President’s Message – Nov. 2013

President’s Message

(November 2013)

We had an incident on skeet field 2 when a pellet ricocheted off of a target and struck a member, who was standing behind station four, in the face. Fortunately no serious injury was inflicted. This is a reminder that safety glasses are to be worn at all time when outside of the club house.

As previously reported, club member Aurelio DeLaRosa has been certified by the State of Illinois as a conceal carry instructor. He is offering the course to club members at reduced rates. Details have been sent in a separate email to club members.

Thanks to Bob Raley for replacing three stressed trees at no cost to the club.

I would also like to thank Gary O’Neill for chairing the election committee over the last several years as he is stepping down. Gino Nizzi has agreed to take over his position. Thanks Gino.

The umbrella heater for the trap shooters located under the overhang of the barn has been fixed. The instructions for lighting it are on the heater. Do not bring the heater into the barn as it will produce unwanted moisture during cold weather. Also be sure to turn it off when done shooting.

The 2014 dues invoices for $125 will be mailed the first part of December. Payment is due by February 1, 2014. There is no grace period as in prior years. Dues received after February 1 will not be accepted and reapplication for club membership ($175) will be required.

There is nothing to report on the handgun range as we are still waiting for more dirt to build the berms.

Club Projects

  • Handgun range – in process
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events – all events have been completed

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes 4 Nov. 2013

BOD Meeting Minutes of 4 November 2013

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Greg Beylander, Harley Shepherd, Jim Demaria, John Bailey


Approval      of minutes of 7 October 3meeting – Approved 5-0

  1. Treasurers      Report
  2. Club      Projects
  • Hand gun range – In progress, anticipated conclusion in 2014
  • Electric power for 5 stand and hand gun range – on hold
    • Concealed carry – Club member Aurelio Delarosa has been certified by the State of Illinois as a concealed carry instructor and has offered to train club members at a reduced rate. Details to be emailed to the membership.
  1. 2013      Events – all events completed
  2. New      Business
    • Gino Nizzi is the new       Election Chairman
    • Bob Raley replaced 3       stressed trees at no cost
    • Sam Parkinson will be       paid $863.87 for mowing services
    • 2014 dues invoices will       be sent out first part of December. No grace period for 2014.
    • Jim Demaria, Greg       Baylander, and Harley Shepherd will not run for reelection


NEXT MEETING:  4 November 2013

Respectfully submitted:  Sam Valenza, President

President’s Message – October 2013

President’s Message

(October 2013)

The Braggin Rights Shoot was a success. For the fifth straight year., George Ketter won the overall championship. The trap shoot was also won by George, Skeet was won by Lance Vidlak after an 8 member doubles shoot off, and the sporting clays was won by Greg Baylander. Congratulations to all of you. Since George has won every year since the shoot’s inception, we may have to rename this event the George Ketter Shoot. Well on second thought maybe not. I would like to thank Larry Odha for the delicious chili, Jim Burrows for donating the drawing prizes, and Harley Shepherd for assisting me in collecting the money and recording the scores.

There is nothing to report on the handgun range as we are still waiting for more dirt.

Club member Aurelio Delarosa has been certified by the State of Illinois as a concealed carry instructor. He will be offering the course to club members at reduced rates. As soon as the program has been defined, I will send an email to all of you with the pertinent information.

The sporting clays venue has been changed during this past week. The plan is to change it into a 5-stand course before the snow flies.

Club Projects

  • Handgun range – in process
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events – all events have been completed

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – Oct. 2013

BOD Meeting Minutes of 7 October 2013 

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Greg Beylander, Harley Shepherd


Approval of minutes of 3 September 2013meeting – Approved 3-0

  1. Treasurers Report – Approved 3-0
  2. Club Projects
  • Hand gun range – In progress, anticipated conclusion in 2014
  • Electric power for 5 stand and hand gun range – on hold
    • Concealed carry – Club member Aurelio Delarosa has been certified by the State of Illinois as a concealed carry instructor and has offered to train club members at a reduced rate. Details to be worked out.
  1. 2013 Events – all events completed
  2. The Braggin Rights Shoot – George Ketter won the overall championship. Trap was also won by George, Skeet was won by Lance Vidlak, and the sporting clays was won by Greg Baylander, and Bernie Blaauw had the lowest score. Thank Larry Odha for the delicious chili, Jim Burrows for donating the drawing prizes, and Harley Shepherd for assisting in collecting the money and recording the scores.
  3. New Business
    • Procurement of Pat Trap previously vote on and approve 6-0
    • Skid Jack previously voted on and approve 6-0
  1. Four spare Beomat trap machines sold for $600


NEXT MEETING:  MONDAY, 4 November 2013

Respectfully submitted:  Sam Valenza, President

BOD Meeting Minutes – Sept. 2013

BOD Meeting Minutes of 3 September 2013

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Greg Beylander, Harley Shepherd and Jim DeMaria


  1. Approval      of minutes of 5 August – Approved 6-0
  2. Treasurers      Report – Approved 6-0
  3. Club      Projects
    1. Hand       gun range – In progress, anticipated conclusion in 2014
    2. Second       Coat of paint on skeet houses – completed
    3. Electric       power for 5 stand and hand gun range – on hold
  4. Concealed      Carry on club property – on hold pending State rules/requirements
  5. 2013      Events
    1. Land       Fill Lunch – Tuesday, 17 September
    2. Braggin       rights shoot – Saturday, October 5
  6. Machine      maintenance and training – Saturday and Sunday, September 7 & 8
  7. Welcoming      letter to new members – in use
  8. New      Business
    1. New       5 Stand chairmen – Caleb Davis and Dave Hendry
    2. Targets       – Motion to continue with Champion targets –  Approved 5-1
    3. NEA       Grant – we do not meet the criteria for the grant we looked at
    4. New       Shelves in barn for storage – completed
    5. Open       House – low attendance, three new members signed up
  9. Request      for $225 to kill the weeks in 5 stand parking area – approved 6-0
  10. Request      for $368 to do a week and feed on the rest of 5 stand area – tabled
  11. Spare      BEOMAT machines – can we/should we sell if buyer is found?  Yes
  12. Counter      for 5 stand machines?       Possible?  Will be researched      for next meeting



Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message – September 2013

President’s Message

 (September 2013)

The Beomat Service Representative will be at the club this weekend September 7 & 8 to work on all of the trap and skeet machines and to train selected members on how to maintain them. Shooting will be allowed on the fields that are not being worked on.

The Braggin Rights Shoot has been rescheduled to October 5, 2013. This is a fun shoot for all club members. Twenty five each of trap, skeet, and five stand will be shot. The entry fee is $5.00 plus the cost of rounds. Prizes will be awarded to the top shooters and drawings will be held for all participants. Guests are welcome but they cannot share in the prizes. It is a fun day and I encourage all levels of shooters to come on out to have some fun. Lunch will be provided.

There is nothing new to report on the hand gun range. The berms continue to be built, as a lot more dirt is required.  The completion date has been moved to the spring or early summer of next year. I will keep you all updated as things progress.  If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

It has been brought to my attention that some of our members are not loading the machines with targets when they are done shooting. If you are the last to use the field it is your responsibility to load the machines. Also, be sure to pick up your hulls as several have been found on the sporting clays and skeet fields. We have several new members, so if you are a new member, please be advised.

Larry Ohda has given all of the skeet houses a second coat of paint. They are really looking great. Thanks Larry for a fine job. Also Owen Anderson has built some storage shelves in the barn which will help to organize all of our barn stuff which had been lying on the floor. Thanks Owen for your help. The shelves look great.

The club will hold our annual steak lunch for our neighbors across the road, the Winnebago Landfill. Thanks to Jeff Theien, John Lichty, and crew for all that they do for the club – snow and garbage removal, target loading, excavating, gravel, pistol range dirt, etc. Great neighbors!!! Thanks guys.

After analyzing various bids for brand named targets, the Board of Directors has decided to continue using Champion targets in order to control cost and to keep our rounds rate at current levels.

Greg Baylander has passed his chairmanship for the 5 stand/sporting clays venue to Caleb Davis and Dave Hendry. They can be reached at 815-243-1483 and 815-739-6979 respectively.

The county is planning to improve the intersection of Baxter and Lindenwood roads which will slow access to the club. The start date is not known at this time and I will let you know as soon as that information is available.

Club Projects

  • Handgun range
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events

  • Land Fill Lunch – September 17
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – August 2013

BOD Minutes of 5 August 2013

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, Gregg Beylander, Jim   DeMaria, and Harley Shepherd


  1. Approval      of minutes of 1 July 2013 – Approved 5-0
  2. Financial      Report – Quarterly and monthly posted.       Accepted 5-0
  3. Club      Projects
    1. Hand       Gun/.22Rifle Range – free dirt still coming in, balance of items on hold
    2. Second       Coat of paint on skeet houses – will be done, time permitting
    3. Electrical       power for range and 5 stand – pending
  4. Conceal      carry on club property – Tabled until State comes up rules
  5. 2013      Events
    1. Open       House –  Saturday, 17 August       9-1:00, volunteers welcomed, special new member rate of $85 for remainder       of year
    2. Land       Fill lunch – Tues, September 10
    3. Braggin       Right shoot – Saturday, 5 October
  6. New      Business
    1. New       security DVR installed
    2. 25       straight patches – donated by Remington, in desk drawer
    3. Machine       Maintenance – A rep from Bemat will come and clean, adjust, and/or repair       all machines plus will train some of our members in the maintenance etc.       of the machines.  Approved 6-0
    4. Welcome       letter for new members.  John will       rough draft and send to board
    5. A       member has expressed interest in heading up a registered skeet       shoot.  Board approved concept and       encouraged him to do so.  This       would be for next year.
  7. Business      of members
    1. Request       for $2500 to complete 5-stand deck project.  Approved 6-0
    2. Champion       Targets vs White Flyer
  1.                                                               i.      Some members concerned that Champion targets do not break when hit
  2.                                                             ii.      White flyers are $2200 per truck load higher
  3.                                                           iii.      Discussion followed – no action taken but will be looked into


NEXT MEETING:  Tuesday, 3 September at 1700

Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

President’s Message- August 2013

President’s Message

(August 2013)

There has been some talk by a few of the members regarding Champion targets vs. White Flyer targets. The reason that we switched to Champion can be summed up in one word “cost”. White Flyers cost about $2200 more per semi load (23 Pallets). The club cannot afford to absorb this cost without raising the rounds fee. This year we will be buying two loads which is a $4400 savings. As a result, we will continue to buy Champion targets. The Champion targets are much cleaner and do not leave dust on the machines,  like the White Flyers did, which helps with the functional operation of the machines.

I am well aware that we have been having some issues with the maintenance of the skeet and trap machines. To remedy this situation, a Beomat technical service representative will be on site September 7 & 8 to work on the all of the trap and skeet machines and to train selected members on how to maintain them.  Although this is a weekend, shooting will be allowed on the fields that are not being worked on.

The berms for the hand gun range continue to be built, as a lot more dirt is required.  At this time we still do not have a completion date but my guess is some time next spring. I will keep you all updated as things progress.  If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

With donated money that was designated for the 5 stand venue, a deck will be constructed in the coming months. More to follow as plans become firm.

Our second annual Open House is Saturday August 17 from 9 am to 1 pm. All members are encouraged to bring out friends and relatives that are interested in scouting out the club and hopefully becoming members. All guests have to register at the sign in desk prior to shooting and/or reviewing the club grounds. Guest fees will be waived, however all guests will pay $3.50 a round in cash prior to shooting. Lunch will be provided free of charge.

Club Projects

  • Handgun range
  • Second coat of paint on 3 of the skeet houses      (one painted last year) – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events

  • Open House – August 17
  • Land Fill Lunch – September 10
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club


BOD Meeting Minutes – July 2013

BOD Meeting of 1 July 2013

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Sam Parkinson, Greg Beylander, Jim DeMaria and Harley Shepherd

ABSENT:  Larry Ohda and John Bailey


  1. Approval      of minutes of 6/13.  Approved 4-0
  2. Financial      Report – attached by reference
  3. Club      Projects
    1. Handgun/.22       rifle range – dirt now coming in again
    2. Second       coat of paint on 2,3, and 4 – if it ever stops raining
    3. Electrical       power for 5 stand and new range – tabled
  4. 2013      Events
    1. Open       House 8/17
    2. Land       fill lunch 9/10
    3. Fun       Shoot – 10/5
  5. New      Business
    1. Boy       Scouts Donation of $250 Approved 3-1
    2. New       DVR donated by T.D. Clinton – thanks
    3. 25       “25” straight patches donated by Remington
    4. Food       for night meetings – each board member will provide one month
  1.                                                               i.      August – Larry
  2.                                                             ii.      Sept – Jim
  3.                                                           iii.      Oct – Sam V
  4.                                                           iv.      Nov – Gregg
  5.                                                             v.      Dec – Harley
  6.                                                           vi.      Jan – Sam P
    1. Conceal       carry – club’s rules/stance will be established once we know what the       State of Illinois       is going to do and what their rules are


NEXT MEETING:  Monday August 5 at 1700

Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary



President’s Message – July 2013

President’s Message

(July 2013)

The berms for the hand gun range continue to be built as a lot of dirt was brought in this past week. At this time we still do not have a completion date.  I will keep you all updated as things progress.  If you have any comments or questions, please contact the committee chairman, Greg Baylander at 815-494-7321or email him

As the conceal carry law comes to fruition in whatever form that will be, the BOD will be discussing and issuing guidance on carrying concealed weapons on club property. If any of you have any suggestions, please contact me at or any BOD member.

The sporting clays venue has been expanded to 8 stations. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to give it a try. It’s a lot of fun.

Through a number of initiatives over the past few years, the club is doing well financially. As always the quarterly financial reports are hanging on the closet door bulletin board for your information.

The club will again be a sponsor for the Boy Scout Shoot at the Upland Hunt Club on September 14, 2013. If you interested in shooting in this event, contact Chip Bartel at

2013Club Projects

  • Handgun range
  • Second coat of paint on 3 of the skeet houses      (one painted last year) – approved
  • Electrical power and cameras for the 5 stand and      handgun range – under consideration

2013 Club Events

  • Open House – August 17
  • Land Fill Lunch – September 10
  • Braggin Rights Shoot – October 5

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club