BOD Meeting Minutes – August 2013

BOD Minutes of 5 August 2013

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Gregg Beylander, Jim   DeMaria, and Harley Shepherd


  1. Approval      of minutes of 1 July 2013 – Approved 5-0
  2. Financial      Report – Quarterly and monthly posted.       Accepted 5-0
  3. Club      Projects
    1. Hand       Gun/.22Rifle Range – free dirt still coming in, balance of items on hold
    2. Second       Coat of paint on skeet houses – will be done, time permitting
    3. Electrical       power for range and 5 stand – pending
  4. Conceal      carry on club property – Tabled until State comes up rules
  5. 2013      Events
    1. Open       House –  Saturday, 17 August       9-1:00, volunteers welcomed, special new member rate of $85 for remainder       of year
    2. Land       Fill lunch – Tues, September 10
    3. Braggin       Right shoot – Saturday, 5 October
  6. New      Business
    1. New       security DVR installed
    2. 25       straight patches – donated by Remington, in desk drawer
    3. Machine       Maintenance – A rep from Bemat will come and clean, adjust, and/or repair       all machines plus will train some of our members in the maintenance etc.       of the machines.  Approved 6-0
    4. Welcome       letter for new members.  John will       rough draft and send to board
    5. A       member has expressed interest in heading up a registered skeet       shoot.  Board approved concept and       encouraged him to do so.  This       would be for next year.
  7. Business      of members
    1. Request       for $2500 to complete 5-stand deck project.  Approved 6-0
    2. Champion       Targets vs White Flyer
  1.                                                               i.      Some members concerned that Champion targets do not break when hit
  2.                                                             ii.      White flyers are $2200 per truck load higher
  3.                                                           iii.      Discussion followed – no action taken but will be looked into


NEXT MEETING:  Tuesday, 3 September at 1700

Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

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