RCS BOD July 6 2020 PRESENT: Sam Valenza, , Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Randy Scott, Terry VanDenBoom, Caleb Davis, Todd Hendreys
1. Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
2. Minutes of April/ 2020 – Approved , 7-0
3. Treasurers Report: Approved , 7-0
4. 2020 Projects:
a. Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.- On hold, This project will move to early fall 2020 .
b. Safety bar for all High house skeet machines – Completed
c. Rewiring of field 3 skeet house – In progress
d. Skeet houses and Trap houses maintenance – Hold
e. Paint propane tank – Todd Hendreys , Fall 2020
- 2020 Events.
a. Annual meeting – Cancelled
b. Clean up day – September 26th 2020
c. Registered Skeet Shoot – Cancelled
d. Landfill lunch – 9 /11
e. Club Fun Day – Cancelled - New Business:
- Seal coat parking lot , Completed
- Water sprinklers for garden , Completed
- Carpet cleaning , Completed
- Family pig roast – October 10, 2020 If we have enough members willing to come.
a. Trap League – Late August
b. Five stand night –Any member is more then welcome to shoot the five stand .
c. Handgun Safety Course – On hold .
e. Looking into new aluminum picnic tables.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30
Next Board meeting August 3, 2020
Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary