BOD Meeting Minutes – June 2020

RCS BOD June 1st 2020 PRESENT: Sam Valenza, , Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Randy Scott, Terry VanDenBoom, Caleb Davis
Absent: Todd Hendry

  1. Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
  2. Minutes of April/ 2020 – Approved , 5-0
  3. Treasurers Report: Approved
  4. 2020 Projects:
    a. Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.- On hold, This project will move to early fall 2020 .
    b. Safety bar for all low house skeet machines – In progress
    c. Rewiring of field 3 skeet house – TBD
    d. Skeet houses and Trap houses maintenance – Fall
    e. Paint propane tank – Todd Hendrys , Spring 2020
  5. 2020 Events.
    a. Annual meeting – Cancelled
    b. Clean up day – Septrmber 26th 2020
    c. Registered Skeet Shoot – Cancelled
    d. Landfill lunch – 9 /11
    e. Club Fun Day – TBD
  6. New Business:
  7. Seal coat parking lot , Approved
  8. Water sprinklers for garden , Approved
  9. Carpet cleaning , Approved

b. Trap League – Fall TBD

c. Five stand night –Any member is more then welcome to shoot the five stand .

d. Hand Gun League – June 6th 9:00 Start only 4 shooters allowed per squad.

d. Handgun Safety Course – TBD

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 Next Board meeting July 6th 2020
Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary

Rockford Skeet Club Update

I want to keep all of you updated on the status of the club during this Virus pandemic. The board of directors will be meeting this Wednesday April 29 to discuss opening of the club. When we open the club there will be guidelines published that we expect all members and guests to follow when on club property to help prevent the spread of the virus. These guidelines will be reviewed by the board every two weeks to determine if they need to be modified. After the meeting I will send an email advising all of you what we have decided. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Stay safe, stay healthy
Best Regards,
Sam Valenza
President, Rockford Skeet Club

FOID & CCL Rules Changes

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: ISP Public Information Office

April 9, 2020


Springfield, IL – The Illinois State Police filed emergency rules this week to address renewals of Firearm Owner Identification and Concealed Carry Licenses during the COVID-19 epidemic. These rules are designed to provide FOID card holders and CCL relief from the renewal requirements during the effects of COVID-19 pandemic. These rule changes are as follows:
 FOID card holders, who submit their renewal application will remain valid during the duration of the state’s disaster proclamation and for a period of 12 months following the termination of the disaster, even if their renewal application is/was not submitted prior to expiration.
 CCL licensees, who submit their renewal application, will remain valid during the duration of the state’s disaster proclamation and for a period of 12 months following its termination, even if their CCL renewal application was not submitted prior to expiration.
 CCL licensees will not be required to immediately submit proof of three-hour training with their CCL renewal application.
 CCL licensees will need to submit proof of their three-hour renewal training within 12 months following the termination of the state’s disaster proclamation in order to maintain the validity of their CCL license.

ISP will continue to enforce both FOID and CCL prohibitors. FOID card holders who receive
revocation notices shall return their FOID and Firearm Disposition Record form to the Illinois State Police. CCL holders who receive revocation notices shall return their CCL license to the Illinois State Police.

These new rules are effective immediately. 

Rockford Skeet club Closed

The Rockford Skeet Club will be following the state and federal conronavirus guides and will remain closed through April 30, 2020. The board of directors will reevaluate the virus conditions at that time and I will advise you of our decision to open or remain closed.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club.  

Club Coronavirus Guidelines

The Board of Directors (BOD) has decided that the Rockford Skeet Club will remain open during this coronavirus pandemic. However, state guidelines, as listed below, shall be followed in order to help prevent the spread of the virus. The BOD has decided to postpone the annual meeting scheduled for March 28, 2020. Also, the start of the handgun league scheduled to start March 28 and the trap league scheduled to start April 15 will be postpone to future undetermined start dates.

Club Coronavirus Guidelines

  • Maintain social distancing of six feet
  • Wash hand frequently
  • When coughing cover mouth and cough into bend in elbow
  • If sick for any reason stay home
  • No gathering of more than 10 people in the club house
  • It is recommended that no more than 3 shooters at a venue/field
  • Use gloves when handling the remotes
  • Food is not to be prepared in the club house. Prepared carry in food is permitted.

Your cooperation in following these guidelines will help to prevent you and your fellow members from being infected with this virus.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

President’s Message – March 2020

President’s Message

(March 2020)

Our annual meeting is on Saturday March 31, 2020 at 9am at the club. The board of directors will be addressing club finances, events and projects, election results, and will take questions from the attendees.

 As I have previously communicated the club is sponsoring a handgun and a trap league. The following are the details.

  • The handgun league starts on March 28 at 9 am.
  • There will be one shoot a month through October.
  • One month will be paper targets the next month will be steel targets.
  • No rim fire guns/ammunition
  • There is a $5.00 fee per shoot with all monies going back to the shooters in the form of pistol ammunition minus .50 cent for targets, pasters, and staples.
  • Signup is required by March 21.
  • Safety First. Hearing protection and safety glasses are required.
  • Consumption of any alcohol during or prior to shooting is strictly prohibited.
  • Please contact George Ketter at 815-631-9366 or email him at
  • League starts April 15
  • Teams will consist of 3 individuals
  • 1 round of trap, 1 round of wobble
  • Fees per round are $4 for members, $5.00 for non-members.
  • One time sponsor/trophy fee is $10 per person.
  • League night is every Wednesday 5 PM-8 PM
  • There will be a trophy for each individual on the 1st place team
  • There will also be a trophy for high gun
  • League will last a total of 10 weeks
  • Banquet with food and awards (Date TBD)
SCORING – The combined score from all 10 weeks will be tallied from each team to determine
the winning team. High gun will be the most broken birds from an individual in the 10 week
  • A shooter will receive 1 misfire per round, subsequent misfires will result in a loss bird

In the event of a premature bird, if you shoot and miss, it will be considered a loss bird.

  • A shooter may shoot a week in advance if an absence is anticipated
  • Safety First. Hearing protection and safety glasses are required.
  • Consumption of any alcohol prior to shooting is strictly prohibited.
  • A shoot may be canceled by the league committee because of weather. Mass texts will be sent out in the event of a cancellation.
CONTACT: Jeff Celletti for any questions at or 815-713-6322. Please email or text Jeff with team members so we can determine how many teams we are going to have. Teams must sign up by April 1, 2020.   It has been brought to my attention that the arms on our machines are not always being released when the machine is shut down. Please remember to release the arms. Not releasing the arms presents a danger to yourself and other members and is also hard on the belts and springs. Your attention to this matter is appreciated.   Thursday evening 5 stand fun shoots will resume on Thursday April 30 starting at 5 pm. The shoots will continue into the fall season.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2020 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Rewiring of skeet field 3 as a result of the installation of the new machines
  • Skeet House maintenance
  • Paint propane tank
  • Safety bars on all low house skeet machines
  • Clean out Barn

2020 Events

  • Annual Meeting – 3/31/20
  • Cleanup Day – 5/2/20
  • Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21/200
  • Club Fun Day – 5/30/20
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/11/20

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

BOD Meeting Minutes March 2020

                  BOD Meeting of March  2nd  2020                                                                        PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, , Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Terry VanDenBoom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey , Caleb Davis

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
2.     Minutes of January 6th / 2020 – Approved , 6-0
3.    Treasurers Report: Approved , 6-0

  1. 2020 Budget – Approved , 6-0
    5.    2020 Projects:
    a.     Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.- On hold, This project will move to early spring 2020 .
    b.     Safety bar for all low house skeet machines – In process
    c.    Rewiring of field 3 skeet house – In process
    d.     Skeet houses and Trap houses maintenance – to be done on clean up day .
    e. Paint propane tank – Todd Hendrys , Spring 2020
  2.       2020 Events.
    a. Annual meeting – 3 / 31/20
    b. Clean up day – 5 / 2/20
    c. Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21
    d. Landfill lunch – 9 /11
    e. Future club shoots , Club Fun Day – 5 / 30 Free lunch , and a bullseye shoot , a dollar a shot closest to the X wins.
    f. 2020 annual dues , we have retained 95% of our members.
  3. New Business:
    a. Private group events – Must have all the information given to the B.O.D. in a timely manner for proper authorization .
    b. Trap League – Starts April 15th with 3 man teams.
    c. 5 Stand Thursday night shoots starts on April 30th at 5:00 P.M.
    d. Hand Gun League – Starts March 28th 9:00 – 10:00 A.M. and once a month for 7 months.
    e. New shooter and youth – Dates to be determined.
    d. Handgun Safety Course – Do be determined.
  4. B.O.D. Elections . Completed
  5. Marijuana use Prohibited .
  6. New DVR for club house.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 Next Board meeting is Monday April 6th @ 5:30 PM Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary

BOD Meeting Minutes – January 2020

                  BOD Meeting of January 6 th 2020                                                                        PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, , Al Perry, Harley Shepherd, Terry VanDenBoom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey , Caleb Davis

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
2.     Minutes of December 2 / 2019 – Accepted as presented 6-0
3.    Treasurers Report: Approved , 6-0
4.    2020 Projects:
a.     Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.- On hold, This project will move to early spring 2020 .
b.     Level the stairs on skeet field 3 high house . Completed
c.    Safety bar for all low house skeet machines – In process
d.     Rewiring of field 3 skeet house – In process
e. Skeet houses maintenance – Next spring , Dates to be determined.
f.      Paint propane tank – Todd Hendrys , Spring 2020
g.    Winter snow removal rules – Posted

  1. 2020 Events.
    a. Annual meeting – 3 / 31/20
    b. Cleanup day – 5 / 2/20
    c. Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21
    d. Landfill lunch – 9 /11
    e. Future club shoots , Will start with Club Fun Day – 5 / 30 Free lunch , and 1 raffle ticket for each round logged.
    f. 2020 annual dues are to be paid by 2/1/2020
  2. New Business:
    a. Private group events – Must have all the information given to the B.O.D. in a timely manner for proper authorization .
    b. Trap League – Approved – Dates to be determined .
    c. 5 Stand Thursday night shoots , To be determined.
    d. Hand Gun League – Approved , Dates to be determined.
    e. New shooter and youth – Handgun Fun Day. Dates to be determined.
  3. B.O.D. Elections , Sam Valenza , Caleb Davis , and 3 directors .
  4. Marijuana use Prohibited .

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 Next Board meeting is Monday March 2nd @ 5:30 PM Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary

President’s Message – January 2020

President’s Message

(January 2020)

The invoices for the annual dues have been mailed to all members. Payment is due by February 1, 2020. Payment received after February 1, 2020 will not be accepted. In order to be reinstated, a new membership application will be required with a check for $175.00. If you did not receive an invoice please contact me at 815-721-1417.

Now that Marijuana is legal in Illinois the Board of Directors has updated the club policy on alcohol and drug use on club property. The policy reads as follows:

Alcohol and Drug Policy

(Rev. Jan 2020)

Rockford Skeet Club Members and/or Member’s Guest shall not use or be under the influence of any alcohol, marijuana/cannabis or illegal drugs on club property. Club Members, or Member’s Guest shall not use or be under the influence of any stimulants, depressants, tranquilizers or mood altering drugs that are not prescribed by a medical doctor on club property. Alcohol and illegal drugs cannot be stored on club property. Members who violate this rule will be brought before the Board of Directors for disciplinary action and are subject to membership termination.

The lawn crew is looking for a couple of members that would be willing to be backups to the existing crew. If you are interest in being a backup to assist in mowing the grounds, please contact me at 815-721-1417 or email me at

Thanks to Rich Tomasewski and Bob Raley for leveling the stairs on all of the skeet field high houses.

If any member would like to run or nominate someone for the Board of Directors positions of president, secretary, and the three directors for 2020, please contacts Gino Nizzi at Nominations are due by February 1, 2020.

The club will again be having a 10 week trap league and a 10 week handgun league and possibly a 5 stand league this coming spring. I will provide details as they become available.

Now that winter is upon us the following winter shooting rule are in effect.

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2020 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Rewiring of skeet field 3 as a result of the installation of the new machines
  • Skeet House maintenance
  • Paint propane tank
  • Safety bars on all low house skeet machines
  • Clean out Barn

2020 Events

  • Annual Meeting – 3/31/20
  • Cleanup Day – 5/2/20
  • Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21/200
  • Club Fun Day – 5/30/20
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/11/20

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.

President’s Message – Dec. 2019

President’s Message

(December 2019)

It has been another busy and eventful year at the Rockford Skeet Club. The following are the projects and events that were done during the year. The club purchased new skeet machines for all three fields, purchased new receivers and transmitters for the 5 stand venue, new knock down targets for the handgun range, extended the parking lot to the barn. We also held several events including the Silver Dollar Skeet Shoot, a trap and pistol league, trap and 5 stand fun days, Braggin Rights Shoot, and provided lunch for our neighbors at the landfill. I’d say that is was a very good year.

The invoices for the annual dues will be sent out around December 15 and payment is due by February 1, 2020. Payment received after February 1, 2020 will not be accepted. In order to be reinstated, a new membership application will be required with a check for $175.00.

I want to remind everyone of our guest procedure which is as follows.


  • Guest(s) and their host member shall print their names and date in the guest log book on every visit to the club.
  • The Guest will shoot at member’s round fee. The member may log all rounds (member and guest) on his/her page in the log book to pay for Guest rounds shot. Or, the Guest may pay for their own rounds by placing payment in a payment envelope and clearly marking envelope “payment of guest rounds” including the Guests name.
  • The Guest will also be required to pay a $5.00 user fee for each day that he/she shoots. The $5.00 user fee will be deposited in the envelopes provided and will be placed in the club depository located in the clubhouse.  
  • The member’s spouse, children, and grandchildren (under the age of 25) may shoot under the member’s membership.
  • For safety concerns,  when members bring more than four guests to shoot at a specific venue (Skeet, Trap etc.) a Board of Directors member or Safety Officer must be present at the venue during shooting.

A safety office or member is required for every 4 guests. If there are eight guests, one member and one safety officer is required, if there are 12 guests, one member and two safety offices are required.

If you are planning on having a large group of guests, please notify me or a board member in advance so the proper arrangements can be made. We want to make sure that everyone is safe and has a good experience.

The lawn crew is looking for a couple of members that would be willing to be backups to the existing crew. If you are interest in being a backup to assist in mowing the grounds, please contact me at 815-721-1417 or email me at  

We are also looking for a few more safety officers. If you would like to be a safety officer, please contact me and we will get you trained.

Now that winter is upon us the following winter shooting rule are in effect.

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

We are selling club T-shirts for $15.00 each and they are located on the back counter of the club house. We have medium, large, extra-large, and 2X large. To buy a shirt, please put your cash or check in a club envelope dully marked and put the envelope in the deposit drawer.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-456-2871, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2020 Club Projects

  • Skeet field 1 cement sidewalk from station 4 to station 8 and walks from all skeet fields high houses to the stairs – on hold
  • Level the stairs on the skeet field high houses
  • Rewiring of skeet field 3 as a result of the installation of the new machines
  • Skeet House maintenance
  • Paint propane tank
  • Safety bars on all low house skeet machines
  • Clean out Barn

2020 Events

  • Annual Meeting – 3/31/20
  • Cleanup Day – 5/2/20
  • Registered Skeet Shoot – 6/20 & 6/21/200
  • Club Fun Day – 5/30/20
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/11/20

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s objectives are to encourage organized target shooting; to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its members now and in the future.