BOD Meeting Minutes – August 2024


                             BOD Rockford Skeet Club August 2024

Dave Z. provided a financial report that we have about a combined $71,600 in savings and checking.

In the near future, Sam V. and Mike B. will inventory the total targets thrown and by venue. This may take place on a regular basis, i.e., monthly or quarterly.

Bob Liphart will be asked to install conduit for the wiring of the new Long Range trap field components.

Repair to the skeet houses has not started; work may have to be delayed to next season or a contractor may have to be retained.

The club will have hats and patches with the club logo made, but no shirts.

The 5-stand area will be improved by removal of a knoll, creation of a gravel parking lot and moving the shooting stations to west.

The board authorized the purchase of 2 sets of Long Range voice callers for the trap fields.  Only one set will be purchased, the second upon favorable evaluation of the first unit’s performance.

Respectfully submitted.

Steven Wiltgen

Recording Secretary Pro Tem