President’s Message – November 2012

The Braggin Rights Shoot was held on October 20, 2012. We had 27 shooters take part in this event. The winner was, as always,  George Ketter. Second place was Milt Schwanke and the third place winner was Greg Baylander. Congratulations guys. With George winning this event since its inceptions, we may have to rename the shoot and call it “The George Ketter Barggin Rights Shoot”. Great job George.
Now that winter is upon us the following rules are effective immediately • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields. • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining.
Thanks to Sam Parkinson for cutting the grass this past mowing season. He did a great job and saved us a lot of money. He mowed 20 times and in the past we were paying $150.00 per mowing which totals $3000.00. His total bill for gas/oil and labor was $700.00 which saved us $2300.00. Thanks again Sam.
The BOD has approved the purchase of state of the art remote controls for all three skeet fields. The money ($1800) for this project was left over donated funds that were collected for the skeet house renovations. The funds remaining in the donations Capital Account after the $1800 expense is deducted is $2900.00. Of this remaining balance $2000.00 is earmarked for the 5 stand/sporting clays venue. The remaining $978.00 has not designated for a project at this time. More details to follow once the remote controls have been installed.
A propane umbrella heater has been purchased and installed outside of the barn for the trap shooters. This heater is for OUT DOOR USE ONLY. DO NOT use it in the barn. The lighting instructions are on the heater. Just be sure to turn it off when done shooting. If there is interest, one can be purchased for the 5 stand area.
Trap field 2 is now operational.
Best Regards,
Sam Valenza President,
Rockford Skeet Club

President’s Message – October 2012

The skeet lights have been installed on field 2. I encourage everyone to try them out., it is quite an experience. Thanks again to the members that generously donated money and time to making this project a reality. Thanks to Rich Tomazewski for coordinating the construction and subcontracting of the lights. The following rules apply
•Positively no shooting after 9 PM
•Your key will unlock the pad lock on the power switch for the lights which is
located on the light pole closest to the low house
•When done shooting turn off the lights and lock the power switch with the pad
lock in the off position
•Load the skeet machines with targets
•Log your rounds

The club held our annual steak lunch for our neighbors across the road, the Winnebago Landfill. Thanks to Jeff Theien, John Lichty, and crew for all that they do for the club – snow and garbage removal, target loading, excavating, gravel, etc. Great neighbors!!! Thanks guys.

The Braggin Rights Shoot has been rescheduled to October 20, 2012. This is a fun shoot for all club members. Twenty five each of trap, skeet, and 5-stand will be shot. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three shooters and drawings will be held for all of the entered shooters. Guests are welcome but they cannot share in the prizes. It is a fun day and I encourage all levels of shooter to come on out and have some fun. Can anyone unseat our three time champion George Ketter? Lunch will be provided. The following rules apply.
• Cost is $5.00 per man plus you pay for your own rounds. You will shoot one round of trap, skeet, and 5 stand
• Total of all three scores will determine the winners. Ties will be determined by a shoot off.
• All entry money is returned at:
o 1st place – 50%
o 2nd place – 30%
o 3rd place – 20%
• You can shoot any gauge at any field
• Shooting between 9:00 AM and 12 noon
• If you do not wish to shoot in the event, you can shoot anyway at any open field or spot
• Members only may shoot in the event but club is open to guests

It has been brought to my attention that # 6 shot shells were found in the shot shell disposal bin. Just a reminder that shot larger than 71/2 cannot be used on club property.

Trap field 2 is down for machine repairs. Please use field 1.

Best Regards,
Sam Valenza
President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes October 2012

PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Jim DeMaria, Harley Shepherd, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Greg Beylander
ABSENT: Sam Parkinson


1. Approval of minutes of 11 September 2012 meeting. Approved 5-0
2. Financial Report – Presented, attached by reference
3. 2012 Club Projects
• 2nd coat of paint on skeet houses – Larry Ohda will do as time/weather permits
4. “Bragin Rights Shoot – 20 October
• BOD voted to count all three venue scores (75 targets) to determine winner. Approved 5-0
5. Insurance Review – Jim DeMaria
• Property – updated policy. Club refunded $800 + from Insurance Co. as a result of adjustments to policy
• Skeet lights added to policy
• Liability – continued and established with same company. Payment is in the mail.
6. 2013 Registered Skeet shoots
• Silver Dollar – 2 day shoot, dates TBD
7. Business Cards – John Bailey and Sam Valenza will design using John’s program.
8. No response from lead reclamation company as to their intent to reclaim our lead.
9. New Business
• 2013 Election – BOD members to advise their intent to run at the November meeting
• Purchase of blower at a not to exceed price of $300. Approved 5-0
• # 6 shot shells found in the trash. Club rules specify a maximum shot size of 71/2
• Sam Parkinson to review membership procedure
• Sam Valenza to investigate future target prices

Meeting Adjourned at 1000

NEXT MEETING – TUESDAY, November 6, 2113

Respectfully Submitted: Sam Valenza, President

President’s Message September 2012

I was hoping it would not come to this, but I’m going to have to address this head on as I have mentioned this issue in my previous President’s Messages but some members just don’t get it or don’t want to get it. As we all know, we do not pay anyone to maintain the club other than for machine maintenance and mowing. These comments are certainly not directed at the members that help maintain the club house and grounds and for that I commend them. Just recently I walked into the club house and found potato chips and donut crumb all over the floor near the table. It was quite a mess. Bathroom waste baskets full with paper towels spilling on to the floor. One day I found finger nail clipping on the floor – gross. There are some members that think the rules are not for them. It is time for those of you that are abusing the privileges of our club to change your ways and be responsible members. This means picking up after yourselves, emptying garbage cans, vacuuming the carpet, picking up your hulls, and loading the machines. If this continues, we will be forced to identify the individual(s) by using our nine surveillance cameras, of which there are two monitoring the club house interior. When identified, the membership statue of these individuals will be brought before the board of directors for review. Again, I apologize to the majority of our members that work hard to make our club the best in the area.

One item for the trap shooters. Some members are adjusting the machines to throw straight aways, that is fine, but when done shooting, please return the machine to its full functional setting.

The skeet lights for field 2 are in process. The pylons have been poured and have to cure for one week. The lights should be installed sometime during the week of September 17. I will send out instructions regarding the use of the lights in the near future. It should be noted that the cost of the lights was funded by donations from some of our members. Thanks to those members for their generous donations.

The open house held in August was a huge success. We gained ten new members. Thanks to all the members that were on hand to support this event.

The Braggin Rights Shoot has been rescheduled to October 20, 2012. This is a fun shoot for all club members. Twenty five each of trap, skeet, and five stand will be shot. The entry fee is $5.00 plus the cost of rounds. Prizes will be awarded to the top three shooters and drawings will be held for all of the entered shooters. Guests are welcome but they cannot share in the prizes. It is a fun day and I encourage all levels of shooter to come on out to have some fun. Lunch will be provided. More to follow as the date gets closer.

We now have club hats for sale at $14.00 each. There are two styles of hats, baseball and winter knit hats. They are in the trophy case in the club house. Put the money in an envelope located on the log desk and deposit in the slotted drawer.

2012 Events

• Members only ”Braggin Rights Shoot” – October 20

Best Regards,
Sam Valenza
President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes August 7, 2012

BOD Minutes of 7 August 2012

PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Jim DeMaria, Harley Shepherd
ABSENT : Greg Beylander


1. Approval of minutes of 10 July 2012 Approved 5-0
2. Treasurer’s report – presented, attached by reference
3. Club projects
a. Tractor/lift – tabled
b. 5-stand deck – tabled
c. Skeet Field lights
i. $5,800 pledged/donated
ii. Poles and lights purchased already for $1000
iii. Awaiting bid for installation/wiring costs
iv. Motion to proceed if total does not exceed pledged/donated – App 5-0
d. Carpets to be cleaned – in process
e. Open House – Saturday, 11 August
f. Braggin’ Rights Shoot – Scheduled for 10/6 – date may need to be changed
4. New Business
a. Insurance review – Jim DeMaria
i. Liability now at $2 million, deemed sufficient
ii. Board members are NOT covered – add to policy – App 5-0
iii. Property – amount of coverage
iv. needs to be revaluated for each building
b. Gift cards in the amount of $50 each for three people who worked last shoot
c. Reclaiming of lead shot – new company interested, awaiting info from them
d. 2013 registered shoots – will meet with Ric Hart regarding

Meeting adjourned at 1015

NEXT MEETING – TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 (One week later than normal)

Respectfully Submitted: Sam Parkinson, Secretary