BOD Meeting Minutes – June 2019

BOD Meeting of June 3, 2019
PRESENT: Sam Valenza, Larry Ohda, Al Perry, Terry VanDenboom, Randy Scott, Todd Hendrey, Harley Shepherd
Meeting called to order at 5:30 by President Sam Valenza
Minutes of April 1, 2019 – Accepted as presented 6-0
There was no May BoD meeting
Treasurers Report:
Accepted as read, attached by reference.
2019 Projects:
Additional concrete work to complete sidewalks on field 1 station 8 to 4 and from stair case sidewalks to semi-circle on all skeet fields.
With current expenditures identified below it was decided to move this concrete work to later in the year. Currently on hold
Blacktop area from barn entrance to parking lot.
Quotes received and evaluated from William Charles and King Blacktop.
William Charles was out a second time to verify the ground could support blacktop without additional gravel support. Blacktop cost is $9,200 and will not require additional support. The work is being scheduled for May once the asphalt plant can open for season. Complete.
New skeet machines will be installed in May, fields 1 & 2, schedule to be firmed up as supplier will combine our installation with Promatic Northbrook club visit. Complete.
Todd Hendrey and Five Stand team procured and set up new receivers and remotes for the five stand area machines.
Carpet Cleaning complete in club house May 29.

  1. Events Annual meeting 3/30 – complete Spring Clean-up 5/4 –(Moved to May 11) complete Silver Dollar Shoot – June dates 22nd and 23rd Landfill Lunch – 9/20 Bragging Rights shoot – 10/12 Instead of organized shoots throughout the year several lunches will be provided In support of various shooting venues. 5 Stand – May 18 – Complete Trap General shooting – July 13 – On Schedule
    1. New Business:
      A motion was made to procure a new back pack style leaf blower for the club. Passed 6-0.
      A supplemental vote was taken by email to confirm the Board’s approval for procuring the third set of new Promatic skeet machines, remotes and maintenance hardware. The cost would be approximately $10-11K. Motion passed 6-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05
Next Board meeting is Monday, July 1@ 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted – Al Perry, Secretary