BOD meeting minutes Nov. 6, 2012

BOD Minutes of 6 November 2012

PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, John Bailey, Sam Parkinson, John Bailey, Greg Beylander, and Jim DeMaria


 Approval of minutes of 2 October 2011 – 6-0

  1. Financial report – accepted, attached by reference
  2. Club Projects
    1. Painting – second coat on trap 1 and 2, skeet 1
  3. Revision of membership process – process reviewed, no changes except safety officers will wear a badge indicating they are safety officers when they are on site
  4. Business cards – available to board members who want them
  5. 2013 elections
    1. Vice- president and Treasurer – 2 year term
    2. 3 directors – 1 year term
    3. President and Secretary – in second year of two year terms
    4. Notify Gary O’Neill at if interested in running
  6. New business
    1. Mowing report – attached
    2. “Braggin Rights” shoot – attached
    3. Open House report – attached
    4. FAQ sheet should be developed for prospective members
    5. Purchase of new skeet remotes @ $600 each – approved 6-0
    6. Paint bathrooms and kitchen – Larry will do
    7. Winter shoot policy – will be restated in newsletter
  7. Business of the members
    1. NRA flag to be purchased and put on flag pole – approved
    2. USflag is now down and being re-sewed
    3. Old birds will not be picked up this spring during clean-up, only every 2 years

 Meeting adjourned at 1000

 NEXT MEETING – TUESDAY, November 6, 2012 at 0900 hours

 Respectfully submitted:  Sam Parkinson, Secretary

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