President’s Message – June 2013

President’s Message

(June 2013)

As I stated in my last President’s Message the construction of the handgun range has started. At this time we do not have a completion date. The berms are still in the process of being built.  Once this has been completed, we will pour a cement pad for the no sky shooting bench and add the target pulley system and the metal targets. The range safety rules have been finalized. Also, we are still in the process of developing a handgun orientation course that all members will have to take before using the range. Pistols and 22 rim fire rifles are the only guns allowed on the range.  Therefore, no center fire rifles or center fire rifle cartridges in any firearm configuration will be allowed.  If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

Some of the sporting guys will be on site this Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm, June 8, and Sunday June 9 from 10 am to 12 noon to give instructions on turning the machines on and off. Also, they will give shooting instructions for anyone that wants them. If you have any interest in learning this sport, I encourage you to come on out and give it a try.

All guests will be required to wear guest badges which are hanging on the bulletin board. As a reminder, all guests have to be logged in the guest book and a $5.00 daily guest fee is to be deposited in the drawer in an envelope with the guest’s and member’s name written on it. The guest’s rounds fees are to be added to the member’s rounds log sheet.

Larry Ohda will be painting three of the skeet houses as soon as the weather permits. One house was painted last summer. So please try not to shoot Larry until he is done painting.

All of the skeet field remotes have been repaired, installed,  and are operational.

2013Club Projects

  • Handgun range
  • Second coat of paint on 3 of the skeet houses      (one painted last year) – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events

  • Open House – August 17
  • Land Fill Lunch – September 10
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

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