BOD Meeting Minutes – Dec. 2015

BOD Meeting of 7 December 2015

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Randy Scott, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Clay Buehler, and Terry VanDerBoom

ABSENT:   None


  1. Minutes of November 2, 2015 – Accepted as presented 6-0
  2. Treasurers Report:
    1. Accepted as read, attached by reference
    2. Review of 2016 Budget plan was completed. Final budget will be completed in January 2016 and will include any revision as result of December activities and any new projects/needs identified for inclusion. Final budget will be posted upon completion.
    3. Financial reporting for 2015 calendar year will be completed in January prior to meeting with accountants
  3. 2015 Projects
    1. Hand gun range pulley system – in process – working through pulley system design.
    2. Construction of 5 stand deck – 2 designs under review – construction on hold pending over shoot rights resolution. No change
    3. Cameras for 5 stand and pistol range – Equipment donated installation needs to be scheduled. No change.
    4. Club will order video surveillance signs – Five signs were purchased and will be mounted strategically on club land. Larry Ohda to install.
    5. A surge suppressor was added to the trap field.
    6. New shipment of clay targets was received December 7, 2015.
    7. Additional pull cords for the trap machine exist but would not solve issues surrounding power outages.
  4. Notices:
    1. Additional liability insurance to cover board members was purchased by the club.
    2. 2016 Club board elections: Offices of President, Secretary, and at large BoD Directors (3) will be on the ballet. Elections are scheduled for February.
    3. Club Dues invoices were sent to all members and responses can be made to payment drawer or Terry VanDerBoom.
    4. Skeet field three repairs will completed within next couple of weeks
  5. 2015 Events – All events complete.  Financial reports were completed for all events
    1. Vintage shoot – 20 June 2015.
    2. Registered Skeet Shoot – August 15 and 16, 2015.
    3. Old Geezer Shoot – 5 September 2015.
    4. Landfill Lunch – 8 September 2015.
    5. Braggin Rights shoot – 17 October 2015.
    6. Turkey Shoot – 7 November 2015
  6. New Business
    1. RSC club board members continue to meet with S & T Land Corp board members improve relations and develop comprehensive plans for club growth. The teams met on November 30, 2015 and will continue the meetings in January 2016 .
  7. No other member business.


Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary