President’s Message – March 2025

President’s Message

(March 2025)

The club annual meeting is scheduled for March 15 at the club starting at 9 am. The board of directors will be addressing club finances, events and projects, election results, and will take questions from the attendees. No shooting will be allowed until the meeting is adjourned.

A 5-stand/sporting clays league between our club and Rock Ridge is being formed by Bill Shold. See below for information and schedule.

Rock Ridge and Rockford Skeet Sporting Clays and 5-Stand League $235, includes 10 weeks of shooting, dinner at our last shoot, and a weekly shell raffle.

Rockford Skeet – 50 5 Stand: 5/21, 6/4, 6/18, 7/2, 7/16

Rock Ridge – 50 Sporting: 5/28, 6/11, 6/25, 7/9, 7/23

Rock Ridge: 14755 E Edson Road, Davis Junction

Rockford Skeet: 8104 Lindenwood Rd, Rockford

Top 8 scores will be taken, allowing for 2 missed weeks or 2 throwaway scores. Shooting every Wednesday night beginning at 5 from May until July. We will have a random drawing of 50 shells for shooters in attendance each week. To sign up, contact Andrew (815-382-1232) at Rock Ridge or Bill (815-978-8686) at Rockford Skeet.

A handgun league will start on Saturday March 29 with shooting times of 9, 10, and 11 am. If you are interested in shooting this league contact George Ketter at 815-631-9366 or email him at

Also, plans are being made to have a skeet league. More to following as details are firmed up.

Twilight Tuesday skeet will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month starting April 1 at 7 pm. Come out and enjoy a couple of casual rounds of skeet under the lights. Low key and open to all ability levels. All shooting ends by 9 pm. Invite your friends to join us.

The drilling of the well has been completed and test results showed an unacceptable amount of radium in the well water. To remedy this issue a reverse osmosis system will be installed at the clubhouse sink the week of March 24th. A water softener is not required.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at

815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-631-9366, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2025 Projects

  • Repair skeet houses and install gutters
  • Purchase new trap voice calls
  • 5-Stand shooting building – TBD
  • Electrical power to 5-Stand – TBD
  • Rolling the grounds to smooth out the ruts

2025 Events

  • Annual meeting – 3/15/25
  • Cleanup day – 5/3/25
  • Youth shooting initiative events – April & October
  • Fun Days – 6/14/25 & 8/23/25
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/25/25
  • Tutorials
    • Trap – 5/17/25
    • Skeet – 6/21/25
    • 5-Stand – 7/12/25

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club – March 2025

Meeting Minutes – February 2025


                       MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS, FEBRUARY 4, 2025

Minutes of January meeting approved.

Ben Ratze welcomed as new Secretary Treasurer.

Higher limits on the Director’s liability insurance will be sought.

Repair of skeet houses, repair of a light on the skeet field, new trap calls, a 5-stand building, and electrical power to the 5-stand area are still pending.  The board approved seeking bids to place gutters on skeet houses.

All previously scheduled 2025 club event dates remain in effect.

Jeremy Hernandez has agreed to update/improve the club website.

Dave Zierke still working on new club hats/shirts.

Al Perry will explore inviting touring lady shooters to our club.

The club’s new water supply is suspected to be contaminated and a filtration system will be needed.  Concern expressed over the long-term maintenance of a filtration system.

Club has received 227 membership renewals.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Wiltgen Recording Secretary pro tem

President’s Message – February 2025

President’s Message

(February 2025)

As previously reported, our Treasure, Dave Zierke, has submitted his letter of resignation and as a result, I appointed Les Edgecomb to replace Dave for the remainder of his term which expires on March 15, 2025. However, for personal reasons, Les has decided not to be our treasurer. Therefore, I have appointed Ben Ratze to replace Dave immediately, and he will also be on the ballot for the 2025 elections. I want to thank Ben for accepting the treasurer’s position and welcome him to the board of directors.

The electronic ballots for the 2025 elections for vice president, treasure, and 3 directors will be emailed out on or before February 15 with a closing date of March 4. The results will be available at our annual meeting on March 15.

The club is planning youth shooting initiative events in April and October. Young shooter of members family including sons, daughters, grandchildren, and guests are invited. The club held one of these events last year and it was well received. More details will be provided in the near future.

The drilling of the well has been completed and we are still awaiting test results from the water samples which are due in the next couple of weeks.


The following winter shooting rules are affective immediately:

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

5-Stands winter rules

  • All machines have to be turned on and off when done shooting
  • All machines have to be loaded with target when done shooting. As of late, this has not been happening.

Thanks for your cooperation.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-631-9366, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

2025 Projects

  • Repair skeet houses and install gutters
  • Purchase new trap voice calls
  • 5-Stand shooting building – TBD
  • Electrical power to 5-Stand – TBD
  • Rolling the grounds to smooth out the ruts

2025 Events

  • Annual meeting – 3/15.25
  • Cleanup day – 5/3/25
  • Youth shooting initiative events – April & October
  • Fun Days – 6/14/25 & 8/23/25
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/25/25
  • Tutorials
    • Trap – 5/17/25
    • Skeet – 6/21/25
    • 5-Stand – 7/12/25

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

President’s Message – January 2025

President’s Message

(January 2025)

Our Treasure, Dave Zierke, has submitted his letter of resignation effective January 31, 2025. As a result, I have appointed Les Edgecomb to replace Dave for the remainder of his term which expires on March 15, 2025. Les will also be on the ballot for the 2025 elections. I want to thank Dave for his dedication and hard work. He will be missed. I also want to thank Les for accepting the treasurer’s position and welcome him to the board of directors.

The invoices for the 2025 membership dues have been mailed. Payment has to be received by February 1, 2025 in order to continue your membership. Payment received after February 1, 2025 will not be accepted. In order to be reinstated, a new membership application will be required with a check for $200.00. Please let me know at if you do not intend to renew your membership and send your badge and key to the following address. Any prepaid rounds will not be refunded until badges and keys are returned.

Caleb Davis
4436 Allendale Ave
Rockford Il. 61109

One of the lamps on the skeet lights has failed and will be replaced under warranty in the next few weeks. Even with the lamp out, the field has plenty of light and is available for use.

We are planning on hosting more youth shooting initiative events this year for member’s children and grandchildren. I will provide more information as plans become firm.

If any member would like to run or nominate someone for the Board of Directors positions of vice president, treasurer, and the three directors for 2025, please contacts Gino Nizzi at Nominations are due by February 1, 2025.

The drilling of the well has been completed and we are now awaiting test results from the water samples which are due in the next couple of weeks.


The following winter shooting rules are affective immediately:

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

5-Stands winter rules

  • All machines have to be turned on and off when done shooting
  • All machines have to be loaded with target when done shooting. As of late, this has not been happening.

Thanks for your cooperation.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-631-9366, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

 2025 Projects

  • Repair skeet houses
  • Purchase new trap voice calls
  • 5-Stand shooting building – TBD
  • Electrical power to 5-Stand – TBD

2025 Events

  • Annual meeting – 3/15.25
  • Cleanup day – 5/3/25
  • Youth shooting initiative events – April & October
  • Fun Days – 6/14/25 & 8/23/25
  • Landfill Lunch – 9/25/25
  • Tutorials
    • Trap – 5/17/25
    • Skeet – 6/21/25
    • 5-Stand – 7/12/25

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – January 2025

RCS BOD, January 7, 2025                                                                                                    

  • PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Al Perry, Steve Wiltgen, Caleb Davis, Bill Shold, Mike Buckman

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza

2.     Minutes of December – Approved, 5-0

3.    Treasurers Report:  Approved, 5-0

New Business:

  1. Club shirts and hats –   TBD
  2. Water supply –   well to finish being drilled — within a couple of weeks
  3. Dave resigning Les Edgcomb will take his place
  4. Boy scout merit badge – in the new year
  5. Youth sporting clays initiative – 5 -0
  6. Landfill donation – Completed
  7. 2025 Dues – 45% in

Projects for 2025

  • Trap voice calls – TBD
  • Repair skeet houses – Jay Schaack – spring
  • 5 stand building – TBD
  • Electricity for 5 stand – TBD

2025 Events

  • Annual meeting – 3/5/25
  • Cleanup day- 5/3/25
  • Fun days – 6/4/25 & 8/23/25
  • Landfill lunch – 9/12/25


  • Trap 5/17
  • Skeet 6/21
  • 5 stand 7/12

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next Board meeting February 4     2025                                                                     

Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis, Secretary                                                                                                                                                          

President’s Message – December 2024

President’s Message

(December 2024)

The invoices for the 2025 membership dues will be mailed by December 15, 2024. Payment has to be received by February 1, 2025 in order to continue your membership. Payment received after February 1, 2025 will not be accepted. In order to be reinstated, a new membership application will be required with a check for $200.00.

The drilling of the well has started and is estimated to be completed by the end of December. The work should not interfere with any of our shooting venues but if they do, please yield to the workers.

It has been another busy and eventful year at the Rockford Skeet Club. The following are the major projects and events that were done during the year. Hand gun league, hosted high school trap team, 5-stand league, twi-light shooting, 2 fun days, tutorials for trap, skeet, and 5-stand, landfill lunch, installed card reader management system, cleanup day, annual meeting, relocated 5-stands, built new 5-stand parking lot and removed berm, drilled new well, and held youth sporting clays initiative event.

The Long Range trap voice calls are still in testing and probably will not be available until the spring time frame of 2025.

The club safety rules have been updated and are as follows. Please note that changes have also been made for youth shooters under the age of 18.

Safety Rules

(December 2024)

  • Muzzle direction: point up, to the ground, down range.
  • Breaches are to be open at all times when not shooting
  • Load and unload guns on station only when it is your turn to shoot
  • Absolutely no “Dry Firing/Pointing” of a firearm in the club house. Do not mount

                  or point guns towards the road

  • Eye and ear protection is required while on a shooting field
  • No shooting alone. A minimum of two people is required at all times on club

             property when shooting                                              

  • Each shooter in a squad and on the field is required to have their own shotgun when on station and is responsible for the safe discharge and use of their shotgun.  Transferring of shotguns between shooters while off of the shooting station is allowed.
  • No shot larger than 8 is permitted
  • Always unload your gun immediately if there is a hold up and/or malfunction. If you have a misfire or malfunction, keep your gun pointed down range until it can be safely unloaded. Always check for obstructions in the barrel before attempting to fire the gun
  • All handguns are to be concealed at all times on club property.
  • The only rifles allowed on club property are .22 caliber rifles and they can only be used on the handgun range.
  • Rockford Skeet Club Members or Member’s Guest shall not use or be under the influence of any alcohol, marijuana/cannabis, or illegal drugs on club property
  • Pick up shell casings when done shooting.
  • Don’t walk in front of trap machines until the arm is released and the power is turned off
  • Shut down the houses and machines when done shooting.
    • Release trap arm
    • Turn off the machine
    • Load machines with targets
    • If a cord is used, roll it up and store in the high skeet house or in the storage building if using the trap fields.
    • Lock all house
  • Club shooting hours must be adhered to strictly: 9:00 AM to ½ hour before dusk, except when shooting under the lights. All shooting must stop by 9:00 PM. Our special Use Permit is very clear on this issue. No violations!
  • All guests must be logged into the guest book. All guests are required to sign a waiver upon each visit
  • Only firearms manufactured by a federally licensed Manufacturer or Importer, and are fit for the intended use may be used on club property.  Intended use for club purposes, and this safety rule, is clays target shooting with respect to Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays, (including 5-Stand), shooting norms. Additionally, fit for intended use includes proper fit for the individual shooter so that proper shooting and safety protocols are followed. Examples of proper fit for intended use of the individual shooter include guns that are of the appropriate weight, length, intended purpose, and size for the specific shooter.

Additionally, only firearms manufactured by a federally licensed Manufacturer or Importer and are fit for intended purpose may be used on the club handgun range.  Intended use relative to the handgun range is for target shooting only and must comply with the rules for the handgun range. Due to the vast array and selection of all firearms, especially handguns, the RSC board will have full discretion as to the firearms that may be used on club property. 

  • Youth participants under the age of 18 must be supervised by a non-shooting adult, who has completed a recognized safety briefing, while the youth shooter is participating in shooting and shooting activities.  The adult may be a parent, club member, safety officer, coach, mentor, or guardian.  The supervising adult may not be a shooting member of the squad and is responsible to ensure the youth shooter follows club safety rules and established shooting safety protocols.

Youth shooters may be allowed to shoot on the same squad with their supervising adult if they have demonstrated a safety conscious attitude and skills to shoot unsupervised. This will be a special dispensation granted by a Safety Officer and must be requested by the parents or guardian of the youth shooter.

  • Failure to follow these safety rules will result in additional training and/or supervision requirement(s), disciplinary action including membership termination, or other actions as determined by the Board of Directors. 

Remember: Firearms safety is no accident. Safety is every one’s job.



The following winter shooting rules are affective immediately:

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

Thanks for your cooperation.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at

815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-631-9366, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

 2024 Projects

  • Repair skeet houses
  • Purchase new trap voice calls

2024 Events – All events completed

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – December 2024

RCS BOD, December 3, 2024                                                                                                     

  • PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Al Perry, Steve Wiltgen, Caleb Davis, Dave Zierke, Bill Shold, Mike Buckman

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza

2.     Minutes of November – Approved, 6-0

3.    Treasurers Report:  Approved, 6-0

New Business:

  1. Club shirts and hats –   TBD
  2. Water supply – well to finish being drilled — within a couple of weeks
  3. Safety rules update – Approved 6-0
  4. Boy scout merit badge – in the new year
  5. Annual safety officers meeting – Completed
  6. Landfill donation – Approved 6-0
  7. 2025 Dues – Due February 1

Projects for 2024

  • Trap voice calls – TBD
  • Repair skeet houses – Jay Schaack — spring

2024 Events

  • Completed

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next Board meeting January 7     2025                                                                     

Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis, Secretary       

BOD Meeting Minutes – November 2024

RCS BOD, November   5, 2024                                                                                                     

  • PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Al Perry, Steve Wiltgen, Caleb Davis, Dave Zierke, Bill Shold, BMike Buckman

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza

2.     Minutes of October – Approved, 5-0

3.    Treasurers Report:  Approved, 5-0

New Business:

  1. Club shirts and hats –   TBD
  2. Water supply –   well to be drilled — within a couple of weeks
  3. Amend safety rules.  In the works
  4. Boy scout merit badge – in the new year
  5. Annual safety officers meeting – TBD

Projects for 2024

  • Card reader wiring trap fields – Completed
  • Repair skeet houses – Jay Schaack — spring

2024 Events

  • Completed

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next Board meeting December 3, 2024                                                                     

Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis, Secretary       

President’s Message – November 2024

President’s Message

(November 2024)

The first Youth Clays Initiative was held on October 20th for six new shooters. Thanks to coaches Ben Ratze and Jay Schaack for a great agenda and safety introduction. Chief safety officer Brad Yokum, Mike Buckman, and Bill Shold helped with hands-on firearm handling and shooting for the event. The smiles and enthusiasm from the participants breaking clays was ample reward. There were boy scouts among the shooters and two eagle scouts among the safety officers. A definite repeat for next year!

The drilling of the well is scheduled to start on Monday November 11. The work should not interfere with any of our shooting venues but if they do, please yield to the workers.

Thank you to Bob Liphart for rewiring the card read cables and outlet for the trap fields and thank you to Wess Vilmin for mowing the tall grass beyond the skeet and trap fields. It is the volunteers that make our club beautiful and affordable. Thanks to all of our volunteers.

Since we are a volunteer club, all of our members are responsible and required to keep the club house and grounds in good order. That means keeping the club house clean by emptying the garbage cans, vacuuming the carpet, keeping the sinks clean, cleaning the table tops, and general overall house cleaning, as well as picking up shells and debris on the grounds.


The following winter shooting rules are affective immediately:

  • Trap and skeet fields and sidewalks are to be cleared of snow before shooting. Shovels are outside of the club house and in the storage barn. The snow blower is available for use and is located in the storage barn. Do not shoot on fields that have not been cleared of snow. Doing so will compact the snow and make it difficult to remove. It is everyone’s job to pitch in to remove snow from the sidewalks and shooting fields.
  • As always, gun cases are not permitted in the club house. Guns will be permitted, but it is strongly suggested that they only be kept inside if it is raining or snowing.

Thanks for your cooperation.

If anyone is interested in getting certified for the handgun range, please contact Milt Schwanke at 815-988-2278, George Ketter at 815-631-9366, or Caleb Davis at 815-243-1483. You will need to bring a handgun, ammo, eye and ear protection and a $25.00 annual fee.

 2024 Projects

  • Repair skeet houses
  • Purchase new trap voice calls

2024 Events – All events completed

Remember gun safety is our number 1 priority.

Rockford Skeet Club Mission Statement

The Rockford Skeet Club’s mission is to promote clay target shooting and complementary shooting sports. The objectives are to promote those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team-play, and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship. It is the duty of all members to contribute to the wellbeing, to protect, to grow, and to enhance the club and its membership.

Best Regards,

Sam Valenza

President, Rockford Skeet Club

BOD Meeting Minutes – October 2024

Board of Directors
October 1, 2024
Minutes of meeting of September 3, 2024 approved
Club has $15,535 in checking and $53,562 in savings.
Jay Schaack is still contemplated to repair the skeet houses.
Club hats and shirts pending.
Directors and officers liability insurance pending.
The 5-stand stations have been moved 40 yards, and 5-stand target throwers have
been repositioned. The new layout has been tested with 7.5 pellets shot with a
tailwind. No shot left club property.
The club will endeavor to sponsor a BSA merit badge for shotgun proficiency in
the spring.
A Youth Clays Initiative “YCI” will take place on October 20