BOD Meeting Minutes – June 2013

BOD Meeting of 3 June 2013

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Greg Beylander, Harley    Shepherd, and Jim DeMaria MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:00PM BY PRESIDENT SAM VALENZA

  1. Approval      of minutes of 5/9/13 – Approved 6-0
  2. Financial      Report – Presented, attached by reference
  3. Club      Projects
    1. Hand       gun/.22 rifle range – following items in committee

i.      Shooting bench and roof

ii.      Safety rules

iii.      Safety course

iv. Pulley system

v.      Iron Targets

vi.      Range access fence

vii.      Shooting fees and method of collection

viii.      Cement Pad

ix.      Erosion protection

  1. Second coat of paint on skeet houses 2,3,4 – waiting for rain to stop
  2. Electrical power for 5 stand and range – on hold
  1. 2013 Events
    1. Open house 17 August
    2. Land Fill Lunch – 10 September
    3. Braggin Rights shoot – 5 October
  2. Skeet tournament – withdrawn
  3. Skeet remotes – back, installed, working, 1 year warranty from company
  4. New Business
    1. Iron Targets for pistol/.22 range – options being explored
    2. Badges – guest badges available on board

MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:45PM   NEXT MEETING – Monday, July 1 at 5:00pm   Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message – June 2013

President’s Message

(June 2013)

As I stated in my last President’s Message the construction of the handgun range has started. At this time we do not have a completion date. The berms are still in the process of being built.  Once this has been completed, we will pour a cement pad for the no sky shooting bench and add the target pulley system and the metal targets. The range safety rules have been finalized. Also, we are still in the process of developing a handgun orientation course that all members will have to take before using the range. Pistols and 22 rim fire rifles are the only guns allowed on the range.  Therefore, no center fire rifles or center fire rifle cartridges in any firearm configuration will be allowed.  If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

Some of the sporting guys will be on site this Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm, June 8, and Sunday June 9 from 10 am to 12 noon to give instructions on turning the machines on and off. Also, they will give shooting instructions for anyone that wants them. If you have any interest in learning this sport, I encourage you to come on out and give it a try.

All guests will be required to wear guest badges which are hanging on the bulletin board. As a reminder, all guests have to be logged in the guest book and a $5.00 daily guest fee is to be deposited in the drawer in an envelope with the guest’s and member’s name written on it. The guest’s rounds fees are to be added to the member’s rounds log sheet.

Larry Ohda will be painting three of the skeet houses as soon as the weather permits. One house was painted last summer. So please try not to shoot Larry until he is done painting.

All of the skeet field remotes have been repaired, installed,  and are operational.

2013Club Projects

  • Handgun range
  • Second coat of paint on 3 of the skeet houses      (one painted last year) – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events

  • Open House – August 17
  • Land Fill Lunch – September 10
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

President’s Mesage – May 2013

President’s Message

(May 2013)

The construction of the handgun range has started. Our good neighbors at the landfill have started to build up the berms on three sides of the range. Once this has been completed, we will start to build the shooting bench which is currently being designed along with the target pulley system and the metal targets. The range safety rules have been finalized and will be published in the near future. Also we are developing a handgun orientation course that all members will have to take before using the range. Pistols and 22 rim fire rifles are the only guns allowed on the range.  Therefore, no center fire rifles or center fire rifle cartridges in any firearm configuration will be allowed.  If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

I would like to give thanks to the members that helped out during our Spring Cleanup Day which was held on May 4. The club looks great.

The 5 stand has been converted into a sporting clays course with six shooting stations, which includes one station in the trap tower and one in the woods. I’m really excited about this venue and encourage all of you to give it a try. Thanks to Greg Baylander and the members of his crew for putting this course in place.

Also thanks to Jaclyn Baylander for cleaning up the garden and for agreeing to maintain it this year.

All of the skeet remote control receivers were damaged during an electrical storm and had to be removed and sent to the manufacturer for repair. As a result, the pull cords will have to be used until the receivers are returned to us.

2013Club Projects

  • Handgun range
  • Second coat of paint on 3 of the skeet houses      (one painted last year) – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events

  • Open House – August 17
  • Land Fill Lunch – September 10
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – May 2013

BOD Meeting of 9 May 2013

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, and Gregg Beylander

ABSENT:  Harley Shepherd and Jim DeMaria


1. Approval      of minutes of 4/2/13 – Approved 4-0

2. Treasurers      Report – Presented, attached by reference

3. Club Projects

a. Hand gun range – in progress, dirt coming in now

b. Areas to be considered

i.      Shooting bench and roof

ii.      Safety rules

iii.      Safety course

iv.      Pulley system

v.      Iron targets

vi.      Range access fence

vii.      Shooting fees and collections of

viii.      Cement Pad

ix.      Erosion protection

x.      Camera(s)

    1. Second coat of paint on skeet houses- as weather permits
    2. Electrical power for 5 stand and hand gun range – tabled
  1. 2013      events
    1. Open House – 17 August
    2. Land fill lunch – 10 September
    3. Braggin’ Rights shoot – 5 October
  2. Garden maintenance – Gregg Beylander’s wife is taking care of it
  3. New Business
    1. Lawn care – contracted to Tru Green (weed control)
    2. Skeet remotes – Company is working on, was hit by “air burst”
    3. In House Skeet tournament – concept introduced, tabled until next meeting
    4. 4-H shooting program – extremely complicated, passed on idea


NEXT MEETING: Monday, 3 June, 1700

Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message – April 2013

President’s Message

(April, 2013)

If you did not pick up your new badge at the club, you should have by now received it in the mail. If you did not receive your badge, please contact John Bailey at 815-520-2888. New members with temporary badges will have to complete the required signature signoff process prior to being issued a permanent badge.

Nothing new to report on the handgun range at this time. We are still in the process of getting bids, formulating range design, and safety procedures. If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

Spring cleanup day is May 4 from 9 to noon. Your help would be appreciated. Bring out your rakes, shovels, trimmer, etc. Lunch will be provided.

The low house machine on skeet field 2 has been breaking an inordinate amount of birds over the last few months. It has been worked on several times. As of now the machine works best when it is half full of birds. Therefore, only fill this machine about half full until a permanent fix is found.

The registered Silver Dollar Skeet Shoot scheduled for May 31 thru June 2 has been cancelled.

Club Projects

  • Second coat of paint on 3 of the skeet houses      (one painted last year) – approved
  • Electrical power for the 5 stand and handgun      range – under consideration

2013 Club Events

  • Spring cleanup day – May 4
  • Open House – August 17
  • Land fill lunch – September 10
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – April

BOD Meeting of 12 April 2013


PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd and Greg Beylander

ABSENT:  Larry Ohda and Jim DeMaria




  1. Approval      of minutes of 3/5/15 meeting Approved 4-0
  2. Financial      Report – presented, attached by reference
  3. Club      Projects
    1. Hand       gun/.22 rifle range –
  1.                                                               i.      Will be moved to a different location
  2.                                                             ii.      Proposed location would create major drainage problems
  3.                                                           iii.      New location between skeet field 3 and old 5 stand burm
  4.                                                               i.      On order
  5.                                                             ii.      Champion birds – $13,041
    1. 2nd       coat of paint on Skeet houses 2,3,4 – weather permits
    2. Electrical       power to 5-stand, new range – still on table
  1. 2013      Events
    1. Clean-up       day – Saturday, 4May – lunch provided
    2. Open       House – Saturday 17 August
    3. Land       Fill lunch – 10 September
    4. Braggin       Rights Shoot – Saturday 5 October
  2. New      Business
    1. Machine       Maintenance – volunteers found, will have them trained
    2. Registered       skeet shoots – Cancelled
    3. Targets
    1. Badges       – badges not picked up have all been mailed to members
    2. Garden       Maintenance – Gregg Beylander’s wife volunteered to do it
  1. Business      of members
    1. Club       computer used by treasurer has “died” – will be recycled
    2. Second       club computer will be given to treasurer to use




NEXT MEETING – Thursday, 5:00a.m., 9 May 2013


Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message – March 2013

President’s Message

(March, 2013)


The election for the open positions for board of directors closes on March 28th. If you have not voted please do so by this date.

The hand gun range is moving forward. We will be getting a bid to core out the range and build the berms in the near future. Work will mostly start in the June time frame of this year. Plans and procedures are still being developed and I will keep you informed as they become firm. If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

If you have not picked up your new club badge, please make arrangements as soon as possible. Badges will be available for pick up at the club from 9 am to noon every Saturday until our annual meeting on March 23.

Thanks to Larry Ohda for painting the bathrooms. They look great. He will be painting the kitchen in the near future.

The annual meeting is at 9 am on Saturday March 23 at the club. We will be reviewing the state of the club including finances, projects, and activities. We will also have a general discussion as determined by the attendees. I hope to see you all out there.

The Board of directors has decided to join the Illinois Rifle Association. As gun owners we need to get involved and support our second amendment rights.

Whoever borrowed our gun blue books needs to return them as soon as possible. The books are left at the club for all of our members to use and are a valuable resource when buying, selling, or insuring guns.

We are looking for a few more Safety Officers. If you are interested in becoming one, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278.

The 2013 budget has been approved by the BOD and is posted in the club house.


Club Projects

  • Second coat of paint on 3 of the skeet houses (one painted last year) – approved
  • Paint kitchen – approved
  • Electrical power for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration


2013 Club Events

  • Annual Meeting – March 23Spring cleanup day – May 4
  • Silver Dollar registered Skeet Shoot – May 31 thru June 2
  • Open House – August 17
  • Land fill lunch – September 10
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

 Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting of Feb. 5, 2013

BOD Meeting of 5 February 2013

 PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd

ABSENT:  Greg Beylander and Jim DeMaria


Approval of Minutes of 8 January 2013 – Approved 3-0

  1. Financial Report – Presented, attached by reference
  2. Club Projects
    1. Handgun/.22 rifle range – work in progress
    2. Painting of skeet houses – Spring project
    3. Bathroom and Kitchen painting – will be done soon
    4. Electrical power to 5 stand area – Under consideration and study
  3. 2013 events
    1. Annual Meeting – Saturday, 23 March
    2. Annual Clean Up day – Saturday, 4 May
    3. Silver Dollar Shoot – May 31 through June 2
    4. Braggin Rights Shoot – Tentatively scheduled for 5 October
    5. Land Fill Lunch – 10 September
  4. 2013 elections – will be done electronically, nominations now closed
  5. 2013 dues – 220 paid so far
  6. 2013 budget – presented, will be voted on at next meeting
  7. New Business
    1. Machine maintenance – Ed and Ric will do, approved $400 each 3-0
    2. New badges

                                                              i.      2 ½ x 4 ½ , laminated with either clip or lanyard ready, no cap badge

                                                            ii.      Cost for machine, 400 lamination packets, and 400 clips $204 – App 3-0

    1. A new/different meeting date and time were discussed, tentative, Thursdays at 5:00
    2. Sam has invited Senator Steve Stodelman and members of his committee to meet with us regarding new gun bills in Illinois.  His office has expressed interest, more to follow.

Meeting adjourned at 0940


RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

Presidents’s Message – February 2013

President’s Message

(February 8, 2013)

Election for the board of directors will be held this month. Nominations are now closed.As previously reported, voting will be done electronically via email. Those that do not have email will be mailed a ballot. The electronic voting is very simple and will be self-explanatory.

There is not much to report on the handgun range at this time. We do know that a 4 to 6 hour training course will be required before any member can shoot on the range. Training will be conducted by qualified club members. New members will have to qualify on the shot gun venues before they can qualify on the hand gun range. Plans and procedures are still being developed and I will keep you informed as they become firm. If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

A new style membership badge has been created. It is a 3×5 laminated badge with an alligator clip that can be clipped to an article of clothing or hung around the neck with a lanyard. The badges will be made by me, John Bailey, and John’s wife Eunice using newly purchased laminating equipment. The plan is to hand out the new badges during our annual meeting on March 23 and on subsequent Saturday mornings between 9 am and 12 noon. If you are a new member and have not received your badge you will have to wait for the new badge. This does not mean that you cannot use the club. The new badges will have to be worn at all times while on club property.

The new skeet remotes are up and running and work just great. They are now hanging on a rack just above the log book desk.  

Club Projects

  • Second coat of paint on 3 of the skeet houses (one painted last year) – approved
  • Paint bathrooms and kitchen – approved
  • Electrical power for the 5 stand and handgun range – under consideration


2013 Club Events

  • Annual Meeting – March 23Spring cleanup day – May 4
  • Silver Dollar registered Skeet Shoot – May 31 thru June 2
  • Open House – August 17
  • Land fill lunch – September 10
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

 Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Minutes of 8 January 2013

BOD Minutes of 8 January 2013

 PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Harley Shepherd, Gregg Beylander

ABSENT:  Larry Ohda and Jim DeMaria


Approval of Minutes of 12/4/12  Approved 4-0

  1. Financial Report –  Accepted, attached by reference
  2. Club Projects
    1. 2nd coat of paint on skeet houses – Spring
    2. Painting of clubhouse kitchen and bathrooms – in progress
    3. Electrical power for 5-stand and possible new range – info only, no action
  3. Business cards for board members – available, see John Bailey
  4. 2013 elections – Nominations due by 1 February to Gary O’Neill
    1. Positions open – Vice President  2 year term
    2. Treasurer – 2 year term
    3. 3 Directors – 1 year term
  5. Maintenance on Lawn Tractor has been completed by Meridian Implement
  6. New Business
    1. Hand gun safety class – Since Zoning is approved, classes will eventually be necessary for members
    2. Committee appointed to look into new range cost and rules

                                                              i.      Gregg Beylander – Chair

                                                            ii.      Paul Schueler – member

                                                          iii.      Paul Roney – member

                                                          iv.      Pat Whitehead – member

                                                            v.      Milt Schwanke – member

                                                          vi.      Suggestions may be sent to Gregg Beylander

    1. Report from Gregg Beylander will be forthcoming and attached to minutes
    2. 2013 Events

                                                              i.      Silver Dollar Shoot – May 31 through June 2  (only one shoot this year)

                                                            ii.      Clean-up day – Saturday, 4 May, rain date 11 May

                                                          iii.      Annual meeting – Saturday 23 March

                                                          iv.      Open House – Tentatively 17 August

                                                            v.      Braggin’ Rights Shoot – Tentative 5 October

                                                          vi.      Land Fill Lunch – 10 September

    1. Aged receivables – very few but follow up in progress
    2. 2013 Budget – available next meeting, awaiting final figures from accountants
    3. 2013 Dues status – 130 paid so far

Meeting adjourned at 1000


RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary