BOD Meeting Minutes – September 2024

RCS BOD, September 3, 2024                                                                                                     

  • PRESENT:  Sam Valenza, Al Perry, Steve Wiltgen, Caleb Davis, Dave Zierke, Bill Shold

1.     Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza

2.     Minutes of July – Approved, 5-0

3.    Treasurers Report:  Approved, 5-0

New Business:

  1. Club hats – passed 5-0
  2. Water supply – well to be drilled — TBD
  3. Club ammo for events – Purchased
  4. Landfill will move berm for 5 stand
  5. 5 stand lift to be sold, 5-0
  6. Club safe for files – completed
  7. New member shooting incident, disciplinary suspension until hunter safety course has been completed.  5-0
    1. The above motion was amended on September 4, 2024 to the following: A motion was made that the boy can continue to shoot under Brad’s supervision and is required to take a clay shooting online course that was recommended by high school trap coach Jay Schaack and utilized by trap team. This amendment was approved by 6-0.

Projects for 2024

  • Card reader systems – Completed
  • Repair skeet houses – Jay Schaack

2024 Events

  • Fun day – 9/14
  • Landfill lunch – 9/20     
  • Venue Tutorials, Trap, Skeet 7/13, 5stand 8/17 completed
  • Annual meeting – Completed

Meeting adjourned at 6:30

Next Board meeting October 1, 2024                                                                     

Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis, Secretary