BOD Meeting Minutes – October 2017

BOD Meeting of October 2, 2017:

PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Randy Scott, Terry VanDenboom, Clay Beuhler .

Meeting called to order at 5:25 by President Sam Valenza

Minutes of Sept. 11, 2017 – Accepted as presented 6-0

Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.

2017 Projects
Concrete replacement skeet fields: Skeet field replacement began September 29 and will be completed within the week.

RSC is pursuing adding a card reader to all clay bird shooting venues
Longrange and EZ pull systems are being evaluated. We will need to wait for a controller system from EZ Pull to allow members to load cards. No Change

Larry Ohda will get new club logo hats for sale.
Hats Available in club house

A tree will be planted in honor of Brian Anderson in late fall from club member donations. A commemorative plaque will be added as well. Tree will be planted within the next couple of weeks.

New load of targets was received September 11, 2017.

An AED was purchased for the club house and will be available on October 4. A training session will be held at the club house October 4 at 6:00 for all club members wishing to participate.

2017 Events – Planned dates
Annual meeting – March 25 – Complete
Spring Clean-up – May 6 – Complete
Vintage Shoot (new format) – Complete
Geezer Shoot – July 22 Complete
Registered Shoot – August 12-13 Complete
Landfill Lunch – September 15 Complete
Braggin Rights Shoot – September 30 (Cancelled because of skeet field concrete work.)
Turkey’s Shoot – November 4

New Business
Efforts to repair the trap field 1 trap machine have been unsuccessful. A new PAT Trap machine passed 5-1 and a new machine was ordered. Estimated delivery is 4 weeks.

Due to work conflicts Clay Beuhler has resigned from the board. Todd Henry has been selected and passed by board vote 5 yes and 1 abstention.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50 PM.
Next Board meeting is Monday, November 6, 2017 @ 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary

President’s Message – October 2017

President’s Message

(October 2017)

Board of Director (BOD) Clay Buhler has resigned his position on the board as a result of a change of jobs and work hours. I want to thank Clay for his service and dedication to the BOD and club over past years. He was a great addition to the board and will be missed. The fried chicken that he brought to the boards meetings when it was his turn will be missed most of all. LOL. The BOD has approved and has appointed Todd Hendry to fill the position for the remainder of Clay’s term. I want to welcome Todd to the BOD and look forward to working with him.

The replacement of the all three skeet fields’ cement walks and shooting stations pads are nearly complete and is looking great. Shooting will resume this Saturday Oct. 7 at 9 am.

We have received an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). Training was held on this past Wednesday evening. Hopefully we will never have to use it but it could save a life. It will be located in a cabinet on the wall to the left of the club house door. Let me know if anyone else would like to become familiar with its operation and I will arrange another training session. It is not required that a user be trained in order to use the machine in an emergency as the machine will use audible commands to walk the user through the process. A CPR class will be offered in the future for those that are interested.

The trap machine on trap field 1 cannot be repaired as parts are no longer available. You trap shooters will be happy to hear that a new Pat Trap is on order and should arrive in the next couple of weeks. The trap will be capable of singles, doubles, and wobble. The trap machine on field 2 can only throw singles and doubles. I will let you know when field 1 is operational.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Don Lyddon at 815-877-0754. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection, and a $25.00 annual fee.

2017 Club Projects

  • Replace damaged concrete on the skeet fields – in process
  • Machine card readers

2017 Club Events

  • Braggin Rights Shoot – cancelled
  • Turkey Shoot – 11/4/17

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.