February 1 will not be accepted and reapplication for club membership ($175) will be required.

A deck for the 5 Stand venue has been approved by the BOD. Construction will start in the spring. We are looking for volunteers to help build it. If you are interested please contact Todd Hendrey at 815-739-6979 or email him at waahooo7@comcast.net .

Club Projects

  • Handgun range – in process
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events – all events have been completed

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club