BOD Meeting Minutes November 2022

RCS BOD, November 2022                                                                                                       PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Al Perry,  Randy Scott, Steve Wiltgen, Bill Shold  Caleb Davis,

 Todd Hendreys

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza

2.     Minutes of October/ 2022 – Approved, 5-0

3.    Treasurers Report:  Approved, 5-0

    A. New Business:

1. Virus guidelines – Keep as is.

2.  Update guest log book. Completed

4. Handgun range heaters, Completed

5. Update website. In process

6. New grill – Completed

7. Trap voice call repair.  Completed

8. Fix gravel road. In process

9. Roof repair- Completed

10. Move patterning board – next spring

a. Skeet league – Started

b. Introduction to 5 stand– next year

c. Introduction to skeet – Completed

d. Membership committee, working on new ideas

e. club internet, in process

Friends of the NRA – develop for next year

Projects for 2022

 Rebuild trap houses, Completed

2022 Events – Completed

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next Board meeting December 6, 2022                                                                                 

Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis, Secretary                                                                                                                                                         

President’s Message – October 2022

President’s Message

(October 20220

Rockford Skeet Club hosted another club fun day on September 24, 2022. It was a fun event with delicious food cratered in. Some members of the NIRPC were in attendance. We gave out several boxes ammo for attendance prizes and raffled off 10 rounds of shooting. Thanks to all that attended.

We also hosted our annual steak lunch for the folks at the landfill on Friday September16, 2022 in appreciation for all that they do for us. Thanks landfill folks.

On Saturday October 30th the club is hosting an introduction to skeet for new and current members that want to learn the game and/or get some tips that may help to improve scores. So come on out at 10:30am to skeet field three if you are interested.

Carts specifically designed to carry the trap voices calls have been received and will be available for use in the next few days. These carts should help preserve the units.

Wi-Fi at the club has been ordered. Comcast has to run the cable to the club house and work should be completed in the next few weeks.

The trap houses have been refurbished with the replacement of the roofs and doors. Thanks to Rich Tomasewski for doing a great job.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at

815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-631-9366, Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483, or Dan Gengo at 815-572-1423. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2022 Projects

  • Rebuild trap houses – approved
  • Remove clay targets on skeet fields – completed
  • Pistol range heaters – Completed
  • Gravel for the pistol range/5-Stand road – in process
  • Club internet – in process
  • Repair leak in club house roof – completed

2022 Events – all events have been completed

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – October 2022

RCS BOD, September 13, 2022                                                                                                       PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Al Perry, Mike Buckman, Randy Scott, Steve Wiltgen, Bill Shold Caleb Davis,

 Todd Hendreys

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza

2.     Minutes of August/ 2022 – Approved, 6-0

3.    Treasurers Report:  Approved, 6-0

A. New Business:

1. Virus guidelines – Keep as is.

2.  Update guest log book. Completed

4. Handgun range heaters, Completed

5. Update website. In process

6. New grill – Completed

7. Trap voice call repaired. 

8. Fix gravel road. In process

9. Roof repair- Completed

10. Move patterning board – next spring

a. Skeet league – Started

b. Venue tutorial – next spring

c. Membership committee, working on new ideas

d. club internet, voted 5-0 yes, in process

Friends of the NRA – develop for next year

Projects for 2022

 Rebuild trap houses, Completed

2022 Events – Completed

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next Board meeting November 1, 2022                                                                                 

Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary

BOD Meeting Minutes – September 2022

RCS BOD, September 13, 2022                                                                                                       PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Al Perry, Mike Buckman, Randy Scott, Caleb Davis,

 Todd Hendreys

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza

2.     Minutes of August/ 2022 – Approved, 5-0

3.    Treasurers Report:  Approved, 5-0

A. New Business:

1. Virus guidelines – Keep as is.

2.  Update guest log book. Completed

4. Handgun range heaters, Completed

5. Update website. In process

6. New grill – Completed

7. Trap voice call repair parts.  ordered

8. Fix gravel road. In process

9. Roof repair- voted 5-0 yes

a. Handgun league – started

b. Trap tutorial spring – completed

c. Membership committee, working on new ideas

d. club internet, voted 5-0 yes, in process

e. 5 stand/sporting league – Completed

Projects for 2022

 Rebuild trap houses, in process

2022 Events

Landfill lunch – 9/16/22 

New Membership day 9/24/22

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next Board meeting October 4, 2022                                                                                 

Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary

President’s Message – September 2022

President’s Message

(September 2022)

Rockford Skeet Club will be hosting another club fun day on September 24, 2022 starting at 9 am until around 1 pm. We have invited NIRPC members to join us. All venues will be open. There will be attendance drawings for ammo, a raffle for $1.00 per ticket for10 rounds and a free lunch. Also, if you break a pink target, you will receive an extra attendance drawing ticket.  Please check in at the club house to receive your attendance ticket before shooting.  Also, a pump gun or double barrel shoot will be held and will consist of one round of wobble trap, one round of 16-yard trap, one round of skeet, and one round of 5 stand. The only cost for this fun day is for the cost of rounds. Come on out and join the fun. Guests are welcome.

The annual lunch for the folks at the landfill is Friday September16, 2022. The club house will not be available to club members except for logging rounds and bathroom use between the hours of 11:00 am and 1 pm.  

Fall Skeet League – 1 October 2022 – 30 November 2022

Grab a couple of your shooting buddies and enjoy some friendly competition. Your team decides when they want to shoot. Shoot five events, each event consists of a standard round of skeet and a doubles round. Don’t think your scores are good enough, don’t worry its handicapped. Signup sheets and details are on the tables in the club house. Questions contact Chuck Jones, 815-275-0090, email If you don’t have a team, a team will be assigned to you. Grind’em up.

It has been noticed that the trap voice calls have been damaged with the speakers being dented and the transmitter cables braking. Several transmitters have been returned to the vendor for repair. I am asking everyone to take extra care when using the voice calls. Carts specifically designed to carry the voices calls are on order and should be received in the next week or so. These carts should help preserve the units.

It looks like we will finally have Wi-Fi at the club in the near future. I will keep you all posted.

The Board of Directors (BOD) has approved a proposal from Rich Tomasewski to refurbish the trap houses. Work is scheduled for the week of September 12, 2022. When workers are present, no shooting is allowed on either trap field.

The club has purchased of a new grill. It is available to all members who wish to use it. So, bring out your burgers and Brats and have fun.

All safety officers have been issued new badges that identify them as safety offices. Let me know if you did not get one.

The club house roof has been leaking during rain storms and will be repaired this Saturday September 17. There will be no interference with club activities.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at

815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483, or Dan Gengo at 815-572-1423. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2022 Projects

  • Rebuild trap houses – approved
  • Remove clay targets on skeet fields – completed
  • Pistol range heaters – Completed
  • Gravel for the pistol range/5-Stand road – in process
  • Club internet – in process
  • Repair leak in club house roof

2022 Events

  • Landfill lunch – 9/16/22
  • Club fun day/new members day/open house – 9/24/22

In memory – current and past members that have died in 2022. Let me know if you are aware of the passing of any other of our members in 2022.

  • Larry Hammack
  • Russ Weeks
  • Don Ufkin

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

President’s Message – August 2022

President’s Message

(August 2022)

The Board of Directors (BOD) has approved a proposal from Rich Tomasewski to refurbish the trap houses. Once work begins the trap fields will not be available for shooting. I will let you know when the work will start.

The folks at the landfill will be putting more gravel on the road behind the club house to fill in the pot holes that have developed. I want to thank Tim and his crew over at the landfill for doing this for us.

August is National Shooting Sports Month. We are always looking for new members and this is and added an opportunity for you to bring out guests and get them acquainted with the shooting sports and/or our club. If a guest fills out an application, the guest fee will be waived. Also, every Tuesday is Twilight Tuesday in August.  Join your club members for shooting under the lights starting at 7 pm.  Lights go on when it is dusk, and we finish at 9 pm.  Last week we had both skeet and trap under the lights.  August 9th is shotgun show and tell night.  Bring some hardware with a story!

For safety reasons, we will be moving the patterning board between skeet field 3 and the handgun range berm. There is concern that people using the patterning board could be in danger with shooters on trap field 2.

I want to remind everyone that badges are required to be worn on club property.

Trap shooters please be aware that when you talk while on station birds are being released through the voice calls. Please keep you talking to a minimum and thanks for you cooperation.

The BOD has approved a donation in the amount of $250 to sponsor a shooting station during the boy scout shoot scheduled in September.

All safety officers will be issued new badges that identify them as safety offices. The new badges will be available in the next week or two.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at

815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483, or Dan Gengo at 815-572-1423. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2022 Projects

  • Rebuild trap houses – approved
  • Remove clay targets on skeet fields – completed
  • Pistol range heaters – Completed
  • Gravel for the pistol range/5-Stand road – in process
  • Club internet – investigation is in process

2022 Events

  • Landfill lunch – 9/16/22
  • Club fun day/new members day/open house – 9/24/22

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – August 2022

RCS BOD Meeting – August 2, 2022                                                                                                       

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Bill Shold, Al Perry, Mike Buckman, Randy Scott, Steve Wiltgren,

  1. Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
  2. Minutes of July 2022 – Approved, 5-0
  3. Treasurers Report:  Approved, 5-0

2022 Projects

  1. Handgun range heaters, Completed
  2. Update website – In process
  3. New grill – In process
  4. Fix gravel road – In process
  5. Club internet – Randy Scott is investigating Comcast and T-Moble
  6. Rebuild trap houses – approved/in process
  7. Broken clays removal – completed

20222 Events

  1. clean up day – Completed
  2. Fun day – Completed
  3. Landfill lunch – 9/16/22
  4. Club fun day/New Membership/open house Day 9/24/22

New business

  1. NIRPC/RSC meeting scheduled for August 16. Agenda for meeting is in process
  2. Guest waiver was discussed and is being researched by Steve Wiltgen
  3. Clay for scouting – BOD approved a $250.00 station donation
  4. Safety officer badges – BOD agreed to have badges for safety officers. Caleb to make and distribute
  5. Patterning board will be relocated between skeet field 3 and handgun range berm for safety reasons
  6. Badges are to be worn on club property
  7. Investigating venue coaches for tutorials
    1. Caleb Davis and George Ketter to conduct 5-stand tutorial

Meeting adjourned at 7:30

Next Board meeting September 6, 2022                                                                                 

Respectfully submitted – Sam Valenza for Caleb Davis, Secretary

President’s Message – July 2022

President’s Message

(July 2022)

The board of directors welcomed Steve Wiltgen to the position of director at our July meeting. Steve is replacing Todd Hendry who has decided to resign his position as a result of his busy work schedule running his family business. I want to thank Todd for his past years of serving on the board and for his dedicated service to the club.

Twilight Tuesday skeet shoots will be July 12 and 26 starting at 7 pm. Why not experience skeet under the lights with fellow club members?  Guests are also welcome, so call a friend and bring your gear for a couple of low-key rounds of skeet as the sun goes down. Shooting will be under the lights for the last round ending at 9 pm.

The road in front (east) of the skeet and trap fields is being used by the Norther Illinois Pistol and Rifle club members and by trucks bringing in materials to build their ranges. The road is being used more than in the past several years. Therefore, if you see or hear vehicles on that road, shooting is to stop until the vehicles have cleared the roadway. This is a safety precaution to prevent any persons or vehicles from be hit by falling shot.

We are planning on hosting a skeet and 5-stand tutorial in the fall. This will be an

opportunity to get some instruction on these two venues especially for new members. I will provide more information as details are finalized.

We are in need of a few more safety officers. If you are interested in becoming a safety officer and/or want some more information, please contact me at

I want to remind everyone of our guest procedure which has been revised as follows.


  • Guest(s) and their host member shall log into the guest book and provide the required information on every visit to the club.
  • The Guest will shoot at member’s round fee. The member may log all rounds (member and guest) on his/her page in the log book to pay for Guest rounds shot. Or, the Guest may pay for their own rounds by placing payment in a payment envelope and clearly marking envelope “payment of guest rounds” including the Guests name.
  • The Guest will also be required to pay a $5.00 user fee for each day that he/she shoots. The $5.00 user fee will be deposited in the envelopes provided and will be placed in the club depository located in the clubhouse.  
  • The member’s spouse, children, and grandchildren (under the age of 25) may shoot under the member’s membership.
  • For safety concerns, a safety offices or board member is required for every four guest that are brought to the club (i.e., 4 guests 1 safety officer/board member, 5 to 8 guests 2 safety offices/board members, 9 to 12 guests 3 safety offices/board members, etc.).

Effective:  Revised July 2022

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at

815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483, or Dan Gengo at 815-572-1423. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2022 Projects

  • Rebuild trap houses – June/July
  • Remove clay targets on skeet fields – completed
  • Pistol range heaters – Completed
  • Gravel for the pistol range and 5-Stand road

2022 Events

  • Landfill lunch – 9/16/22
  • Club fun day – 9/24/22

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – July 2022

 RCS BOD, July 5 2022                                                                                                       

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Bill Shold , Al Perry, Mike Buckman, Randy Scott, Steve Wiltgren, Caleb Davis,

 Todd Hendreys

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza

2.     Minutes of June/ 2022 – Approved, 6-0

3.    Treasurers Report:  Approved, 6-0

    A. New Business:

1. Virus guidelines – Keep as is.

2.  Update guest log book.

4. Handgun range heaters, Completed

5. Looking for more safety officers

6.NIRPC/RSC combined membership. – initiation fees waived.

7. Update website. In process

8. New grill – In process

9. New 5 stand remote. Completed

10. Trap voice call repaired. Completed

11. Fix gravel road. In process

a. Handgun league – Started

b. Trap tutorial spring – again in fall

c. Membership committee, started working on new ideas.

d. club internet, getting quotes

e. 5 stand/sporting league – started

Projects for 2022

 Rebuild trap houses, in process

 Clay removal, Completed

2022 Events

 clean up day – Completed

Fun day – Completed

Landfill lunch – 9/16/22

School trap team – Completed

Club sponsored t-shirts, Completed

New Membership day 9/24/22

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next Board meeting August 2, 2022                                                                                  

Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis, Secretary

President’s Message – June 2022

President’s Message

(June 2022)

The club has a new Facebook page that can be found at @rockfordskeetandtrap. Please visit the page and like it so we can show support for the club, share information, and bring awareness to the community that we are here. You are welcome to invite friends to like the page and to come out and join. We will keep it updated with club information and member experiences.

The club hosted our second annual fun day on June 4th. It certainly appeared that everyone had a good time. I want to thank members from the Northern Illinois Rifle and Pistol Club for coming out to enjoy the festivities. We are planning another fun day on September 24th.

Our annual club cleanup day was very successful. I want to thank all those who came out and worked hard to make the grounds look beautiful. Also, a big thank you to the Cathedral Baptist School trap team for all of their hard work.

It was a real pleasure to have the Cathedral Baptist School trap team use our club as their home club. The students had a great time and learned a lot of shooting and safety skills. It is certainly hoped that they will be back next season.

Thanks to George and Sue Ketter for hosting a trap clinic/tutorial for our club members. We are planning on doing more tutorials for our various venues in the future.   

The new heater for the pistol range has been installed and is ready to go for next winter. Thanks to Rich Tomasewski for coordinating and installing the heater. 

Rock Ridge and Rockford Skeet Club Sporting clays and 5-stand league

$225 includes 10 weeks of shooting and a dinner at the last shoot
Rockford Skeet – 50 5-stand targets
Dates: 6/8, 6/22, 7/6, 7/20, 8/3
Rock Ridge – 50 sporting targets
Dates: 6/15, 6/29, 7/13, 7/27, 8/10
Rock Ridge: 14755 E. Edson Rd., Davis Junction
Rockford Skeet: 8104 Lindenwood Rd. Rockford
Top 8 scores will be taken, allowing for 2 “throwaway” or missed weeks. Shooting every Wednesday night beginning at 5:30. Rain make up days will be on Thursdays at 5:30.

To sign up contact Andrew at 815-382-1232 or Caleb at 815-243-1483

Back by popular demand, Twilight Tuesday skeet shoot will be June 21st at 7 pm.  Why not experience skeet under the lights with fellow club members?  Guests are also welcome, so call a friend and bring your gear for a couple of low-key rounds of skeet as the sun goes down.  We’ll be under the lights for the last round ending at 9 pm.

The club’s gas grill is nearing it’s end days, so the BOD has approved the purchase of a new grill. The new grill will be purchased in the next week or two. Just a reminder that the grill is available to all members who wish to use it. So bring out your burgers and Brats and have fun.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at

815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483, or Dan Gengo at 815-572-1423. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2022 Projects

  • Rebuild trap houses – June/July
  • Remove clay targets on skeet fields – completed
  • Pistol range heaters – Completed
  • Gravel for the pistol range and 5-Stand road

2022 Events

  • Landfill lunch – 9/16/22
  • Club fun day – 9/24/22

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club