2017 Annual Meeting Minutes

RSC 2016 Annual Meeting Agenda

Meeting called to order by Sam Valenza 9:00 am

Reading and approval of the 2016 annual meeting minutes
Read and approved

Treasurer’s report
2016 yearend financial reports – presented
2017 budget – presented

2017 Projects
Hand gun range Pulley system –completed
Discussion ensued over limiting caliber to 45 cal. as already posted in rules.
Construction of 5 stand deck –
Need to resolve overshoot prior to construction – NIRPC/RSC collaboration
Replace or repair of concrete on Skeet fields. A discussion of repair or replace ensued and the RSC board will continue to look for best approach.
We will be adding Wi Fi to club house in order to facilitate internet service for members and possibly adding kiosk for credit card payment of rounds.
The board is reviewing possibility of adding card readers to all venues enabling better recording and tracking of target metrics.

During open discussion the membership indicated that the board should also look at the EZ Pull system in addition to Long Range as the system supplier. RSC board will pursue quotes from both suppliers.

If needed, we will look at purchasing a new trap machine for trap field one.

2017 Events
Annual meeting – 3/25
Spring cleanup – 5/6
Vintage/ other shoot – 6/24
Old Geezer shoot – 7/22
Registered Skeet Shoot – 8/12 & 8/13
Landfill lunch – 9/15
Bragging Rights Shoot – 9/23
Turkey shoot 11/4

New Business
S&T Land Status – Ed Clifford provided an update to the members
While the direction on how to complete sale is still being worked out, Ed stated the S & T Landcorp is leaning toward selling shares of S & T to NIRPC in order to protect the right of first refusal to S & T on adjoining Windquist property.
A discussion ensued that was inconclusive as to whether the S & T had the authority to complete the sale in this manner. However it was recommended that S & T review their by-laws for compliance.

Club Shooting metrics –
Shooting metrics were prepared from log books and charts on shooting frequency were presented and on display at club.
This was the second year the metrics were developed and presented to the membership. The metrics will be posted in club house.

Sam Valenza reiterated that as a club we all have the requirement for taking care of the grounds, buildings etc. and that we all need to act as safety officers and help each other to shoot in safe manner.

The election results were presented by Gary O’Neil and are as follows.
VP – Larry Ohda
Treasurer – Randy Scott
BOD Member at large
Terry VanDenBoom
Clay Behuler
Harley Shepard
Open discussion

A recommendation was made to purchase a trap machine for five stand/sporting clays field. Todd Hendry has action to present to RSC board a plan for this recommendation.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10 March 25, 2017

Minutes prepared and submitted by Al Perry RSC Secretary