RCS BOD , April 5 2022 PRESENT: Sam Valenza, , Bill Shold , Al Perry,. Mike Buckman, Randy Scott, Caleb Davis, Todd Hendreys .
1. Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
2. Minutes of March / 2022 – Approved , 6-0
3. Treasurers Report: Approved , 6-0
A. New Business:
1. Virus guidelines – Keep as is.
2. lawn crew for 2022, completed
4. Handgun range heaters , in process
5. NIRPC/RPC open house on fun day 6/4/22
6.NIRPC/RPC combined membership. – initiation fees waived
7. Round price increase to 5.00 on 5/1/22
a. Handgun league – In spring
b. Trap tutorial spring – TBD
c. Bird dog demo – on fun day 6/4/22
d. 5 stand overshoot agreement , 5 stand has been moved
e. Strategic vision and mission statement. Completed
f. No signs can be displayed publicly. Unless board approved
g. 2022 elections, Completed
h. Membership committee , Mike Buckman
i. club internet, getting quotes
j. Laptop for club, Approved 6-0
8. Projects for 2022
a. Rebuild trap houses, spring
b. Clay removal, spring
c. Heaters for pistol range
2022 Events
1.Annual meeting – Completed
2. clean up day – 5/14/22
Fun day – 6/4/22 – 9/24/22
Landfill lunch – 9/16/22
School trap team is going good
Club sponsored t-shirts , waiting for completion
Vintage style shoot on 6/4/22
Food truck for 6/4/22 fun day
Meeting adjourned at 6:30
Next Board meeting May 3, 2022 Respectfully submitted – Caleb Davis , Secretary